Sean Wheller
sean at inwords.co.za
Sun Oct 9 10:26:26 CDT 2005
Got to me and I am FWD'ing it
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: Saturday 08 October 2005 01:05
From: Alan <alanm at alanm.myrf.net>
To: sean at inwords.co.za
Since this is the only e-mail I can find I would like to praise the team
on kubuntu..it is very fast even on an old 450 but it is just a pain using
the shell to get root user to change things
in this distro please let people log in as root and this could go along
ways for alot of beginners
and even Linux experts who don't have time to change all this security--
just moving files around
can be a pain..Thanks Alan .. Idaho..Usa
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Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at inwords.co.za
Registered Linux User #375355
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