
Liz Young liz at
Sat Feb 12 10:51:07 CST 2005

Hi amu,

On Sat February 12 2005 06:43 am, Andreas Mueller wrote:
> hey guys,
> There's a diskuseage problem of 20MB
> If i remove gimp and kdeedu, everthing is fine.

Looking at the current kubuntu-desktop package, I'd rather to leave gimp 
and move most of the ttf-* packages.  I thought I read they were moving 
from desktop to language pack deps or something for hoary, but maybe it 
was just a suggestion?  Anyway, I remove the extra fonts just to 
unclutter the OO.o font menu, and save a little space.

Kdeedu rocks, but I usually also remove that package and kdegames to 
unclutter the menu (again).  Not that I mind personally, but it seems 
easier for the few users I get to support.

Whatever gets decided, THANKS!  Virtual beer and cheers to you,


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