Kubuntu dapper-flight-6+ feedback

jos poortvliet jos at mijnkamer.nl
Sat Apr 15 18:16:11 BST 2006

Op zaterdag 15 april 2006 18:23, schreef Hervé Fache:
> --------------------------------------
> Adept should remember what is installed and what is dependency
> --------------------------------------
> I just read that aptitude has the ability to remember what was
> wantingly installed and what was just installed to resolve a
> dependency. I would very much like adept to do the same, so
> dependencies could be removed automatically after all dependents have
> been removed.

aaah, yes, that's what i'm looking for (coming from Gentoo, which does that). 
maybe have a look at the bugdatabase for adept on bugs.kde.org, and if there 
is no wish yet, create it ;-)

It is a wise father that knows his own child.
		-- William Shakespeare, "The Merchant of Venice"
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