hoary packages feedback

Liz Young liz at kandew.com
Tue Mar 8 10:26:40 CST 2005

On Tue March 8 2005 03:10 am, Pau Capdevila wrote:
> There are some problems upgrading. Complete (localized, sorry listing
> of errors at the end of the message). The summary below:
> cannot create dhelp file '/usr/share/doc/quanta/html/.dhelp': -> file
> or directory don't exist
> cannot create dhelp file '/usr/share/doc/kxsldbg/html/.dhelp': ->
> file or directory don't exist

I got the same errors in the postinstall scripts.  For workaround, I 
made those directories:
sudo mkdir /usr/share/doc/quanta/html 
sudo mkdir /usr/share/doc/kxsldbg/html
and ran apt-get -f install to finish the upgrade.

> Is this the correct place to report it?

I think now that kde is in main, maybe we should use bugzilla too?  Can 
someone who knows, answer?  Thanks,


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