[kubuntu-devel] feedback

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Sun Mar 6 15:38:17 CST 2005

On Sun, Mar 06, 2005 at 10:29:45PM +0100, Pau Capdevila wrote:

> I didn't find a control center shortcut in the menu. Many icons did
> not appear and there were too many items per entrance (I know that the
> last one is not only kubuntu related).

This is caused by the XDG menu problem which has been fixed in the KDE
3.4 packages.

> I was glad to see ubuntu take special care of localization. But
> kde-i18n corresponding package was not installed.

Thanks for the reminder, that's something to look up on.

> I also missed akgregator.

That'll be in 3.4 KDE PIM.

> Other things were the sudo thing. Will apt-upgrade be sufficient to
> get new improvements?

This is also fixed in the 3.4 packages :)

So you see a lot depends on getting 3.4 packages uploaded into
ubuntu.  In the mean time you can test them from 
 deb http://jasmine.19inch.net/~jr/away/kubuntu/ ./

Thanks for the feedback

Jonathan Riddell

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