Kubuntu 20050919 daily-live tested

Miquel Torres miquel.t at gmx.net
Mon Sep 19 09:01:51 CDT 2005

Hi, all of you.

I tested today the 20050919 daily-live CD.

Things that caught my eye:

- mini-bug: The KDM Theme is already in place, but on the login prompt, it
still says ubuntu.
- The new Kubuntu wave KDE Splash screen, looks, I'm sorry to say,
amateurish. I like overall the artwork for Hoary better. I would rather keep
it as default. Why change it?. If it ain't broken...
- As a scientist I find Speed Crunch great. But as a KCalc replacement for
normal folk,  I don't know if it makes sense. It doesn't look very
spectacular either.
- Same for Krita. As I installed Hoary on my father's computer, the first
thing he liked, was having Kolourpaint as default graphics manipulation app,
because he really doesn't need something as complicated as the GIMP (or in
this case Krita) just to change image sizes and the like.
- Still no Kmenu icon for KThesaurus
- Things you surely know, USplash is still Ubuntu, and the packet manager is
still kynaptic, not Adept. I think adept is dangerously slipping behing
breezy feature freeze. The beta 2 interface is also a bit more complicated
than Kynaptic (but more powerful).

Otherwise everything worked fine. (And I noticed it has now amarok 1.3.1!

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