Question on multiple instances of kubuntu

Luke Monahan lukemonahan at
Fri Dec 16 22:08:07 GMT 2005

I think if you need to get screenshots of boot up info, then your best bet is 
running dapper inside a virtual machine.  Either that, or a good setup with a 
digital camera pointing at your screen.

I only know of VmWare, which has a time limited trial (30 days iirc) before 
you have to buy it.

Does anyone know of a better (free-er) option?


On Friday 16 December 2005 13:38 pm, Jonathan Jesse wrote:
> As I look at the getting ready for the push to start working on Kubuntu
> docs, I was wondering if on my work laptop if there was a way to run both
> Dapper and Breezy?  THe goal would be to keep Dapper up to date and be on
> the bleeding edge w/o screwing up my day to day build.
> Also it would help to get the screenshots of the different splash screens
> and boot up information.

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