Jonathan Riddell jriddell at
Thu Nov 17 09:25:38 CST 2005

On Thu, Nov 10, 2005 at 02:07:06PM +0530, Rajeev J Sebastian wrote:
> I would like to know, is System settings a Kubuntu feature ?

Yes, it comes with Breezy.  It was developed by a KDE coder and is
available in KDE's Subversion.

> Also, what is the stand of the Kubuntu maintainers (Riddel, et al) on adding 
> Kubuntu-specific software ? In other words, is Kubuntu meant to be a pure 
> aggregrator ? Or do you intend on having some Kubuntu specific software 
> integrating the various applications out there into a cohesive system ?

I'm happy to add any software that makes Kubuntu work better.
Generally it's best to work with upstream (KDE) rather than on our own however.

> Is there any effort to produce some of the KDE improvement ideas as seen on 
> such as (a much improved version of) Metabar, KBFX, etc ?

I think I'd like metabar to be in main.  KBFX is a good idea but done
badly, it flickers horribly and doesn't have i18n.

Jonathan Riddell

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