media:/ shows unnecessary media

Rajeev J Sebastian rajeev_jsv at
Thu May 26 12:24:41 CDT 2005

On Thursday 26 May 2005 10:47 am, Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
> On Thu, 26 May 2005 15:45:27 +0000, Rajeev J Sebastian wrote:
> >> One thing that would be useful to see in the live Kubuntu is the
> >> possibility to at least mount the local hard disks, if not
> >> automagically with as less user intervention as necessary.
> >
> > yes, this is on several people's wish-list. But I believe this has to be
> > done by a script at bootup - ie, add entries to fstab.
> Or something based on DBUS, HAL, pmount & co? Aren't there
media io-slave is already based on DBUS/HAL i believe. (See the DCOP interface 
of the media manager)

> automounters around available already? I understand that they're used
> mostly for USB sticks, CD-ROMs and such, but couldn't they be used to
> hard disks as well?
I did install pmount, but I still did have to edit the fstab to add my CDROM 
in order for it to be automounted. I think this is the same for all the 
automounting libraries/programs, ie, the fstab has to be maintained.

Rajeev J Sebastian

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