Kubuntu dapper-flight-6+ feedback

Laszlo Pandy laszlok2 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 17 15:37:22 BST 2006

On Monday 17 April 2006 10:18 am, Christoph Wiesen wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 16. April 2006 23:08 schrieb Christoph Wiesen:
> > There are more issues with system:/
> Ok, it's official from this day on I hate system:/home. It's the worst
> thing KDE came up with in the last few releases.
> In an atempt to keep my temper down let me just say that anything that's
> opened from system:/home won't play in amarok at the moment.\

The reason it doesnt play in amarok is that because KIO does not allow seeking 
in files (you have to read them linearly), so amaroK does not use KIO. For 
system:/media it works because they use dcop to ask kded where the mount 
point of the device is. It would be possible to do the same for system:/, but 
like you say its a useless abstraction.

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