[kubuntu-devel] Kubuntu installer

Jonathan Riddell jriddell at ubuntu.com
Sun Dec 18 14:02:12 GMT 2005

On Tue, Dec 13, 2005 at 04:17:01PM +0700, Hok Kakada wrote:
> As I am new to Kubuntu, so I am not very clear about the difference 
> between Kubuntu and Ubuntu and Debian installer.

The Kubuntu/Ubuntu installer is a modified version of of the Debian installer.

> I would like to have a Kubuntu installer in my language. So Can you 
> sugguest me where can I downlaod Kubuntu installer po file.

Great, please look at Rosetta on launchpad.net, it contains all the
translations for Ubuntu including the installer.  It will be updated
for dapper in a couple months time at which point it will contain all
the translations for Kubuntu too.


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