[kubuntu-devel] Rosetta translations

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Sat May 7 12:12:18 CDT 2005

On Fri, May 06, 2005 at 10:44:27AM +0300, Donatas wrote:
> Will the translations I do for
> The Hoary Hedgehog Release
> at
> https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/rosetta
> make it into some ubuntu hoary update, or are they just for the next 
> release?

No, the KDE packages don't use Rosetta currently but will for the next release.

> Moreover, could someone explain the dynamics of ubuntu  translations for 
> rosetta? Is it in some way run by ubuntu team in a centralized way, or 
> not? I mean, do the pot files get uploaded there by the team and the 
> translations made there automatically included into a release?

The language files get ripped out as the package is uploaded and put
into Rosetta where translators translate them.  From Rosetta they get put into
a language pack .deb ready for installation.

Jonathan Riddell

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