[kubuntu-devel] Re: Fwd: Re: [kubuntu-users] UPDATE: Announcement from

jos poortvliet jos at mijnkamer.nl
Tue Apr 11 18:49:30 BST 2006

Op dinsdag 11 april 2006 18:55, schreef Jonathan Jesse:
> On Tuesday 11 April 2006 12:49, Andreas Mueller wrote:
> > so what's the case? We could have sponsors which are ready to pump some
> > really good money into the project, money and manpower, but then kubuntu
> > has to be free from all ties with canonical.
> >
> > What's about the idea to start an Kubuntu free fork ?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > amu
> WHy the sudden desire to be free of Canonical?  Is there a reason that
> sponsership cannot be had if Canonical is still supporting it?

i understand him - sponsors aren't as willing to sponsor as they would be if 
there was no Canonical. same situation as with fedora, i guess - Red Hat is 
supposed to sponsor that... but now as it seems like Canonical doesn't 
support Kubuntu as much as it could/should, Andreas is looking for another 
solution. Well, i think it would be hard to get some other company supporting 
both him and Riddell, and even more, so i think he should indeed turn to 
Canonical. it should be more clear how the situation is: is Kubuntu a 
community project, in which Canonical has no (final) say, or is Kubuntu a 
official Canonical-sponsored project?

if the first is true, there might be more external support from sponsors, but 
Canonical has no real reason to support Kubuntu more than it does now - maybe 
even less.

and if Kubuntu would be an officialy sponsored project, Canonical should do 
more to support it. first of all, talk to Andreas and the other kubuntu.de 

> Great fork Kubuntu and kill it off just as it is gaining momenteum

na, i agree that wouldn't be a solution.
Future looks spotty.  You will spill soup in late evening.
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