Call for Help

jos poortvliet jos at
Wed Apr 19 15:18:04 BST 2006

Op woensdag 19 april 2006 15:50, schreef Jonathan Jesse:
> Good morning everyone,
> Some of you have noticed that I am working on KubuntuDapperBeta
> ( to go along with DapperBeta
> ( and I need some help getting great
> screenshots uploaded there.  Could I get some help from the Developers to
> make this page rock?

1. YOU are the one that ROCKS. great work!
2. default look'n'feel needed i guess? but we MIGHT change the style to 
polyester (at least i hope so).
3. will Koffice 1.5 be there? if so, i'll make a screenshot...
4. will amaroK 1.4 make it? if so, i'll make a screenshot...
5. i can't make screenshots of the bootprocess
6. anything else that needs screenshots? Guidance/system settings, konqueror?
7. i'll start RIGHT NOW.

> Jonathan


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