KDE 3.4.1 packages

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Tue May 31 10:08:46 CDT 2005

KDE 3.4.1 packages are available for hoary from this deb source (edit /etc/apt/sources.list)

 deb http://download.kde.org/stable/3.4.1/kubuntu hoary-updates main

At time of writing most of the mirrors have not updated so you can use
the master server at 

 deb ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/3.4.1/kubuntu hoary-updates main

but it may well be slow/overloaded.

You can also get packages of KOffice 1.4 beta from

 deb http://download.kde.org/unstable/koffice-1.4-beta1/kubuntu ./

Jonathan Riddell

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