[Bug 578215] Re: virtuoso-t eats my cpu, should be nice
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On 2010-08-04T09:17:52+00:00 Martin L. wrote:
Version: 4.1 (using KDE 4.4.5)
OS: Linux
Normal working with my notebook. Writing mails with KMail. Then suddenly
the application is blocked totally. Nothing happenes. I can see that
virtuoso uses more than 50% CPU. Together with KMail using more than 20%
and I do not knowhow much memory Kmail is blocked and my system is
blocked - annoying!
I did not switch of strigi but switched of indexing of multimedia files.
No idea if this will help. Anyway, to work productively with my notebook
shall I switch of this whole strigi/nepomuk stuff?
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
no way to reproduce it.
Actual Results:
The problem occurs during normal work.
OS: Linux (x86_64) release 2.6.32-5-amd64
Compiler: cc
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2010-08-30T18:34:05+00:00 Loacoon wrote:
Same here, virtuoso-t often uses 50 to 70% of each cores of my CPU for
around 2 or 3 minutes.
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On 2010-08-31T16:05:43+00:00 Trueg wrote:
It would be really interesting to track down in which situations Virtuoso takes this much CPU.
Does this only happen when using KMail or also if KMail is not running?
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On 2010-08-31T16:11:15+00:00 Loacoon wrote:
I don't use Kmail at all so this can't be it. It seems to happen when
"playing" with files. Moving, erasing or copying a certain amount of
files seems to trigger this.
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On 2010-08-31T16:24:01+00:00 Trueg wrote:
Is this still on 4.4.x or 4.5.0?
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On 2010-08-31T17:46:15+00:00 Loacoon wrote:
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On 2010-09-02T16:27:45+00:00 Trueg wrote:
can you try a patch for kdebase?
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On 2010-09-02T16:37:13+00:00 Loacoon wrote:
I'm using a Gentoo overlay ebuild, so I can try to patch it, but I'm not sure I'll manage to do it (it doesn't look complicated though).
By the way, I just switched to 4.5.1, in case it changes something to your patch.
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On 2010-09-07T01:16:25+00:00 Nicolas Réau wrote:
KDE 4.5.1 here and noticing the same behavior. It was not indexing at
the moment. The only particular thing I can think of when it happened is
that it started just after I made a svn checkout of kdelibs (thus lots
of files written suddenly).
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On 2010-10-03T21:13:54+00:00 Christopher-tanner wrote:
Running a version called 4.5.68 on Mandriva Cooker, and am noticing the
same behaviour. CPU usage is not dependent on whether or not kmail is
running. Anything that I can look for to help debug this?
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On 2010-10-12T13:44:38+00:00 Rudd-O wrote:
The absolute exact same thing happens to me. It makes KDE completely
unusable. When you strace it, all you can see is a metric ton of futex
calls and very little work actually being done. I really wish I could
use KDE but the fact of the matter is, I can't let this destroy my
laptop battery life.
Please already confirm this and put some real effort in fixing this
problem, OK?
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2010-10-12T15:30:49+00:00 Loacoon wrote:
You still can use KDE, you just have to disable Strigi and Nepomuk. No
more CPU problems, and ~150Mo or RAM saved (which is also way too much).
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On 2010-10-12T15:33:56+00:00 Rudd-O wrote:
I fail to see the point of using KDE without these KDE technologies. I
admit, there is not that much those technologies are useful for, right
now, but saying "Turn off nepomuk and strigi" is sort of like saying
"Well, you do without desktop search and semantic information, which is
an advertised feature of KDE". You can drive your car... but forget
about turning the radio and A/C on.
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On 2010-10-12T17:07:08+00:00 Loacoon wrote:
KDE is not only this, and as you said, it's still not quite useful. But
you're right, Linux gives this choice, and there are many desktop
environments much more stable than KDE.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2010-11-02T12:54:08+00:00 AlexHarrowell wrote:
I've got this problem as well, w/KDE4.4.4 and OpenSUSE11.3/2GB RAM/Intel
Typically, it's associated with KMail, which will happily spend 15
minutes hammering the disk I/O and basically hanging every time it
starts up. During that period you either have KMail pulling 25-30% CPU
and a *lot* of disk activity, or else Virtuoso running up to 90~% CPU.
Interestingly, it is NOT REPEAT NOT hitting the swap - during these
events there is typically well over 1GB of RAM available.
This has recently started to be a problem - I don't know whether this is
as a result of an update or whether there's some critical folder or
mailbox size.
I take the point that you could turn off desktop search, but I don't
*have* desktop search and haven't since KDE3.5.7 and good old kerry
beagle. I'd like to have a desktop search application rather than KFind.
Strigi is disabled through System Settings.
I am at a loss to see the purpose of the whole complex of
Akonadi/Strigi/Nepomuk/Virtuoso. It just appears to be a selection of
processes that burn enormous quantities of system resources and do
nothing whatsoever of any use, except mangling my data now and again.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2010-12-14T20:06:55+00:00 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer wrote:
This just happened for me with 4.6.0-beta2:
- Installed 4.6.0-beta2 with a clean ~/.kde
- Opened kmail and imported mails from our IMAP server and contacts and calendars from SOGo
- Quit kmail and did completely unrelated things
Suddenly the system turned sluggish and virtuoso-t consumed 450% CPU (this is a 4-core system with hyperthreading, so the 450% number is ok).
After waiting for about half an hour (assuming it might be related to having imported thousands of messages from an imap server - akonadi is still running even after exiting kmail), virtuoso-t went down to 247%, where it has remained stable for the last couple of hours.
The systemsettings Nepomuk configuration tool says "File indexer is
idle", so it's not indexing new files.
As with the other people reporting this, strace shows virtuoso-t doing
virtually nothing but futex calls.
There are 164GB spread across 10380 files in my home directory (but
again the indexer claims to be idle).
Running processes that may be in some way related:
akonadi_davgroupware_resource (running twice with different identifiers)
nepomukservicestub nepomukremovablestorageservice
nepomukservicestub nepomukstorage
nepomukservicestub nepomukstrigiservice
nepomukservicestub nepomukbackupsync
nepomukservicestub nepomukqueryservice
nepomukservicestub nepomukfilewatch
nepomukservicestub nepomukremovablestorageservice
There's no extraordinary spewage in .xsession-errors or the likes.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2010-12-14T20:16:42+00:00 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer wrote:
I killed the related processes manually one by one.
virtuoso-t insanity stopped when I killed
nepomukservicestub nepomukstorage
Incidentally, this is the last process I killed, so the others are quite
probably not to blame.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2010-12-15T16:17:28+00:00 AlexHarrowell wrote:
On Tuesday 14 December 2010 19:06:59 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer wrote:
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=246678
The problem has been resolved for me; I wonder if a recent update changed
> Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <bero at arklinux.org> changed:
> What |Removed |Added
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> - CC| |bero at arklinux.org
> --- Comment #15 from Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <bero arklinux org> 2010-12-14
> 20:06:55 --- This just happened for me with 4.6.0-beta2:
> - Installed 4.6.0-beta2 with a clean ~/.kde
> - Opened kmail and imported mails from our IMAP server and contacts and
> calendars from SOGo
> - Quit kmail and did completely unrelated things
> Suddenly the system turned sluggish and virtuoso-t consumed 450% CPU (this
> is a 4-core system with hyperthreading, so the 450% number is ok).
> After waiting for about half an hour (assuming it might be related to
> having imported thousands of messages from an imap server - akonadi is
> still running even after exiting kmail), virtuoso-t went down to 247%,
> where it has remained stable for the last couple of hours.
> The systemsettings Nepomuk configuration tool says "File indexer is idle",
> so it's not indexing new files.
> As with the other people reporting this, strace shows virtuoso-t doing
> virtually nothing but futex calls.
> There are 164GB spread across 10380 files in my home directory (but again
> the indexer claims to be idle).
> Running processes that may be in some way related:
> akonadi_control
> akonadiserver
> akonadi_agent_server
> akonadi_nepomuk_calendar_feeder
> akonadi_nepomuk_email_feeder
> akonadi_nepomuk_contact_feeder
> akonadi_maildispatcher_agent
> akonadi_imap_resource
> akonadi_davgroupware_resource
> akonadi_davgroupware_resource (running twice with different identifiers)
> nepomukserver
> nepomukservicestub nepomukremovablestorageservice
> nepomukservicestub nepomukstorage
> nepomukservicestub nepomukstrigiservice
> nepomukservicestub nepomukbackupsync
> nepomukservicestub nepomukqueryservice
> nepomukservicestub nepomukfilewatch
> nepomukservicestub nepomukremovablestorageservice
> There's no extraordinary spewage in .xsession-errors or the likes.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2010-12-26T14:03:39+00:00 Aitor Pazos wrote:
The same to me here.
On system preferences it says Strigi is waiting, but virtuoso-t process is taking 159% CPU (2 Cores)
Running KDE 4.6 RC1 on x86_64
Nopomuk Details:
34369 files in index
5.3 GB store size
Akonadi precesses:
3370 ? 00:00:01 akonadi_control
3372 ? 00:00:53 akonadiserver
3409 ? 00:00:00 akonadi_agent_l
3410 ? 00:00:00 akonadi_agent_l
3411 ? 00:00:00 akonadi_birthda
3412 ? 00:00:04 akonadi_davgrou
3413 ? 00:00:00 akonadi_agent_l
3414 ? 00:00:01 akonadi_imap_re
3415 ? 00:00:24 akonadi_imap_re
3416 ? 00:01:27 akonadi_imap_re
3417 ? 00:00:05 akonadi_imap_re
3418 ? 00:00:04 akonadi_maildis
3419 ? 00:00:00 akonadi_microbl
3420 ? 00:00:00 akonadi_microbl
3421 ? 00:00:00 akonadi_mixedma
3422 ? 00:00:00 akonadi_nepomuk
3423 ? 00:00:00 akonadi_nepomuk
3424 ? 00:00:06 akonadi_nepomuk
3425 ? 00:00:00 akonadi_nepomuk
3426 ? 00:00:03 akonadi_agent_l
3544 ? 00:00:00 akonadi_agent_s
Nepomuk services:
3422 ? 00:00:00 akonadi_nepomuk
3423 ? 00:00:00 akonadi_nepomuk
3424 ? 00:00:06 akonadi_nepomuk
3425 ? 00:00:00 akonadi_nepomuk
3466 ? 00:00:00 nepomukserver
3496 ? 00:00:44 nepomukservices
3671 ? 00:00:00 nepomukservices
3672 ? 00:00:08 nepomukservices
3673 ? 00:00:00 nepomukservices
3675 ? 00:00:00 nepomukservices
3676 ? 00:00:33 nepomukservices
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-05T10:12:36+00:00 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer wrote:
Happened again here today.
When I got into the office, my work box (which I already updated to 4.6.0-rc2 yesterday) was using up almost all available CPU power in virtuoso-t, and once again, killing the nepomukstorage process fixed it.
So the problem is not fixed, though maybe it's less common than before.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-05T12:35:22+00:00 Lbeltrame wrote:
If you're using PIM 4.6 (the betas), the problem can be workarounded by
disabling the Nepomuk Search runner in krunner.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-05T12:45:04+00:00 Martin L. wrote:
Thank you a lot! Can you explain this briefly?
Am Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2011, um 12:35:33 schrieb Luca Beltrame:
> If you're using PIM 4.6 (the betas), the problem can be workarounded by
> disabling the Nepomuk Search runner in krunner.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-05T14:58:02+00:00 Lbeltrame wrote:
This is not the only cause of the problem, but according to
http://lists.kde.org/?t=129170918700001&r=1&w=2 some KRunner queries
hang virtuoso-t. Hence, opening up KRunner and disabling the search
plugin (wrench -> uncheck "Nepomuk Search") will work around the
It is *not* a fix, it merely prevents the issue from appearing.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-05T15:13:13+00:00 Martin L. wrote:
Thank you, Luca but I do not understand a word! krunner is a kde script to
start applications, correct? How do I inactivate processes, etc. in this way?
Am Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2011, um 14:58:05 schrieb Luca Beltrame:
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=246678
> --- Comment #22 from Luca Beltrame <einar heavensinferno net> 2011-01-05
> 14:58:02 --- This is not the only cause of the problem, but according to
> http://lists.kde.org/?t=129170918700001&r=1&w=2 some KRunner queries hang
> virtuoso-t. Hence, opening up KRunner and disabling the search plugin
> (wrench -> uncheck "Nepomuk Search") will work around the problem.
> It is *not* a fix, it merely prevents the issue from appearing.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-05T15:49:55+00:00 mutlu_inek wrote:
@ Martin: Open Krunner (Alt+F2), then click on the wrench symbol to the
very left of Krunner. Then disable the Nepomuk Desktop Search runner
plugin and click "apply".
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-05T16:39:12+00:00 Trueg wrote:
*** Bug 258039 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-05T21:24:46+00:00 Martin L. wrote:
Am Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2011, um 15:50:06 schrieb mutlu inek:
> @ Martin: Open Krunner (Alt+F2), then click on the wrench symbol to the
> very left of Krunner. Then disable the Nepomuk Desktop Search runner
> plugin and click "apply".
Hey Mutlu, thankx a lot! ;-)
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-06T09:12:26+00:00 Martin L. wrote:
Starting up my system including KMail without Desktop Search this morning was
even slower than yesterday! :-(
Result: There are really serious problems with KMail since KDE 4.x and noone
really has an idea what the reason might be and even more: noone cares! Sorry
for that!
To no longer be blamed that I am constantly running a Debian test system I
changed to kubuntu 10.10. No big difference! Yes Kubuntu normally is faster
when starting up but the problems within KDE persist!
Am Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2011, um 21:24:49 schrieb Martin L ü c h e m:
> [Bug 246678] virtuoso: Usage of CPU is much too high
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-06T16:37:15+00:00 Trueg wrote:
*** Bug 228081 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-06T19:02:01+00:00 Trueg wrote:
*** Bug 228884 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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On 2011-01-06T19:02:36+00:00 Trueg wrote:
*** Bug 230400 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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On 2011-01-15T15:11:12+00:00 Kdebugs-99-urgwurz wrote:
*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***
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On 2011-01-19T22:46:19+00:00 Mueller-kde wrote:
Sebastian, whats the status here? this is the only remaining 4.6.0
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-20T01:05:00+00:00 Edney Matias da Silva wrote:
Running KDE 4.6.0 RC 1 with Nepomuk krunner disabled and performance
it's ok. Didn't give a try enabling it.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-20T09:46:51+00:00 X-wstephenson wrote:
Created attachment 56212
Patch 1/2 kdelibs patch by trueg
This is the patch that Sebastian proposed, which has the drawback that
it creates a lot of CPU usage on first run.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-20T09:48:26+00:00 X-wstephenson wrote:
Created attachment 56213
Patch 2/2 kdebase patch by trueg
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-20T13:25:11+00:00 Trueg wrote:
The patch Will proposes introduces two optimizations. I could probably
reduce the first-run issue if I removed one of the optimizations. I will
have to test that though.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-20T13:37:47+00:00 Mueller-kde wrote:
I would be fine with a mitigation.
it seems I can change the default of this to false:
or to disable the krunner plugin. which one actually helps?
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-20T13:40:54+00:00 Mueller-kde wrote:
how do I disable the krunner plugin btw (I mean the default of it being
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-20T14:39:32+00:00 Rdieter-math wrote:
Will,Sebastian, patch in comment #35 (Patch 2/2 kdebase) seems to be a
dup of that from comment #34 (Patch 1/2 kdelibs).
Do either of you want this tested more? If so, could you repost the
kdebase patch?
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-20T16:05:28+00:00 HinzundKunz wrote:
@ Dirk (Comment #38): ALT-F2 and then disable the plugin in the options
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-20T16:16:44+00:00 X-wstephenson wrote:
Created attachment 56242
Patch 2/2 kdebase patch by trueg
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-20T17:04:06+00:00 8ebastkzk wrote:
SVN commit 1215973 by trueg:
* Fixed the handling of quotes and keywords such as "AND", "OR", and "NOT" in LiteralTerm.
Now correct bif:contains or regex filters are created for values.
* Made the query parser merge LiteralTerms into a single one to improve query performance.
While merging two LiteralTerms into one does not yield the exact same query (when merged
both literal tokens need to appear in the same property value while with separate LiteralTerms
the tokens can appear in different properties) it should cover close to all typical use cases
while increasing the performance significantly and getting rid of the nasty "Virtuoso goes
crazy when I use KRunner" bug.
CCBUG: 246678
M +91 -48 literalterm.cpp
M +40 -5 queryparser.cpp
WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=1215973
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On 2011-01-20T20:11:31+00:00 Trueg wrote:
Created attachment 56252
Patch which introduces the new query terms (kdelibs/nepomuk)
Could someone please test this and the next patch on kde 4.6 and confirm
that it fixes the virtuoso going crazy bug.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-20T20:12:36+00:00 Trueg wrote:
Created attachment 56253
Patch that creates the data necessary for the new query terms in nepomukquery
And this is the second patch to test in combination with the former one
on kde 4.6.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-20T20:13:43+00:00 Trueg wrote:
Created attachment 56254
Updated patch which contains missing files (kdebase/runtime/nepomuk)
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-20T22:44:36+00:00 Trueg wrote:
Created attachment 56258
Updated patch which adds faster pim data conversion (kdebase/runtime/nepomuk)
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-20T22:54:10+00:00 Trueg wrote:
Created attachment 56259
yet another update for kdebase/runtime/nepomuk
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On 2011-01-20T22:54:57+00:00 T-bracken wrote:
This message is for all who want to get rid
of the nepomuk process which is using up all the
CPU cycles on the Linux KDE desktop.
I found out where the nepomuk is started up from.
Its in the /usr/share/autostart directory ,
under the file nepomukserver.desktop .
As someone wrote below,
renaming this file (/usr/share/autostart/nepomukserver.desktop)
with a non .desktop extension and
clearing out the $HOME/.kde4/share/apps/nepomuk directory
seems to stop this service from running on startup.
Tom Bracken
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-21T07:16:17+00:00 Martin L. wrote:
Thanks Thomas but shouldn't there be an easier way? I mean KDE 4 was developed
comletely new and there is no way to prevent this system from running a
process easier? I would assume a simple switch in kcontrol!!!
Am Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2011, um 22:55:06 schrieb Thomas Bracken:
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=246678
> --- Comment #48 from Thomas Bracken <t bracken shaw ca> 2011-01-20
> 22:54:57 --- Hi,
> This message is for all who want to get rid
> of the nepomuk process which is using up all the
> CPU cycles on the Linux KDE desktop.
> I found out where the nepomuk is started up from.
> Its in the /usr/share/autostart directory ,
> under the file nepomukserver.desktop .
> As someone wrote below,
> http://forums.opensuse.org/applications/418846-how-do-i-get-rid-nepomuk-vir
> us.html
> renaming this file (/usr/share/autostart/nepomukserver.desktop)
> with a non .desktop extension and
> clearing out the $HOME/.kde4/share/apps/nepomuk directory
> seems to stop this service from running on startup.
> Cheers!
> Tom Bracken
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-21T09:08:23+00:00 X-wstephenson wrote:
@Martin: Yes, there is. Look in 'Desktop Search' in systemsettings.
This setting is per-user though.
@Thomas: There is no need to take a crowbar to the autostart .desktop
file to prevent Nepomuk starting. This will prevent any user from
locally configuring it to start in the future, and breaks the integrity
of the package (rpm -V kdebase4-workspace to see what I mean). There is
an elegant way (which I've just been using to configure Nepomuk and
Strigi indexing default settings for openSUSE 11.4).
If you look inside the nepomukserver.desktop autostart there is
X-KDE-autostart-condition=nepomukserverrc:Basic Settings:Start
This means if, per user
or system wide
[Basic Settings]
Start Nepomuk=false
the autostart desktop file evaluates this file and does not start
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-21T10:46:02+00:00 Trueg wrote:
Created attachment 56273
Another update for Will S. - cutting down initial update time again (kdebase/runtime/nepomuk)
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-21T10:53:44+00:00 Trueg wrote:
Created attachment 56274
Updating patches like crazy: this is probably the best I can do for the initial update. (kdebase/runtime/nepomuk)
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-21T12:19:35+00:00 X-wstephenson wrote:
Re patch in c52: It's still not terminating. Something else is going on
here. I can make the database available to you privately if you want.
For now I will try with a newly-created non-Akonadi-data database.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-25T15:08:46+00:00 Ernesto Manriquez wrote:
With pre-release KDE 4.6.0 packages (Rex Dieter repo):
- The first search in KRunner works perfectly.
- The second search in KRunner eats one core.
- The third search in KRunner eats the other core.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-25T15:17:55+00:00 Ernesto Manriquez wrote:
That was with the Nepomuk file search KRunner Plugin. Now, disabling
that, restarting Nepomuk, and enabling Contacts KRunner Plugin...
Works perfectly! I can send mail to contacts instantly, without a wait,
without thrashing a core. Kudos!
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-26T09:05:30+00:00 Trueg wrote:
Created attachment 56434
Updated patch: yet another improvement.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-26T16:52:01+00:00 X-wstephenson wrote:
@Sebastian [/space/kde/installs/4_6/bin/nepomukservicestub]
nepomukstorage(10378)/nepomuk (storage service)
CrappyInferencer2::UpdateAllResourcesThread::run: 4 resources updated.
Elapsed: 31.703 sec
using my pathological 90000 PIM items database on the core2 1.8GHz
And I can't trigger the busy cpu now with the nepomuk runner, so I'm
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-27T17:41:32+00:00 Trueg wrote:
Created attachment 56522
Updated patch which adds subtype inference (kdebase/runtime/nepomuk)
Hey Will, please test this patch. I am not at home and cannot test it
with real data but am very curious.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-27T21:05:21+00:00 X-wstephenson wrote:
I don't think the new code in
CrappyInferencer2::UpdateAllResourcesThread even runs. I don't see the
Elapsed debug output, neither is there a noticeable CPU spike.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-28T11:56:52+00:00 Trueg wrote:
@Will: ok, could you please do me a last favor and provide the output of
nepoukcmd list "" "" "" "<urn:crappyinference2:inferredtriples>"
(This is after the run with the latest patch)
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-28T15:46:15+00:00 X-wstephenson wrote:
Total Results: 0
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-29T19:37:23+00:00 X-wstephenson wrote:
I just logged in and the conversion took place on login. Elapsed time:
41s. I couldn't make it happen by starting nepomukserver in a running
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-30T13:42:02+00:00 0cs935kb51-marc-wz6bkyhu4u wrote:
*** Bug 259517 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-31T14:15:41+00:00 charles.figura wrote:
I'm regularly seeing nepomuk-t consume at least 50% CPU. I saw the
thread above (e.g. comment #24) and checked and found that the nepomuk
plugin in krunner was *already* disabled. So virtuoso-t is *still*
burning up my CPU.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-31T14:17:17+00:00 charles.figura wrote:
Sorry, I left out that I'm running the released 4.6 version.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-31T14:24:08+00:00 sebas wrote:
@#64: Did you also disable the Contacts runner?
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-31T14:45:56+00:00 Amrecio wrote:
I can confirm the same problem as Charles Figura. I'm using Kubuntu and
I don't have a Contacts runner, only Nepomuk.
However, the problem only occurs when using the new Akonadi-enabled PIM
suite with Akonadi 1.4.95. Disabling Akonadi and restarting Nepomuk
makes virtuoso-t behave as a normal process.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-31T15:17:09+00:00 0cs935kb51-marc-wz6bkyhu4u wrote:
I agree with Álvaro. I have gone back to KDEPIM 4.4.10 and virtuoso is
no longer getting crazy.
Maybe the new version triggers something wrong with nepomuk?
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-31T17:53:28+00:00 moenchmeyer wrote:
(In reply to comment #68)
> I agree with Álvaro. I have gone back to KDEPIM 4.4.10 and virtuoso is no
> longer getting crazy.
I can confirm that the problem started with the newer Akonadi/Nepomuk
I, too, have meanwhile given up KDE 4.6 Beta 1/Beta2 and have gone back
to KDEPIM 4.4.10. Everything is normal there.
However, Nepomuk/Akonadi consume permanently 100% of one CPU core in KDE
4.6 Beta 1 and Beta 2.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-31T21:24:12+00:00 Ernesto Manriquez wrote:
I can confirm the problems with KDE PIM/Akonadi. But my own experience
is a little different. 2 different machines, one running Ubuntu, the
other one Fedora.
1. I began with almost empty databases, because of the known problems
with migration between KDE PIM 4.4.x and KDE PIM/Akonadi. With Fedora, I
couldn't trigger the bug, but with Ubuntu I triggered the Virtuoso bug
more than once. I narrowed it to the Akonadi-Nepomuk Email Feeder.
2. To workaround the issues I was experiencing with Kubuntu, I tried to
remove and recreate the resources with Akonadi Console, and after a try,
mail began to flow and Virtuoso core-wasting somewhat stopped. The
behavior of Virtuoso this time was different: it was using ~70% of one
core, while akonadi_nepomuk_email_feeder was shown as running.
Certainly, akonadi_nepomuk_email_feeder can hog a system just like (or
more than) Strigi, and this flew under everyone's radar.
3. I simply left akonadi_nepomuk_email_feeder index all the mail. After
half an hour, akonadi_nepomuk_email_feeder seemed to finish, because
there wasn't more mail to index, and my Virtuoso (hence, NEPOMUK) CPU
usage went to the single digits and stayed there.
With Fedora the behavior was more straightforward, but similar. After no
recreating resources, but simply using what I had,
akonadi_nepomuk_email_feeder pushed my CPU to 70% out of 200%. After a
while, all mail was indexed, and NEPOMUK CPU usage went to the single
I filed a separate bug against akonadi_nepomuk_email_feeder (bug 249828)
because that process doesn't suspend on batteries like Strigi does.
Also, its interaction with Virtuoso and NEPOMUK should be monitored.
This also means that, for everyone affected, a spot-on workaround should
be to remove the Nepomuk E-Mail Feeder resource from your Akonadi pool.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-01-31T21:34:50+00:00 Ernesto Manriquez wrote:
I forgot one important thing: the size of the mail-folders:
- Folder A: ~1,000 POP3 resource, connected.
- Folder B: ~20,000 IMAP resource, GMail, connected.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-02-01T18:57:24+00:00 Amrecio wrote:
After reading about akonadi_email_feeder I was going to write that in my
case that wouldn't be the cause of the problem because I have a very
small email folder. To prove it, I even removed it from Akonadi and
restarted KDE.
Of course, virtuoso-t was again using 100% of a core but to double check
I opened Akonadi Console and removed "Nepomuk EMail Feeder". Nothing
But then I noticed "Nepomuk Contact Feeder" and "Nepomuk Calendar
Feeder". Indeed, I have some calendars in Akonadi so I tried removing
those feeders.
Then, virtuoso-t started behaving. Barely 1% of CPU usage and Nepomuk
was indeed working, as I could use Dolphin search and Bangarang.
So, to summarize, there seems to be something in those Nepomuk feeders
that is triggering the 100% CPU usage bug. At least, that's what it was
causing the problem for me.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-02-01T19:23:25+00:00 Tamás Németh wrote:
This PDF files makes a nepomukservices process consuming 100% CPU
virtually forever if strigi is enabled.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-02-01T19:37:08+00:00 Amrecio wrote:
In my machine it seems Strigi/Nepomuk managed to index the PDF without
I downloaded it, searched for words contained in the PDF using Dolphin
and it found it without hanging.
I'm using the packages for KDE SC 4.6 from the Kubuntu Backports PPA (I
don't know how to get the version of Strigi I'm running).
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-02-01T21:14:39+00:00 Max wrote:
Virtuoso no longer displays this cpu-sucking behavior. It'd behaved
very well since kde 4.5
On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 1:37 PM, Alvaro Manuel Recio Perez
<amrecio at gmail.com> wrote:
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=246678
> --- Comment #74 from Alvaro Manuel Recio Perez <amrecio gmail com> 2011-02-01 19:37:08 ---
> In my machine it seems Strigi/Nepomuk managed to index the PDF without
> problems.
> I downloaded it, searched for words contained in the PDF using Dolphin and it
> found it without hanging.
> I'm using the packages for KDE SC 4.6 from the Kubuntu Backports PPA (I don't
> know how to get the version of Strigi I'm running).
> --
> Configure bugmail: https://bugs.kde.org/userprefs.cgi?tab=email
> ------- You are receiving this mail because: -------
> You are on the CC list for the bug.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-02-02T03:08:12+00:00 Ernesto Manriquez wrote:
Your PDF is "only" 918 pages long.
I have the ultimate hell for the NEPOMUK text indexing engine: a
collection of 11 PDFs with ~1,200 pages each of pure text, containing
the History of the Chilean Constitution. That's really long, and those
PDFs use 41 MB. Believe me: 41 MB of PURE TEXT with NO GRAPHICS and NO
FONTS is really too much. Of course, those PDFs clogged the Virtuoso
engine here, but only for a minute, and half of that time it wasn't
actually Virtuoso what was forcing my CPU, but PDF2Text.
NEPOMUK guys, if you wish, you can download those PDFs directly from
http://www.bcn.cl/lc/cpolitica/actas_oficiales-r . It doesn't matter
that you don't understand Spanish, those PDFs would be great to torture
NEPOMUK and to watch the real impact of small optimizations in the text
indexing engine.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-02-02T11:56:04+00:00 sebas wrote:
@all: This thread is NOT a collection of "everything that makes Nepomuk
eat CPU". Please file individual bugreports if you find strigi / Nepomuk
choking on a file. That's a completely different issue from this one
though, and only makes it harder to get the useful information out of
*this* bugreport.
This bugreports is about Nepomuk eating CPU due to a hanging query.
Those hanging queries are, for example causes by the contacts or Nepomuk
runners. As workaround, these have been disabled in 4.6.0, and we're
looking for a structural fix in 4.6.1.
Please, before reacting to this bugreport, makes sure it's this exact
issue. If it's not -> file another bugreport (after checking for
possible dupes). That makes it much easier to track this bug, and fix
it. Thanks.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-02-02T13:13:23+00:00 Ernesto Manriquez wrote:
@Sebastian: Sorry about helping somewhat to derail this thread.
I only wanted to report that, in my system, the Nepomuk E-Mail feeder
can trigger the same behavior (a hanging query). Alvaro reports that the
Nepomuk Contacts feeder can also trigger the same behavior.
There's a pattern here: just like KRunner plugins, those feeders
exercise the same parts of NEPOMUK and can produce the same bugs. So, if
KRunner plugins are fixed, those runners must be fixed too as part of
this bug.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-02-02T13:25:31+00:00 sebas wrote:
@Alejandro: The runners are only the symptom (and the akonadi feeders
other symptoms, apparently).
There's fix available as attachment to this thread (be sure to pick the
latest version) which needs some testing. It would be very helpful if
you could try this patch and confirm if it fixes your email feeder
symptoms as well. (And how long the conversion takes.)
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-02-02T13:35:43+00:00 0cs935kb51-marc-wz6bkyhu4u wrote:
I thought I had reported my experience with the patches but apparently I
forgot. Well, I tried both patches and they didn't help a bit with the
kdepim 4.6 beta3. In fact, the behaviour becomes much worse :S. Without
the akonadi version of kdepim everything runs just fine though.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-02-02T14:25:04+00:00 Trueg wrote:
@Marc: just to be clear: you patched both kdelibs and kdebase,
reinstalled, and then restarted Nepomuk and the problem still persists?
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-02-02T15:01:17+00:00 0cs935kb51-marc-wz6bkyhu4u wrote:
(In reply to comment #81)
> @Marc: just to be clear: you patched both kdelibs and kdebase, reinstalled, and
> then restarted Nepomuk and the problem still persists?
I did so ( and I can tell you it takes some time in my near 5 years old
laptop). Not only restarted but rebooted the machine (ya know, just in
I still have the packages I made ready to install again. I can test them
again tonight or probably tomorrow morning (both with kdepim 4.4.10 and
kdepim 4.6beta3).
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-02-07T09:43:30+00:00 Trueg wrote:
@Marc: could I please get some feedback with the latest patches?
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-02-08T01:55:15+00:00 0cs935kb51-marc-wz6bkyhu4u wrote:
@Sebastian sorry for the delay.
I've tried the patches and everything seems to be fine as long as it's a
new user/config.
When I tried with my regular user account virtuoso went crazy for over
one and a half hours... untill I killed the processes and started fresh.
I guess I should try it more hours to be sure all is ok. I'll report
back here soon
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-02-08T11:00:06+00:00 Trueg wrote:
@Marc: could you please while virtuoso is going crazy check its status
> isql localhost:<PORT> dba dba
> status();
where <PORT> is the port virtuoso was started on. You can get this by
checking the config file you see in "ps aux|grep virtuoso"
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-02-09T20:14:11+00:00 0cs935kb51-marc-wz6bkyhu4u wrote:
@Sebastian: I'm sorry to tell you that I started from zero with my own
user and haven't found the virtuoso problem yet. (this is with your
patches applied)
My apologies :(
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-02-11T11:04:07+00:00 Trueg wrote:
@Marc: isn't this a good thing? Does that mean you cannot reproduce? Or
does it still happen if you use your existing data?
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-02-11T11:10:24+00:00 0cs935kb51-marc-wz6bkyhu4u wrote:
@Sebastian: it is for me! I just thought you wanted to debug why
happened in the first place while upgrading to a new version. I've run
into some trouble with the akonadi kdepim version but the virtuoso-t
eating all of my cpu cycles is here no more! :)
Thanks for the work!
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-02-11T11:24:36+00:00 Trueg wrote:
Great. So I can apply the patch for KDE 4.6.1. Thanks for all the
testing guys.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-02-14T16:19:08+00:00 Trueg wrote:
Patches are commited to git master and KDE/4.6. 4.6.1 will contain the
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-03-14T19:21:28+00:00 moenchmeyer wrote:
Can confirm that everything is OK now with
Opensuse 11.4, KDE 4.6.1 and a Cyrus imap server.
Good job !
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-03-14T19:51:49+00:00 Ernesto Manriquez wrote:
Kudos! Sorry about not testing the fix, but I didn't know how to pull a
remote branch directly using git until now.
This bugfix is seriously lacking publicity and I tried my best to
counter that. Again, thanks!
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-03-15T02:44:35+00:00 Edney Matias da Silva wrote:
Is this patch already part of KDE SC 4.6.1?
Thank you for the fix.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-06-08T23:08:02+00:00 Ettore Atalan wrote:
Created attachment 60798
This problem still exists in KDE 4.6.2 (running Kubuntu 11.04).
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-06-22T12:30:47+00:00 Meyerm-3 wrote:
Same behaviour on KDE 4.6.4 and KDEPIM 4.6.0. The runners are disabled,
strigi not running (disabled in system settings; nepomuk enabled of
course). virtuoso-t is using up one of my two cores. Second to
virtuoso-t concerning the totally used up cpu time on my computer is now
dbus-daemon (not before the update) and third nepomukservicestub.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-06-22T12:32:26+00:00 Meyerm-3 wrote:
Oh, sorry. "nepomukservicestub nepomukstorage" to be precise ;-)
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-06-22T23:47:13+00:00 moenchmeyer wrote:
The same problem here.
Today, after a long time I tested KDEPIM 4.6.0 again with KDE 4.6.4 on
an Opensuse 11.4 system. (Basic KDE 4.6.4 components from Opensuse's KDE
factory repository and KDEPIM 4.6.0 from an KDE-"Unstable" repository of
Kmail was connected to a cyrus imap server with tons of mails. All the
imap folders were nevertheless built up and filled in Kmail/Akonadi
surprisingly rapidly. However, when starting KDE itself again nepomuk
and virtuoso-t ran amok.
I have an Intel i7 950 quadcore with hyperthreading (8 threads). The cpu
consumption of vituoso-t and nepomuk appear to be distributed over all
cpu threads. However, in sum and on average the load of virtuoso-t
consumes at least one cpu thread completely. According to ksysguard the
following processes determine the cpu load (8x100%) :
virtuoso-t : 96% - 126 % (i.e. on average more than one cpu thread of 8
is used completely)
nepomukservices : 8% - 12 % (kind of a leading nepomukservices process)
dbus-daemon : 2% - 8%
several other nepomukservices processes: each with 2% - 4%
akonadi-nepomuk: 2% - 4%
This pattern was active over 20 minutes with no end in sight. The same after a new start of the system. I gave up then and went back to KDEPIM 4.4.11 (with Kmail 1.13.7).
So my impression is that the problem is not fixed or resolved.
Regarding my comment #91:
After looking into some logs I now think I reported wrongly. My positive impression at that time probably came from an Opensuse system that mixed KDE 4.6 with KDEPIM 4.4. Sorry for any confusion comment #91 may have caused.
Off topic: KDEPIM 4.6.0 apparently does not offer any chance to connect
to Open-Xchange calendars or OX address books. So OX users can't use it
productively, anyway.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-06-27T09:16:09+00:00 Andre Heinecke wrote:
I have gotten reports from multiple users of KDEPIM on Windows that they see the same behavior (CPU Spiking of Nepomuk for a short time and blocking the system)
The Version they use is latest 4.6 branches.
We are probably talking about another bug here then the one fixed for kde 4.6 but there are still issues with the cpu consumption at least when kdepim is used.
Is there any advice on how to get better debug information on this? Like
turn on some Virtuoso logging to see what is going on?
With the reports from #97 #95 and #94 I've reopened this bug, I hope
that was ok or should i also have then removed the kde-4.6.0-blocker
keyword. I just want to avoid that this bug gets lost as resolved.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-06-27T16:07:28+00:00 Andre Heinecke wrote:
I was able to reproduce a bug that specific to the complaints i've gotten and opened bug 276620 for this which is more specific (Marking Mails with KMail causes virtuoso to spike in cpu usage):
Apologies for reopening this bug i am marking it as resolved again
because the issue mentioned for most of this report is appearantly fixed
and i am seeing a different virtuoso cpu spike.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-07-05T13:11:18+00:00 rabauke wrote:
Unfortunately the bug does seem to exist in KDE 4.6.4. It was said that
one can test whether it really got stuck by disabling nepomuk. If
virtuoso-t stops some time after that as well, everything is "ok" since
it was just working on something and not just stuck. But now it seems
that virtuoso-t is stuck in some loop, i.e. it uses one full core even
10 minutes after nepomuk was disabled and strace does not show any
activity as well.
ps aux | grep virtuos
user 2454 1.6 4.1 250936 84940 ? SNl Jun29 135:54 /usr/bin/virtuoso-t +foreground +configfile /tmp/virtuoso_nn2440.ini +wait
strace -p 2454 -tt -s 1000
Process 2454 attached - interrupt to quit
15:04:42.952129 futex(0x108a424, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 2439, NULL
and no change after minutes.
Attaching gdb to the process is somehow not possible, i.e. it reports:
Attaching to process 2454
/usr/bin/virtuoso-t (deleted): file or directory not found.
I can see the process in the list though and that file exists.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-08-09T13:45:27+00:00 Edney Matias da Silva wrote:
Hi there.
I can confirm the strange behavior but also can confirm that disabling
nepomuk, virtuoso-t stops some time later. Is it possible to find out
where he is stuck, what he is doing?
Anyway I will let it do its thing.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2011-08-09T17:22:25+00:00 moenchmeyer wrote:
Follow up of comment #97:
Meanwhile, I have upgraded from KDE 4.6 to KDE 4.7. And for KDE 4.7 I
cannot reproduce the strange CPU consuming behavior of
Akonadi/Nepomuk/virtuoso-t anymore.
I use Kmail 4.7. I connected it via an Akonadi resource to an IMAP
server with tons of mails. After the initial Akonadi update with all
IMAP mail information from some hundred mailfolders there was indeed
some background activity of Nepomuk/virtuoso-t.
But: It occured mainly during periods of low system activity and it did
not last forever. It stopped after some time - maybe 10 minutes. No
comparison to KDE 4.6.x. So, with KDE 4.7 I see a much better and maybe
more intelligent performance regarding Nepomuk/virtuoso-t.
Now, when starting KDE I sometimes see some minor Nepomuk activity for a
short period of time (< 30 seconds). But this is not really worth
This is something I can live with. Good job.
Off topic: Kontact 4.7 still does not work with Open-Xchange 5 servers.
Only with Open-Xchange 6 servers. But for OX 6 it really works very
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-14T16:59:58+00:00 Richard Bacchetta wrote:
Same happening with KDE 4.8 RC2 in Kubuntu 11.10. Virtuoso-t consumes 50% cpu during any type of computer use. It happens every time Nepomuk is enabled.
Disabling Nepomuk while this is happening keeps virtuoso-t a running process indefinitely. If I kill it, it just restarts. Logging out and back in the session after disabling Nepomuk corrects the problem.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-14T17:20:51+00:00 Ernesto Manriquez wrote:
@richb1908 at gmail.com: Some things you can do.
There are 2 things that will make your Virtuoso install to use 100% CPU
in KDE 4.8. Both are normal.
- Virtuoso is indexing files.
- Virtuoso is indexing mail.
1. To counter the heat, run the following command as root:
echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/ignore_nice_load
That will stop your processor speed to scale up, if it gets used by
2. See what Virtuoso is doing.
- If you have a "&" like icon in your system tray, Virtuoso is indexing files.
- If you don't have that, run akonadiconsole and look for a resource named "Akonadi Nepomuk Feeder". If it's indexing mail, leave it alone. It will stop working when you are using the computer and it will resume indexing when you leave.
The third cause (Virtuoso eating CPU like crazy) shouldn't exist in KDE
4.8. Check if you have Akonadi 1.6.90 or higher.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-14T17:41:14+00:00 Richard Bacchetta wrote:
The third case may be the problem. I have akonadi-server 1.6.2-0ubuntu1. It
is the only version available through the beta ppa for KDE 4.8
On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 12:20 PM, Alejandro Nova <alejandronova at gmail.com>wrote:
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=246678
> --- Comment #104 from Alejandro Nova <alejandronova gmail com> 2012-01-14
> 17:20:51 ---
> @richb1908 at gmail.com: Some things you can do.
> There are 2 things that will make your Virtuoso install to use 100% CPU in
> 4.8. Both are normal.
> - Virtuoso is indexing files.
> - Virtuoso is indexing mail.
> 1. To counter the heat, run the following command as root:
> echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/ignore_nice_load
> That will stop your processor speed to scale up, if it gets used by
> Virtuoso.
> 2. See what Virtuoso is doing.
> - If you have a "&" like icon in your system tray, Virtuoso is indexing
> files.
> - If you don't have that, run akonadiconsole and look for a resource named
> "Akonadi Nepomuk Feeder". If it's indexing mail, leave it alone. It will
> stop
> working when you are using the computer and it will resume indexing when
> you
> leave.
> The third cause (Virtuoso eating CPU like crazy) shouldn't exist in KDE
> 4.8.
> Check if you have Akonadi 1.6.90 or higher.
> --
> Configure bugmail: https://bugs.kde.org/userprefs.cgi?tab=email
> ------- You are receiving this mail because: -------
> You are on the CC list for the bug.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-15T19:27:09+00:00 Ernesto Manriquez wrote:
Please, file a bug against Kubuntu. Historically, there have been
problems with 3 packages essential to Nepomuk/Akonadi: strigi; soprano
and akonadi. Strangely, they are not covered by Kubuntu official PPAs,
and if those packages are not updated to their latest releases, you WILL
face problems. Currently:
- Strigi is at 0.7.7.
- Akonadi is at 1.6.90 (for KDE SC 4.8)
- Soprano is at 2.7.4 (2.7.5 is imminent).
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-15T19:31:42+00:00 Richard Bacchetta wrote:
Thanks Your suggestion:
echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/ignore_nice_load
Has kept the cpu and temps down.
I will file the bug report.
On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 2:27 PM, Alejandro Nova <alejandronova at gmail.com>wrote:
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=246678
> --- Comment #106 from Alejandro Nova <alejandronova gmail com> 2012-01-15
> 19:27:09 ---
> Please, file a bug against Kubuntu. Historically, there have been problems
> with
> 3 packages essential to Nepomuk/Akonadi: strigi; soprano and akonadi.
> Strangely, they are not covered by Kubuntu official PPAs, and if those
> packages
> are not updated to their latest releases, you WILL face problems.
> Currently:
> - Strigi is at 0.7.7.
> - Akonadi is at 1.6.90 (for KDE SC 4.8)
> - Soprano is at 2.7.4 (2.7.5 is imminent).
> --
> Configure bugmail: https://bugs.kde.org/userprefs.cgi?tab=email
> ------- You are receiving this mail because: -------
> You are on the CC list for the bug.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-15T19:58:26+00:00 Ernesto Manriquez wrote:
Already filed it:
Please, vote for that report!
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-16T12:23:34+00:00 Edney Matias da Silva wrote:
Hi there!
Right now running Fedora 16 with KDE 4.8 RC 2 from Red Hat KDE
Repository. These are my packages version
There's no '&' on my tray, it's hidden and stating that the file indexer
is idle. Akonadi Nepomuk Feeder states "system busy, indexing
suspended". Virtuoso is at 99.3% of my 4 core CPU, since i activated it
again. My machine was shut off once since then because of overheating.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-16T16:29:10+00:00 Edney Matias da Silva wrote:
...since my last comment, virtuoso is at 99.4% of my CPU.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-16T17:57:13+00:00 Martin L. wrote:
Hi all,
Directly translated from German we would say: "I am loosing all my hopes
for KDE"
Ok, sorry, not very quailfied! But anyway I wonder what really happens
in this area. I am working with a 4 years old dual-core Notebook and
this problem really hurts. But Edney's machine is much faster and the
system brings the machine down anyway. Is this system design or the
rollout strategy for virtuoso, nepomuk, akonadi and all the rest of this
nicely designed system framework?
Regards, Martin
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 16:29:12 +0000
> Von: Edney Matias <edneymatias at gmail.com>
> An: Heinrich20 at gmx.de
> Betreff: [Bug 246678] virtuoso: Usage of CPU is much too high
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=246678
> --- Comment #110 from Edney Matias <edneymatias gmail com> 2012-01-16
> 16:29:10 ---
> ...since my last comment, virtuoso is at 99.4% of my CPU.
> --
> Configure bugmail: https://bugs.kde.org/userprefs.cgi?tab=email
> ------- You are receiving this mail because: -------
> You reported the bug.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-16T18:32:13+00:00 rabauke wrote:
If you want to "use" nepomuk you have to remove its database from time
to time. You will lose your tags etc. and you might have high CPU usage
because it re-indexes all files – but at least that cpu usage ends at
some point. And to be honest, nepomuk is of no use as desktop search
anyway, compared to state-of-the-art desktop searches.
Sadly it happens very often that at some point or after an upgrade from
KDE 4.x to 4.y virtuoso uses the cpu constantly, never comes to an end.
There are some hints at http://kdeatopensuse.wordpress.com/2011/11/09
/debugging-nepomukvirtuosos-cpu-usage/ on how to debug.
But as I mentioned, the quickest way of getting around that buggy piece
of software is to just remove its database from time to time. Does not
sound nice and I wish it was different, but these issues have been
around for years and are still not resolved.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-16T18:37:14+00:00 rabauke wrote:
Forgot the most important part:
As user issue rm -rf ~/.kde4/share/apps/nepomuk or use dolphin to remove
that folder and get rid of all nepomuk data.
If you want to play nice you can disable nepomuk before doing so and re-
enable it afterwards.
For some distros it might be ~/.kde/…
And BTW, please do not confuse nepomuk with akonadi which did not have
years yet to stabilise and did in fact get quite stable within a short
time and works very well in 4.8 – unlike nepomuk.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-16T19:04:35+00:00 Ernesto Manriquez wrote:
@S.Burmeister: from my experience, there have been multiple super-bugs
with Nepomuk, and now all of them lie in the Akonadi Nepomuk Feeder.
Make the test; open akonadiconsole, disable the Akonadi Nepomuk Feeder
and in all cases your CPU use will decrease to zero in a matter of
minutes (if you have some files left to index, your HDD will get used,
but Nepomuk will scale up and down quickly).
If there is a way to permanently disable the Akonadi Nepomuk Feeder,
that would bring an end to all of this.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-16T19:10:24+00:00 rabauke wrote:
Nope, sorry. The feeder did/does have its bugs but its not the sole/main
cause of all nepomuk issues and virtuoso cpu hogging.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-16T22:36:12+00:00 Martin L. wrote:
Hi Folks,
the Akonadi framework is the main reason for me to quit KMail. Sinse
1999 I have been using KMail, most of the time I thought, this was one
of the best mail clients to get. Easy to use and working!
But with KDE 4 and "I don't now what" corresponding version of PIM/KMail
(4.?) the situation ended up getting catastrophically. Know I will move
to thunderbird and one step further after more than ten years of using
Linux/KDE might be to move to Windows 7. Not a fault of M$! I might
leave a platform that I thought it really was an alternative one.
Regards, Martin
PS: Last bug I found was in kdewallet, ending up to become very slow. I
wonder which application on my system really works.
m 16.01.2012 20:10, schrieb S. Burmeister:
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=246678
> --- Comment #115 from S. Burmeister<sven burmeister gmx net> 2012-01-16 19:10:24 ---
> Nope, sorry. The feeder did/does have its bugs but its not the sole/main cause
> of all nepomuk issues and virtuoso cpu hogging.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-16T22:47:15+00:00 rabauke wrote:
Please do not spam this bug with unrelated issues but only info that
helps to fix or work around this bug!
Please do only quote text you refer to.
Akonadi/kwallet/whatsoever bugs belong into another bug report and
everything OT belongs on some personal blog, forum or mailinglist but
not the bug tracker.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-16T23:19:16+00:00 Martin L. wrote:
Hi Sven,
would you kindly have a look at the history of this issue? I know what I
did! I myself started this bug report! How long ago? Was this problem
really solved? Maybe, maybe not! Noone looks at this situation from a
global perspective that tells us that KDE really runs out of acceptance
because if one bug is fixed two others are opened.
Maybe this is Spam and there is noone to be blamed because nowadays
there are really not enough developers to solve all the problems that
are the result of a ambitious project. A pity!
Am 16.01.2012 23:47, schrieb S. Burmeister:
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=246678
> --- Comment #117 from S. Burmeister<sven burmeister gmx net> 2012-01-16 22:47:15 ---
> Please do not spam this bug with unrelated issues but only info that helps to
> fix or work around this bug!
> Please do only quote text you refer to.
> Akonadi/kwallet/whatsoever bugs belong into another bug report and everything
> OT belongs on some personal blog, forum or mailinglist but not the bug tracker.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-16T23:30:43+00:00 Richard Bacchetta wrote:
Yous is an editorial comment and does not further the solution of this problem. And I just editorialized again.
To get back on track, The suggestions made in an earlier post
echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/ignore_nice_load
Has "corrected' the problem for me in KDE 4.8 RC2. Corrected in quotes
as it has prevented high cpu and overheating. Also the latest strigi,
akonadi and soprano packages were not included in the upgrade to KDE
that my distro provided and may just be a packaging issue. So it is
still an open issue.
Let's give information to the developers that resolves the problem
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-16T23:33:36+00:00 Edney Matias da Silva wrote:
Hi there.
Writing to let you know that after many hours virtuoso now sit quite on
my process list. This already happened before and an update to the
system put it crazy again.
Thank you.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-17T00:35:08+00:00 Ernesto Manriquez wrote:
Basically this issue connects several bugs. Some of the most memorable
ones are:
- Virtuoso being locked up with strigi, one core sleeping - killed with KDE 4.6.1.
- Various memory leaks, some with Virtuoso, some with nepomukstorage, and even some with dbus-daemon. The last one of those was fixed with Soprano 2.7.3.
- Virtuoso being locked up with akonadi-nepomuk-email-feeder, one core wasted. That one haunted KDE 4.7.x until ~4.7.4.
- Virtuoso being locked up with akonadi-nepomuk-feeder, one core wasted. That is the latest incarnation of this bug, and is what richb1908 at gmail.com was experiencing.
All of these real issues were amplified by more downstream issues.
- Strigi lacks a real release policy. During most of 2010 and part of 2011, Debian shipped Strigi 0.7.2, an extremely buggy and ancient release.
- Akonadi and Soprano are not updated with KDE, in KDE dependent distros.
So, you can't really fix this, unless:
- You require a Virtuoso + Soprano + Akonadi + Strigi + Shared Desktop Ontologies stack, and maintain it with a KDE 4.x release cycle.
- You assign a real maintainer to akonadi-nepomuk-feeder (that package is somewhat orphan, unlike Nepomuk).
- You REQUIRE distros shipping KDE to UPDATE their packages. That can be made easily through CMakeFiles (if you ship KDE 4.8, then you must have certain versions of Soprano, Akonadi, Strigi and shared-desktop-ontologies)
- You MAKE a "Update my Ontologies" app like what Bangarang has. That's a necessity.
Once you have all of this sorted out, you can really begin with bug
triaging and reporting. Reporting bugs without all of these requirements
unmet will be a waste of time for the reporter and for the developer.
About the Nepomuk database erasing: if I read correctly Sebastian
Trueg's blogs and dev history, KDE SC 4.8 is going to be the last
release that will require erasing everything to work well. The Akonadi
Nepomuk Feeder is fresh code, made with something called DMS (AFAIK,
replacing hand tuned SQL queries with queries generated automatically)
Please, be more constructive about how to fix this. I really hate
Nepomuk bugs, I really want the thing to work, but we won't get anywhere
if we just kill the thing. Remember that Nepomuk is the very thing
(WinFS) that Microsoft FAILED to implement, and Sebastian Trueg has made
tremendous strides to do what Microsoft failed to do, with no
resources, and (as of late) with no money.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-17T08:55:12+00:00 Martin L. wrote:
Hi Alejandro,
thanks a lot for the information! Some of it I do understand, some I
don't. I myself have the project lead in a commercial development
project where not all the time I do understand the dependencies. The
whole KDE 4.x - project, is there anyone who understands the
dependencies and the release plan (if there is one)?
Talking about this issue: What shall we do, reopen it or keep it running
in parallel?
Only someone who really understands how the different parts work
together could track an issue like that. I myself do not have time and
(no longer) patience to do so.
I am a KDE/Linux user who tried to help but stopped writing bug reports
because there are too many. I have no idea where to start and where this
might end!
Regards, Martin
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Tue, 17 Jan 2012 00:35:10 +0000
> Von: Alejandro Nova <alejandronova at gmail.com>
> An: Heinrich20 at gmx.de
> Betreff: [Bug 246678] virtuoso: Usage of CPU is much too high
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=246678
> --- Comment #121 from Alejandro Nova <alejandronova gmail com> 2012-01-17
> 00:35:08 ---
> Basically this issue connects several bugs. Some of the most memorable
> ones
> are:
> - Virtuoso being locked up with strigi, one core sleeping - killed with
> 4.6.1.
> - Various memory leaks, some with Virtuoso, some with nepomukstorage, and
> even
> some with dbus-daemon. The last one of those was fixed with Soprano 2.7.3.
> - Virtuoso being locked up with akonadi-nepomuk-email-feeder, one core
> wasted.
> That one haunted KDE 4.7.x until ~4.7.4.
> - Virtuoso being locked up with akonadi-nepomuk-feeder, one core wasted.
> That
> is the latest incarnation of this bug, and is what richb1908 at gmail.com was
> experiencing.
> All of these real issues were amplified by more downstream issues.
> - Strigi lacks a real release policy. During most of 2010 and part of
> 2011,
> Debian shipped Strigi 0.7.2, an extremely buggy and ancient release.
> - Akonadi and Soprano are not updated with KDE, in KDE dependent distros.
> So, you can't really fix this, unless:
> - You require a Virtuoso + Soprano + Akonadi + Strigi + Shared Desktop
> Ontologies stack, and maintain it with a KDE 4.x release cycle.
> - You assign a real maintainer to akonadi-nepomuk-feeder (that package is
> somewhat orphan, unlike Nepomuk).
> - You REQUIRE distros shipping KDE to UPDATE their packages. That can be
> made
> easily through CMakeFiles (if you ship KDE 4.8, then you must have certain
> versions of Soprano, Akonadi, Strigi and shared-desktop-ontologies)
> - You MAKE a "Update my Ontologies" app like what Bangarang has. That's a
> necessity.
> Once you have all of this sorted out, you can really begin with bug
> triaging
> and reporting. Reporting bugs without all of these requirements unmet will
> be a
> waste of time for the reporter and for the developer.
> About the Nepomuk database erasing: if I read correctly Sebastian Trueg's
> blogs
> and dev history, KDE SC 4.8 is going to be the last release that will
> require
> erasing everything to work well. The Akonadi Nepomuk Feeder is fresh code,
> made
> with something called DMS (AFAIK, replacing hand tuned SQL queries with
> queries
> generated automatically)
> Please, be more constructive about how to fix this. I really hate Nepomuk
> bugs,
> I really want the thing to work, but we won't get anywhere if we just kill
> the
> thing. Remember that Nepomuk is the very thing (WinFS) that Microsoft
> implement, and Sebastian Trueg has made tremendous strides to do what
> Microsoft failed to do, with no resources, and (as of late) with no money.
> --
> Configure bugmail: https://bugs.kde.org/userprefs.cgi?tab=email
> ------- You are receiving this mail because: -------
> You reported the bug.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-17T09:10:56+00:00 rabauke wrote:
Martin, would you please stop quoting the full comment of somebody else!
Have a look at https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=246678#c122 if you
do not know what I'm talking about!
If virtuoso shows high CPU usage you have to debug it, find the queries
that causes the cpu usage etc. A start would be
nepomukvirtuosos-cpu-usage/ as already pointed out.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-17T13:19:23+00:00 Martin L. wrote:
I can see, what you pointed out. This is, what happened within the GMX
client and I did not take care about. Sorry for that! But anyway, when
we start to discuss about quoting like that or not, the way we
communicate has reached a quality that not at all helps to solve the
Two things where I wonder, how to improve the situation out of the
persepctive (=role) of a user:
1. Debugging as described by your link is far too complicated to make
that happen by a user.
2. How an where would I start? When would I start debugging? Which
application to debug first. This is not cynism, I do think this to be a
real problem for users.
Even though we are "only" users of KDE/Linux we do a real hard job. We stay on a platform (in case of KDE 4.x) that is shipped with Ubuntu but is really far away from being stable. If e.g. I try to write bug reports I even run into problems with that because I c a n n o t describe the bug itself appearing in a very complex system environment that is far to complecated. See 1. So by the time you wonder what you could do and find out: nothing!
Regards, Martin
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-17T13:42:46+00:00 Edney Matias da Silva wrote:
Hi there.
I tried to follow the instructions to debug the problem but couldn't
find the isql-vt tool neither the package that contains it. I know it's
a distribution problem, but it's just another one that sums up. Running
Fedora 16 here.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-17T13:52:47+00:00 Rdieter-math wrote:
on fedora,
yum install virtuoso-opensource-utils
look in /usr/libexec/virtuoso/
for isql, isqlw, inifile
I'm not sure what isql-tw is supposed to refer to, but I'm guessing just
the 'isql' tool (maybe suse renamed it or something).
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-18T16:39:46+00:00 Edney Matias da Silva wrote:
Hi there!
Trying to exec this line isql-vt -H localhost -P 1111 -U dba -P dba from
the tutorial available here
nepomukvirtuosos-cpu-usage/ gives me that on Fedora 16:
[matias at padme ~]$ /usr/libexec/virtuoso/isql -H localhost -P 1114 -U dba
-P dba
*** Error IM002: [iODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found and no default driver specified. Driver could not be loaded
at line 0 of Top-Level:
Any clues?
My virtuoso is crazy again after a restart on akonadi server from the
control painel. :S
top command shows:
top - 14:38:57 up 2 days, 4:46, 3 users, load average: 1.67, 1.59, 1.10
Tasks: 198 total, 2 running, 196 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 2.4%us, 1.0%sy, 49.6%ni, 46.6%id, 0.0%wa, 0.3%hi, 0.1%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 3943656k total, 3776300k used, 167356k free, 52392k buffers
Swap: 4194300k total, 340968k used, 3853332k free, 990336k cached
1704 matias 39 19 1514m 513m 3888 S 198.5 13.3 317:24.94 virtuoso-t
Thank you
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-18T16:52:25+00:00 Edney Matias da Silva wrote:
two minutes after posting my last comment virtuoso shut my machine off!
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-18T18:00:15+00:00 Rdieter-math wrote:
comment #127 highlights a problem in fedora's packaging that I'm fixing
now (we ship only the iodbc variants of these utilities, which
apparently do not work in this context).
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-01-20T00:20:53+00:00 Ernesto Manriquez wrote:
@Edney Matias: Run the command I posted. It won't do anything about your
Virtuoso problems, but it will protect your computer from overheating.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-02-22T12:54:30+00:00 Edney Matias da Silva wrote:
I'm writing to let you know that virtuoso is fine now for a few days.
I'm running Fedora 16 and here are my versions:
[matias at padme ~]$ rpm -qa | grep virtuoso
[matias at padme ~]$ rpm -qa | grep akonadi
[matias at padme ~]$ rpm -qa | grep kdelibs
[matias at padme ~]$ rpm -qa | grep kde-workspace
Anything else?
Thank you.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
On 2012-02-22T22:01:48+00:00 Ernesto Manriquez wrote:
kde-runtime-4.8.0-3 ;)
Check for it.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-
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virtuoso-t eats my cpu, should be nice
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