PyKDE, PyQt and SIP up-to-date (and in Hoary)

Stephan Hermann sh at
Thu Oct 13 14:29:18 CDT 2005


Happy Badger Day to you all first :)

Am Donnerstag, den 13.10.2005, 15:19 +0200 schrieb Paul Boddie:
> On Wednesday 12 October 2005 19:22, Stephan Hermann wrote:
> >
> > Yeah, the packages are building fine on hoary with changed hoary
> > build-deps.
> > I'd send all patches I was applying to the actual PyKDE packages to
> > debian and gentoo...I don't actually know if the maintainers in those
> > two distros applied them.
> Seeing that Ubuntu Breezy is now available, will we be seeing updates to the 
> PyKDE and related packages in that distribution for later snapshots/releases 
> of those packages? (Which, as I note, seems to be possible with the existing 
> package diffs.)

If this is possible through -updates, and doesn't break any
functionality in the main apps...we'll see...I'll deal again with new
versions latest next week when Dapper I'll discuss all that
with Riddell and others while we're having a beer at UBZ :)

Stay tuned,

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