Removable media behaviour

jos poortvliet jos at
Sun Apr 23 12:07:32 BST 2006

Op zondag 23 april 2006 10:02, schreef Joao Pedro Clemente:
> Yes, I supose that if ones copies a very large file for a slow pen we'll
> get a visible slowdown... but what about "flush decices on user logout"?
> It would be a one-time "slowdown", and none-existant if the kernel had
> already synced stuff in the past (if one had written thing a long tome
> ago). The "option b)" that I proposed is a "flush on logout" plus some
> other extra steps.
> About that flush delay: Do you know a way to configure it by mountpoint,
> not applying it to all the system? It's a mount option? I've never seen
> it.. If there is one, I believe it is independent of the filesystem.
> Thanks for your comment
> (Somehow I feel that this 'issue' doesn't affect much people on this
> mailing list :-p )

well, i unmount the sticks. but if you don't unmount them, a flush time of 1 
or 2 secs is absolutely needed, and many unexperienced users will need that. 
so if it IS possible, it'd be great if that would be the default for 
removable devices.

> --
> 		        	Joao Pedro Clemente
>         			jpcl @

> --
> In a world without walls and fences, who needs Windows and Gates?

If you sow your wild oats, hope for a crop failure.
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