media:/ shows unnecessary media

Volker Löchte volker.loechte at
Fri May 27 07:10:55 CDT 2005

On Thursday 26 May 2005 5:19 am, Kari Pihkala wrote:
> 1. It doesn't look like it is possible to remove partitions from the
> media list (e.g. swap partitions).
> So, my machine would look like (unknown is some logical partition
> created by windows):
> Floppy Drive
> Linux A2 (32M Media)
> Linux A5 (8.4G Media)
> Swap (542M Media)
> Unknown (1.0K Media)
> Windows 1 (4.2G Media)
> Windows 7 (17G Media)
> Windows 8 (9.7G Media)

Just an idea, at the moment i'm not able to test it because i'm on windows ;( at my parents PC.

If the script would rename it to .Swap (542M Media) and .Unknown (1.0K Media), wouldn't the .xxx entries be hidden inside the konqueror file browser?
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