john e john.godzero at
Fri Nov 18 18:59:06 CST 2005

I have a related question. I have a (for this purpose, kinda) spare
10ish Gig partition.
I also have qemu & the non-free kernel module installed. Seeing as
this machine (my primary desktop) has a celeron... emulation sucks
(slow) but safe and I can do *My thing*, and nice qemu.

One of my questions is: is any debug info created under qemu of any use?

One other is that hdb(1) is mounted as /home... should I avoid sharing
/home between breezy and dapper if I were to install dapper on

I guess that what I'm really asking is how do *I*... a typical early
adopter with a urge to help... best help you, while not killing my
primary (and only convenient) computer?

johndotgodzeroatgmaildotcom, a happy kubuntu 5.10 user.

On 11/18/05, Jonathan Riddell <jriddell at> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 18, 2005 at 06:51:40PM -0500, Jonathan Jesse wrote:
> > After burning the CD and starting it up received this notification:
> >
> > Load debconf preseed file  Failed to retreive the preconfigureation file:
> > The file needed for preconfiguration could not be retrieved from
> > /cdrom/preseed/kubuntu.seed.  The installation will proceed in
> no-automated
> > mode.
> Which version are you testing?
> 20051118.3 is the correct one.
> Anyone else out there, please test our first testing CD called
> flight-1
> > PS Is there a way that I can partition things (I have two hard drives of
> > roughly 4 Gig each) so one could be used for testing and one could keep a
> > stable system on it?
> Sounds like a good plan.
> I keep /home on a separate partition.
> Jonathan
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