[kubuntu-devel] Printing with KDE and CUPS 1.2 solved in KDE 3.5.3

Jonathan Riddell jriddell at ubuntu.com
Sat Apr 29 21:43:58 BST 2006

On Sat, Apr 29, 2006 at 08:27:45PM +0200, Miquel Torres wrote:
> That's great news. If Kubuntu Dapper includes KDE 3.5.3 the printing
> problems will be gone!
> Link to the changelog:
> http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog3_5_2to3_5_3.php
> Just scroll a little bit down to kdelibs->KDEPrint

These are patches which fix compliling against CUPS 1.2, we already
include them.  We also include various other patches which should fix
the remaining problems for users but I wouldn't be surprised if
something still cropped up.


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