Important for hoary: Can you confirm Bug #8681?

Liz Young liz at
Tue Apr 5 21:29:53 CDT 2005

On Tue April 5 2005 06:08 pm, Frederik Dannemare wrote:
> Hi,
> could people on this list please let us in on whether you are being
> bitten by this one:
> <>

I can confirm the dialog has the "Run as root - KDE su" title, but the 
problem with authentication seems to be fixed.  It no longer returns to 
the main control center window, but shows the correct control panel.  I 
tried Admin mode with Peripherals>Printers, System Administration>Font 
Installer, and Login Manager.  They all worked when I entered the user 

I tested on a Warty->Hoary dist-upgraded workstation that did previously 
have the problem described in that bug report.  It also has the root 
account enabled.

There was a previous thread here about this that I posted to on March 
28th.  I tested a Daily iso from March 22, and it was working properly 
-- a default install with root account disabled.


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