[Bug 898390] Re: krandr-tray doesn't restore monitor arrangement on startup
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Fri May 18 05:02:57 UTC 2012
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On 2009-02-04T11:09:52+00:00 Ejmarkow wrote:
Version: (using KDE 4.2.0)
OS: Linux
Installed from: Unspecified Linux
With KDE 4.2, the Display Settings (Size & Refresh Rate) are lost after
a Logout.
When using KDE to set your Display settings, [System > System Settings >
Display], after logging out from the system, the settings you indicated
are lost. The settings you chose aren't 'retained'.
The temporary fix is to set xorg.conf to the precise resolution and dpi
you want. If this must be the case, then what's the sense of having the
display settings option if it doesn't work.
Linux Distribution: Arch Linux
Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce4 MX 440 AGP 8x
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On 2009-05-19T21:13:24+00:00 Rakuco-h wrote:
*** Bug 193139 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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On 2009-05-19T21:13:39+00:00 Rakuco-h wrote:
*** Bug 190553 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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On 2009-05-22T04:49:25+00:00 Dario Andres wrote:
*** Bug 193473 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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On 2010-04-04T18:35:59+00:00 linux fan wrote:
The problem is still present in KDE 4.4.2
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On 2010-04-04T18:38:21+00:00 linux fan wrote:
*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***
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On 2010-04-08T00:43:50+00:00 linux fan wrote:
# patch
file location = $KDE_PREFIX/bin
--- startkde.orig
+++ startkde
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
kcminputrc Mouse cursorSize ''
ksplashrc KSplash Theme Default
ksplashrc KSplash Engine KSplashX
-kcmrandrrc Display ApplyOnStartup false
+kcmrandrrc Display ApplyOnStartup true
kcmrandrrc [Screen0]
kcmrandrrc [Screen1]
kcmrandrrc [Screen2]
# ~/.xinitrc
export kcmrandrrc_display_applyonstartup=true
export kcmrandrrc_screen0_width=1024
export kcmrandrrc_screen0_height=768
export kcmrandrrc_screen0_refresh=70
exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session startkde
startx applies width=1024, height=768, refresh=70 to screen
The suggestion is bugs in
Have not yet found a way to pass the variables via kdm.
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On 2010-04-08T01:45:26+00:00 linux fan wrote:
(In reply to comment #6)
> export kcmrandrrc_display_applyonstartup=true
> export kcmrandrrc_screen0_width=1024
> export kcmrandrrc_screen0_height=768
> export kcmrandrrc_screen0_refresh=70
Those can be added to ~/.bash_profile and kdm will use.
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On 2010-04-22T16:51:13+00:00 Christoph-maxiom wrote:
*** Bug 235000 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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On 2010-04-22T16:53:05+00:00 Christoph-maxiom wrote:
*** Bug 232500 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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On 2010-04-22T16:53:43+00:00 Christoph-maxiom wrote:
*** Bug 220033 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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On 2010-04-22T16:54:31+00:00 Christoph-maxiom wrote:
*** Bug 229385 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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On 2010-04-22T16:55:01+00:00 Christoph-maxiom wrote:
*** Bug 228565 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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On 2010-04-22T16:57:04+00:00 Christoph-maxiom wrote:
*** Bug 221136 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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On 2010-04-22T16:57:58+00:00 Christoph-maxiom wrote:
*** Bug 232471 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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On 2010-04-22T17:05:26+00:00 Christoph-maxiom wrote:
*** Bug 198834 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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On 2010-04-22T17:26:52+00:00 Christoph-maxiom wrote:
*** Bug 228991 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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On 2010-05-03T18:15:50+00:00 linux fan wrote:
In kdebase-workspace/kstartupconfig, kdostartupconfig.cpp which compiles
to kdostartupconfig4 is broken with regard to the "screen". In the first
place, there is never any file named kcmrandrrc which is seen in
startupconfigkeys. Even if krandrrc is copied to kcmrandrrc so that
kdostartupconfig4 could read it, it fails to parse anything that could
be used to set the size or refresh rate. As a result, the script
~/.kde/share/config/startupconfig it produces only contains comments,
e.g., # kcmrandrrc [Screen0], and no actual settings.
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On 2010-05-04T23:46:58+00:00 linux fan wrote:
Created attachment 43253
Patch to fix display settings being lost on logout
This seems to fix it for screen0 with one exception:
Krandrtray does not save an overriden refresh rate to krandrrc.
"System Settings" -> "Display" will save the refresh rate to krandrrc.
"kcmshell4 randr" also will save the refresh rate to krandrrc.
In startkde, changed kcmrandrrc to krandrrc because there is never any
file named kcmrandrrc.
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On 2010-05-05T10:14:50+00:00 Grgoffe wrote:
Linux Fan,
I guess I'm a fan as well.
Sorry to bother you and for the stupid question. I keep my systems
closely up to date. How can I know when to start looking for this fix?
Regards and THANKS for your help!
"It's not what you know that hurts you, It's what you know that ain't so." Wil Rogers
--- On Tue, 5/4/10, linux fan <linuxscratch at gmail.com> wrote:
From: linux fan <linuxscratch at gmail.com>
Subject: [Bug 183143] Display Settings are Lost on Logout
To: grgoffe at yahoo.com
Date: Tuesday, May 4, 2010, 2:47 PM
--- Comment #18 from linux fan <linuxscratch gmail com> 2010-05-04 23:46:58 ---
Created an attachment (id=43253)
--> (http://bugs.kde.org/attachment.cgi?id=43253)
Patch to fix display settings being lost on logout
This seems to fix it for screen0 with one exception:
Krandrtray does not save an overriden refresh rate to krandrrc.
"System Settings" -> "Display" will save the refresh rate to krandrrc.
"kcmshell4 randr" also will save the refresh rate to krandrrc.
In startkde, changed kcmrandrrc to krandrrc because there is never any file
named kcmrandrrc.
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On 2010-05-15T16:02:29+00:00 linux fan wrote:
Created attachment 43609
Patch to fix display settings being lost on logout (improved)
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On 2010-05-28T12:55:20+00:00 Christoph-maxiom wrote:
*** Bug 239832 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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On 2010-05-29T05:42:23+00:00 Christoph-maxiom wrote:
*** Bug 239873 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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On 2010-06-07T13:33:34+00:00 Christoph-maxiom wrote:
*** Bug 240988 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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On 2010-06-21T21:03:26+00:00 Christoph-maxiom wrote:
*** Bug 242404 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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On 2010-06-23T18:54:50+00:00 Rdieter-math wrote:
(to linuxfan mostly), I tried giving the supplied patch a try, and it doesn't seem to work. See downstream tracking bug,
Any suggestions?
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On 2010-06-23T21:04:11+00:00 linux fan wrote:
(In reply to comment #25)
> (to linuxfan mostly), I tried giving the supplied patch a try, and it doesn't
> seem to work. See downstream tracking bug,
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=607180
> Any suggestions?
Er, umphhh, uh,
In the first place, startkde, which is a shell script that is generated
by startkde.cmake, has: "kcmrandrrc Display ApplyOnStartup false" which
caused (at least for me) no possibility to apply the settings on startup
no matter what.
In the second place, there never is or was any file named kcmrandrrc in
any subdirectory of ~/.kde and so it would never be read no matter what.
In the third place, even if the first two obstacles were magically
overcome, kdostartupconfig4, which is generated from
kdostartupconfig.cpp, has absolutely no method for parsing krandrrc in
~/.kde subdir and thus there is no magic key to unlock the magic black
Those are the facts with respect to my particular encounter.
Looking at comment #7 , I found that setting particular environment
variables durin the "login" had the effect of utimately executing an
xrandr command with the settings that I wanted to be applied.
Further tearing out hair led me to the patch which worked in my
particular encounter.
I had only one screen which was named "Output default" by kde "display
settings" which appeared in the krandrrc file in the subdir of ~/.kde.
So, for me, the patch altered the name kcmrandrrc to krandrrc which is a
file that actually exists. It then plows through that file to parse out
the display settings. It is possible that in other installations, the
format of the entries in krandrrc may be vastly different than what I
Due to there being only 80 votes on this bug, I can only imaging that
everybody else has a magic system, and I do not.
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On 2010-06-25T17:05:59+00:00 Rdieter-math wrote:
For posterity, my ~/.kde/share/config/krandrrc contains:
but my LVSD laptop display reverted to (default) 1280x800 in X session
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On 2010-06-25T18:24:00+00:00 linux fan wrote:
(In reply to comment #27)
my ~/.kde/share/config/krandrrc contained
I see "Screen_0_Output_" is common to both, but yours need to be "LVDS1"
where mine was "default"
Programming kde is not something I know how to do, but I try to learn.
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On 2010-07-13T00:20:12+00:00 Christoph-maxiom wrote:
*** Bug 244438 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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On 2010-08-04T10:49:03+00:00 Chény Yves-Gaël wrote:
probably the same bug (or not ?)
in mandriva 2010.1 :
Description of problem:
I have got a two display configuration with a radeon/fglrx.
I have one display in absolute 0x0 and the second right of the first.
I can change the conf, but if i restart my computer, i have to re-go into the
systemsettings to reconfigure the display.
The settings are not saves.
I have had the same problem into the mdv 2010.0 with the same conf ( but don't have
made a bug report, sorry ... ).
( link to mdv bug report : https://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=60473
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On 2010-08-04T14:27:31+00:00 gmhawash wrote:
I've submitted this bug months ago and still not a descent resolution.
How can I force this manually? Belows is the output from xrandr.
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 3360 x 1080, maximum 8192 x 8192
LVDS-1 connected 1440x900+1920+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 367mm x 230mm
1440x900 60.0*+
1152x864 60.0
1024x768 59.9
800x600 59.9
640x480 59.4
720x400 59.6
640x400 60.0
640x350 59.8
VGA-1 connected 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 477mm x 268mm
1920x1080 59.9*+
1600x1200 60.0
1680x1050 60.0
1280x1024 60.0
1440x900 59.9
1280x960 60.0
1280x800 59.8
1024x768 60.0
800x600 60.3 56.2
640x480 60.0
DVI-D-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
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On 2010-08-11T12:27:35+00:00 Carlvanopstal wrote:
I wish to add my voto for an option to save the settings. I occasionally
connect an extra display, and always need to configure it from scratch.
I would like to be able to save a profile for each external monitor I
connect, so that upon connecting it I get the correct desktop layout and
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On 2010-08-31T15:55:54+00:00 L-lunak-5 wrote:
SVN commit 1170315 by lunakl:
- move the somewhat long krandr setup code from startkde
into its own separate script that is called from startkde
- use properly krandrrc instead of kcmrandrrc in the script
- implement support for randr1.2 (non-legacy) setup, which
is done by kcm_krandr simply saving a list of CLI xrandr commands
and those are executed by the script
- add a buttom to kcm_krandr to save the current setup
as the default to be used during desktop startup
FEATURE: 157839
FEATURE: 219704
FEATURE: 235883
FEATURE: 238278
FEATURE: 163707
FEATURE: 141999
FEATURE: 229529
BUG: 246298
FEATURE: 183143
M +5 -0 kcontrol/randr/CMakeLists.txt
AM kcontrol/randr/krandrstartup
M +5 -1 kcontrol/randr/legacyrandrconfig.cpp
M +22 -0 kcontrol/randr/legacyrandrscreen.cpp
M +1 -0 kcontrol/randr/legacyrandrscreen.h
M +46 -0 kcontrol/randr/randrconfig.cpp
M +2 -0 kcontrol/randr/randrconfig.h
M +8 -1 kcontrol/randr/randrconfigbase.ui
M +31 -2 kcontrol/randr/randrdisplay.cpp
M +3 -1 kcontrol/randr/randrdisplay.h
M +31 -0 kcontrol/randr/randroutput.cpp
M +1 -0 kcontrol/randr/randroutput.h
M +11 -0 kcontrol/randr/randrscreen.cpp
M +1 -0 kcontrol/randr/randrscreen.h
M +7 -48 startkde.cmake
WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=1170315
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On 2010-09-07T06:57:30+00:00 aseigo wrote:
*** Bug 245416 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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On 2010-09-12T05:03:54+00:00 Steve M. Robbins wrote:
Just reported in Debian as http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-
What release of KDE is this fix in?
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On 2010-09-13T12:17:30+00:00 Tommi-tervo wrote:
Fix is committed only to trunk, so 4.6 will be first release where fix
is in.
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On 2010-09-13T12:47:34+00:00 Giovanni Venturi wrote:
Is it difficult to backport to 4.5 branch?
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On 2010-10-03T01:35:47+00:00 jds wrote:
I just did a fresh install of Kubuntu today, and this problem is still
there. So how come this is listed and "resolved" and "fixed"? Usage of
these terms in this context does not jive with my understanding of the
English language.
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On 2010-10-03T12:19:35+00:00 Chény Yves-Gaël wrote:
Jay Shieber,
in #36
"Fix is committed only to trunk, so 4.6 will be first release where fix is in."
into the http://www.kubuntu.org/ : the last RC use 4.5.1
So the fix isn't into that version.
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On 2010-10-03T13:39:45+00:00 jds wrote:
So what I am supposed to do?
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On 2010-10-03T18:49:08+00:00 linux fan wrote:
Wait for 4.6, or you could try comment #7
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On 2010-10-13T21:54:29+00:00 Kde-gj wrote:
#35, #37_
I adapted the fix from #33 for 4.4.5 from debian squeeze.
The debian bug contains the neccessary patches.
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On 2010-10-14T21:02:39+00:00 briancarr wrote:
is it best to wait for 4.6 ?
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On 2010-11-15T02:26:41+00:00 Christoph-maxiom wrote:
*** Bug 256943 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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On 2011-02-07T15:39:52+00:00 Amit Ugol wrote:
Testing it now with a dell vostro, Arch and 4.6.00, and I see that after every logout the screen reverts back to the laptop's resolution.
for me the solution was very easy since the time the bug was reported, I just did an xrandr bash script:
1. check if more than one monitors,
2. if true, get info from xrandr as to what is the prefered monitor,
3. set LVDS1 as nonprimary and VGA1 to preferred and primary and right-of LVDS1
I think this should either be reopened or if this is a new issue than a
new bug should be opened.
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On 2011-02-07T15:41:42+00:00 Rdieter-math wrote:
As I understand it, this bug is only for setting resolution in a user
session (ie, allows for the ability to restore on next login).
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On 2011-02-07T21:08:37+00:00 Grgoffe wrote:
Am I missing something here? How can this be resolved as fixed? It was
working quite well but a recent update (past two weeks) seems to have
back leveled something.
Unfortunately I update every day but don't always reboot or restart KDE.
I'm willing to test any potential fixes, with in reason of course.
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On 2011-02-08T11:30:06+00:00 Amit Ugol wrote:
same version,, I have installed xorg-xrandr which wasn't there before (I wanted to try arandr) I have no idea if it has anything to do with it, but now, a week or so after 4.6 is out in Arch the resolution is saved. I still think something there is not working as it should because it did not work for the first week of usage.
erogo this spesific area of code might be fixed, but something else is not allowing saving the resolution at all times.
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On 2011-02-08T12:00:01+00:00 Grgoffe wrote:
This problem has been resolved for me... for unknown reasons.
Ran yum update. Rebooted... Problem is gone.
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On 2011-04-23T04:50:59+00:00 Apodtele wrote:
Current way of saving the default configuration does not work for me.
This fails:
StartupCommands=xrandr --output "DVI-0" --pos 1280x0 --mode 1920x1080
--refresh 60\nxrandr --output "VGA-0" --pos 0x0 --mode 1280x1024
--refresh 60.0197\nxrandr --noprimary
This works:
StartupCommands=xrandr --output "DVI-0" --pos 1280x0 --output "VGA-0"
--left-of "DVI-0" --noprimary
Please use a single xrandr command.
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On 2011-04-23T07:48:50+00:00 gds wrote:
Basically the bug seems to be that you can setup your dual monitors
correctly in KDE but on re-login, they revert to a "default" state this
is probably not what you want. Here is my description of what I see as
posted on the fedora kde list. (I don't think this bug is resolved or
fixed as it is currently classified!):
I have two monitors (1600*1200) with DVI0 on right and DVI1 on left.
DVI0 has the panel and begins at x,y = 1600,0 with DVI0 at 0,0 so the
mouse moves horizontally across both monitors as expected. After doing
this initial setup in KDE it worked fine for several days but I never
logged off.
Then upgrade to kde 4.6.2 required logoff/on and the dual monitor
configuration was not preserved and it returned to the original default
(when moving mouse pointer on right monitor to the left edge it stops
and if moved past right edge of right monitor it reappears on left edge
of left monitor). Effectively this mean that DVI0 is at 0,0 and DVI1 is
at 1600,0 which is probably the most used default. This time I reset the
coordinates as described in my first paragraph and it worked correctly
again. However, this time I decided to set this as the default hoping
this would cause KDE or whatever to keep my settings after an X restart
or logoff/on. (Note: The help screen for monitor setup in KDE is grayed
out so not really sure what "set as default" really means.)
However, now after logoff/on the monitors come up "cloned" with the same
stuff on both (and having the same coordinates I think). Again, using
the monitor config KDE screen I was able to get my desired setup back.
There is probably a workaround to this such as reversing my monitor
cables and setting the right monitor (now DVI1) to "primary" so it
contains the panel. However, it still appears to be a bug that my
settings are not preserved across reboots or logins.
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On 2011-04-28T02:40:38+00:00 gds wrote:
(In reply to comment #50)
> Current way of saving the default configuration does not work for me.
> This fails:
> StartupCommands=xrandr --output "DVI-0" --pos 1280x0 --mode 1920x1080
> --refresh 60\nxrandr --output "VGA-0" --pos 0x0 --mode 1280x1024
> --refresh 60.0197\nxrandr --noprimary
> This works:
> StartupCommands=xrandr --output "DVI-0" --pos 1280x0 --output "VGA-0"
> --left-of "DVI-0" --noprimary
> Please use a single xrandr command.
On my original system discussed in comment 51 having a DVI-0 and DVI-1
at resolution 1600x1200 having a single xrandr call containing both
output, as described under "This works:" above finally fixed the
problem. Now I can log off and back on and it keeps the desired screen
However, on the system I am currently using I attempted to set-up dual
monitors with VGA-0 and DVI-0 and it made no difference whether I used
multiple xrandr calls separated by \n or if they were consolidated into
But another problem is that the "size and orientation" configuration
screen often does not cause a change in the krandrrc file when the
change is "applied" or after a logoff/on cycle.
Another problem with the "size and orientation" screen is that there is
no "help" available (button remains grey) and it is not clear (and
definitely not documented with online help) what it means to "save as
default" having two choices: "save as default" and "reset". Then even if
you do a "save as default" the "Defaults" button remains grey.
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On 2011-04-28T04:31:10+00:00 Apodtele wrote:
(In reply to comment #52)
Please, "Save as default" your desired setup and post that broken
StartupCommands line here, so that I can try to work around it for you.
"Apply" is meant for temporarily adjusting settings for overhead projectot, etc.
and you do not want to save it.
"Save as Default" if you like it and want it to last
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On 2011-04-29T07:21:10+00:00 gds wrote:
(In reply to comment #53)
> (In reply to comment #52)
> Please, "Save as default" your desired setup and post that broken
> StartupCommands line here, so that I can try to work around it for you.
On the system I am using now (vga and dvi monitors) it is basically
working with multiple xrandr calls separated by newlines (\n) so can't
send anything.
On the other system (two dvi monitors) it *does* require the single
xrandr call as you point out and won't work correctly unless that is
done. So I have the workaround for that already (and don't have that
system here right now to test).
> "Apply" is meant for temporarily adjusting settings for overhead projectot,
> etc.
> and you do not want to save it.
> "Save as Default" if you like it and want it to last
I don't remember other kde config screens having the concept of "save as
default". On all others the "apply" button saves things that survives a
reboot and come back again the way you set them. When you hit the
"apply" button on monitor set-up it gives you several seconds to decide
if you want to keep the new screen configuration and it implies the
changes is permanent. It doesn't say anything about it being a temporary
change at all. However, I think you are right since unless you do the
"save as default" the screen always comes back the way it originally was
after a re-login.
I would think "apply" should change your setting permanently and survive
a restart or re-login. "Save as default" should save your setting as the
possible default setting that can be re-set by hitting the "defaults"
button followed by apply again. (However, defaults button remains always
gray even if "save as default" is done. Also don't need "reset"
selection under "save as default" since there is already a "reset"
button that also is always gray/disabled.)
Also, I noticed that sometimes you can change things (like Position) and
the apply button remains disabled/gray. You have to change something
else, like Size, and then change it back so you can "apply" your desired
position change. This doesn't happen every time.
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On 2011-04-29T17:14:51+00:00 gds wrote:
(In reply to comment #53)
> (In reply to comment #52)
> Please, "Save as default" your desired setup and post that broken
> StartupCommands line here, so that I can try to work around it for you.
Here's my results for the system with two DVI and resolution 1600x1200.
Monitor "size and orientation" config screen set like this:
DVI-0 (Connected)
Size: 1600x1200 (auto)
Refresh: 60 Hz
Orientation: No rotation
Position Absolute 1600 0
DVI-0 (Connected)
Size: 1600x1200 (auto)
Refresh: 60 Hz
Orientation: No rotation
Position: Left of DVI-0 (or Absolute: 0 0 -- same result)
Saved to krandrrc by doing "apply" and then "save as default" produces this StartupCommands in krandrrc:
StartupCommands=xrandr --output "DVI-0" --pos 1600x0 --mode 1600x1200 --refresh 60\nxrandr --output "DVI-1" --pos 0x0 --mode 1600x1200 --refresh 60\nxrandr --output "DVI-0" --primary
After just apply, this produces the expected results. But this comes up "cloned" (same on both monitors) after logoff / login:
Edit ~/.kde/share/config/krandrrc to this and logoff / login then works as expected:
StartupCommands=xrandr --output "DVI-0" --right-of "DVI-1" --mode 1600x1200 --refresh 60\nxrandr --output "DVI-1" --pos 0x0 --mode 1600x1200 --refresh 60\nxrandr --output "DVI-0" --primary
This also works as expected after logoff / login (single consolidated xrandr call):
StartupCommands=xrandr --output "DVI-0" --pos 1600x0 --mode 1600x1200 --refresh 60 --primary --output "DVI-1" --pos 0x0 --mode 1600x1200 --refresh 60
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2011-05-01T01:15:33+00:00 Scottfines wrote:
Hello, all,
I recently installed Kubuntu 11.04 (which comes pre-installed with KDE
4.6.2) and immediately started seeing this issue, and I tried the
various solutions proposed in this bugtracker, to no avail. However, the
thing that DID finally work for me was the following:
The hardware that I'm using is an ATI Radeon FirePro V4800, which has a DisplayPort and a DVI out: I have one monitor plugged into each output for a dual-head display. Since this is a desktop machine, every time I booted I saw this issue rear its ugly head. To work around it, I would have to:
1. Open the activities pane
2. Create a new activity
3. Open that new activity
4. Stop the old activity
Once I did that, my windows returned without trouble. However, when I
restarted, I would have this issue, plus an issue where my dual-headed
desktop configurations were replaced with a single, cloned
What finally fixed it for me was to install the ATI proprietary driver.
Once I did that, I had to configure the Catalyist control center to be
in "Multi-display desktop with displays(s) 1", which solved both issues
for me.
Hope this helps, and please let me know if there's any information I can
provide to help with the tracking down of this issue.
Scott Fines
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2011-05-07T05:49:51+00:00 Grgoffe wrote:
The problem with settings not being saved AND the panel size at the
bottom of the desktop size settings seems to have been resolved now.
The fix came in via yum update that was run this morning.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2011-05-08T15:01:24+00:00 fd.svensson wrote:
This is not solved. Non of the patches work for me, I have update every day so...
That I notice it first now is because a other user ask about it, I haven´t try it.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2011-05-08T19:19:21+00:00 gds wrote:
(In reply to comment #55)
Typo error corrected below:
> Monitor "size and orientation" config screen set like this:
> DVI-0 (Connected)
> Size: 1600x1200 (auto)
> Refresh: 60 Hz
> Orientation: No rotation
> Position Absolute 1600 0
> DVI-0 (Connected) <----typo: Should say "DVI-1 (Connected)
> Size: 1600x1200 (auto)
> Refresh: 60 Hz
> Orientation: No rotation
> Position: Left of DVI-0 (or Absolute: 0 0 -- same result)
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2011-05-10T07:00:09+00:00 Grgoffe wrote:
This is really odd. I have not put any patches on my system. My system
is currently up to date. BY the way, my system is at FC 14. The problem
went away after I ran yum update.
I did try the "save as default" but that did not help.
I wonder if abandoning .kderc and .kde and re-configuring would help?
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2011-05-26T22:58:08+00:00 Rupert-peddle wrote:
I was having the problem with dual-head settings not getting saved and
the screens returning to clones after restarting X after installing
openSuse 11.4.
I figured out what the problem was by starting X, opening a terminal and
running the command in the 'StartupCommands' line from krandrrc and it
told me the modes were unkown. I removed the modes and refresh settings
from the command and it works on restart now!
I've had some trouble with modes on my monitors before so I expect it's
something to do with that.....but hopefully if you have trouble with
this you can run the command in the same way and get some useful
feedback why it might not be working!
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2011-06-10T23:27:55+00:00 Philippe Cloutier wrote:
People still having problems with this on KDE 4.6 should probably check
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2011-06-11T15:51:07+00:00 Giovanni Venturi wrote:
It's not fixed st all. The display settings are lost.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2011-06-12T07:09:22+00:00 Grgoffe wrote:
I just realized that this problem has been fixed in kde-4.6.3 from
Fedora in my Fedora core 14 system.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2011-06-12T10:04:43+00:00 Giovanni Venturi wrote:
Hello George,
can you contact Fedora patcher to help fix this bug in the KDE source? Thank you :) .
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2011-07-29T09:38:50+00:00 Peterroots-h wrote:
I had this problem with Kubuntu 11.04 - affected me with dual monitors but with just the laptop screen the default setting was the correct one for the screen size.
Yesterday I upgraded to KDE 4.6.5 in the hope that this and some other issues might be resolved.
Now every time I restart the display defaults to 1024x768. If I change to 1366x 768 the desktop now fills the screen but the task bar at the bottom does not and has to be manually resized (and conky stays put part way across the desktop)
Even if I 'save as default' the screen drops back to 1024x768 at the next restart.
Rather interestingly I have just noticed that if I click on KrandrTray
the config display shows 1366x768(auto) for LVDS1. A right click of
KrandrTray shows LVDS1 as screen size 1366x768 BUT mouse over KrandrTray
and I get LVDS1 Resolution: 1024x768
So not a fixed bug (at least not in 4.6.5)
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2011-07-29T10:21:50+00:00 Peterroots-h wrote:
OK so I was a little bit premature.
After 4 or 5 reboots, resetting the laptop screen resolution each time and saving as default, the resolution is now sticking at the correct value.
If I now restart with a second monitor plugged in, both the built in and external monitors start off with the saved settings I want (ie resolutions to match the monitor size, not cloned, one above the other).
If I plug second monitor in, after starting up, then I am prompted to configure the monitors - get almost what I want after selecting the right resolution for the second monitor but the background, for this one, is not the one I get (and want) when the second monitor is present at start up - this I can live with though.
So it does work, but rather odd that 4 or 5 reboots were needed to get
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2011-11-14T11:02:29+00:00 Paulo Fidalgo wrote:
After upgrading to Fedora 16 with KDE 4.7.3 this still happens.
Every time I boot I need to configure the displays.
In my opinion the sugestion of https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=265959 would be a nice to have.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2011-11-14T11:23:04+00:00 mebuntu wrote:
I'm running Oneiric with kernel 3.1.0-030100-generic. This and the
previous kernel plus the current standard xorg drivers don't seem to
lose the display settings any more. I'm running a sandy bridge mb and
have one monitor on the displayport and one on the VGA.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-06T21:23:26+00:00 Chris-neal wrote:
I too am having this same problem. I'm using Kubuntu 10.04 and have an NVidia card. After reading through this thread I decided to try Kubuntu 12.04A1 since it uses KDE 4.7.97 (KDE 4.8 RC1) to see if the problem has been corrected. It has not. The problem also exists in Kubuntu 10.10, 11.04 and 11.10 as well.
What is the fix? This bug is now almost 3 years old.
We got tired of the problems/changes in Ubuntu with the loss of Gnome
and the switch to Unity. KDE is a lot farther ahead on thier big
I see that the "save as default" bar shows up, and it does, for the most
part save your changes in ~/.kde/share/config/krandrrc. It does NOT
save the --right-of or --left-of flags.
Updating the file manually still does not make any difference on a
In addition, sometimes the file is left as it was (unchanged) prior to
the reboot. Either way, it appears that it does not read this file upon
Is there a generic user location to make this change to? Why does the
save as default option save this to a file that is not ever used?
The change is persistent with a logout and a re-login, but after a
restart it goes back to the "standard install" settings.
Is this problem still being actively worked?
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-06T23:44:54+00:00 Deano-ferrari wrote:
I see that the "save as default" bar shows up, and it does, for the most part
save your changes in ~/.kde/share/config/krandrrc. It does NOT save the
--right-of or --left-of flags.
My understanding is that it uses '--pos' like this
cat ~/.kde4/share/config/krandrrc
StartupCommands=xrandr --output "LVDS1" --pos 0x0 --mode 1680x1050 --refresh 60.0012\nxrandr --output "VGA1" --pos 1680x0 --mode 1366x768 --refresh 59.7895\nxrandr --output "LVDS1" --primary
This openSUSE thread may be helpful
There is some information about getting it executed upon login as well.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-10T17:36:11+00:00 Chris-neal wrote:
Dean -
Thanks for jumping in on this. I presume that you mean that you believe
that it is to use the "--pos" to determine which monitor is left/right
or above/below.
And I could see how xrandr could make that determination from that
I visited the link you suggested. It's unclear to me how that might
help me. However, the ubuntu link I thought might be useful since I'm
using that, however, that link is no longer valid.
My original idea was to get the krandr command to work in the CLI and
then use that command somewhere during login to make the change.
However, I can't seem to get it to work. When I type xrandr at the CLI,
I get the following error message.
No protocol specified
Can't open display :0
It doesn't matter if I copy the command from the file it is saved in, if
I use a basic line only addressing one monitor, or no input I get the
same error.
I think this might be the underlying problem. I have an NVidia card
with DVI and VGA output.
Also, many of the posts on the thread you referenced, and threads
referenced on that thread indicate opporutnites to place the command in
various areas. One was in the .kde/Autostart directory, but on my
system that is an empty directory. Other suggestions were in the user
home directory and other places. In one suggestion it was suggested to
add the xrandr command in /etc/X11/xinit/xinit.common. In that
directory I have and xinit file, but not and xinit.common.
But I think I need to figure out why the xrandr command produces an
error first.
Do you have any suggestions for that problem?
Thank you,
(In reply to comment #71)
> I see that the "save as default" bar shows up, and it does, for the most part
> save your changes in ~/.kde/share/config/krandrrc. It does NOT save the
> --right-of or --left-of flags.
> My understanding is that it uses '--pos' like this
> cat ~/.kde4/share/config/krandrrc
> [Display]
> ApplyOnStartup=true
> StartupCommands=xrandr --output "LVDS1" --pos 0x0 --mode 1680x1050 --refresh
> 60.0012\nxrandr --output "VGA1" --pos 1680x0 --mode 1366x768 --refresh
> 59.7895\nxrandr --output "LVDS1" --primary
> This openSUSE thread may be helpful
> http://forums.opensuse.org/english/get-technical-help-here/applications/451827-my-dual-monitor-settings-wont-stick.html#post2270043
> There is some information about getting it executed upon login as well.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-10T17:45:01+00:00 Chris-neal wrote:
Dean -
My video card is an nVidia G98 which is a GeForce 8400 GS.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-11T07:56:07+00:00 Deano-ferrari wrote:
Are you using the proprietary driver? The nvidia driver is not fully
compliant with with the RandR 1.3 extensions AFAIU. The above approach
will only work with open source Xorg drivers. Instead, the 'nvidia-
settings' utility needs to be used.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-11T09:45:58+00:00 Paulo Fidalgo wrote:
Dean: this bug isn't related with proprietary drivers only, since In my
laptop with an Intel card I have the same issues.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-11T10:00:30+00:00 M-wege wrote:
I have the problems with intel drivers too. I have a docking station for
my Thinkpad. It would be great, if KDE would remember the seetings when
my laptop is docked.And if easy switching was possible when I want to
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-11T10:29:22+00:00 mebuntu wrote:
I'm using a Sandy Bridge H67 chipset and Oneiric - this issue seems to
have been resolved on this platform for some time.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-11T19:15:32+00:00 Chris-neal wrote:
Dean/All -
I am not using the proprietary drivers. However I tried them on an
Ubuntu 10.04 machine, same results, "no protocol specified".
I will also try the proprietary drivers on an Ubuntu 12.04A1 machine.
It's the same result too.
Isn't "X11" the protocol? I believe that the "no protocol specified"
and "unable to open the display" are the problems I need to fix, and it
might just work.
The work "protocol" does not show up in the xrandr help nor in the
nvidia-settings help.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-12T08:19:22+00:00 Deano-ferrari wrote:
Chris, the nvidia-settings utility is only relevant if using the
proprietary nvidia driver (and may need to be installed first).
Are you opening a terminal within a desktop environment? (It won't work
if your switching to a VT say with CTRL-ALT-f2 for example). Otherwise,
I'm not sure what is going on.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-12T16:27:18+00:00 Chris-neal wrote:
Dean -
I'm using a Terminal Window inside the X-Session, not opening a VT.
What can I do to move towards determining the problem/solution for the
"Can't open display" error message from xrandr?
Does anyone have the persistent problem with the dual monitors working
on Ubuntu/Kubuntu, and if so what versions of Ubuntu/KDE are you
running, and how did you fix it? What video card are you using?
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-12T17:06:55+00:00 Giovanni Venturi wrote:
I still have this problem.
I can suggest to close this bug as WONTFIX. So we can forget about it.
Another bug on Plasma opened from 3 years was fixed after a flame in less than 30 minutes, maybe it was a simpler bug of course. It's not the case to do the same. I think this bug has to be closed also if still not fixed. I can suggest to let open a window when someone set the values in the windows settings: "Hello user, this settings will be lost at the KDE logout or system reboot, so it's suggested to reapply again when needed" or similar.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-14T13:33:48+00:00 kaputtnik wrote:
heres the same. Any modifications of krandrrc, like using only one
xrandr command, do not work. Everytime i logout, restart the xserver and
login will show cloned desktops. Seems to me like this file isn't read
at startup anytime...
I am using a ATI HD 5450 Graphicscard, non proprietary driver with two
Displays. KDE Version is 4.7.97.
xrandr shows my two displays correct:
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1680 x 1050, maximum 8192 x 8192
HDMI-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DVI-0 connected 1680x1050+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 473mm x 296mm
VGA-0 connected 1680x1050+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 474mm x 296mm
Doing xrandr-command "xrandr --output DVI-0 --pos 1680x0 --mode
1680x1050 --refresh 59.8518" in a terminal window works fine. Two
different Desktops.
Is there any abilitity to debug the startup, so i could see if the file
krandrrc is involved and works properly?
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-15T17:16:56+00:00 Carlvanopstal wrote:
Apart from saving display settings, would it be possible to just restore
the default LVDS settings when an external screen is unhooked? It is a
major pain having to think of reconfiguring the display settings before
you disconnect an external monitor. If you don't, you are either faced
with a blank screen (if you had LVDS turned off), or your windows are
invisible etc. This is actually getting a bit long in the tooth. KDE has
never worked 100% correctly with external monitors. Ever....
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-15T20:06:42+00:00 kaputtnik wrote:
i've testet the "/usr/bin/krandrstartup"-script by adding some echo-
lines like:
echo "Var: $krandrrc_display_applyonstartup" >>
if test "$krandrrc_display_applyonstartup" = "true"; then
echo "Var: $krandrrc_display_applyonstartup" >> /home/kaputtnik/krandrstartup.log
if test -n "$krandrrc_display_startupcommands"; then
# new way of simply storing the commands
eval "$krandrrc_display_startupcommands"
echo "2. if: $krandrrc_display_startupcommands" >> /home/kaputtnik/krandrstartup.log
I found, that the the first if query return allways "false"... the
variable "$krandrrc_display_applyonstartup" is empty. The lines within
the if-query whre not processed.
I do not know, where or how the variables are set. The first lines of my
"~/.kde/share/config/krandrrc" looks like this:
StartupCommands=xrandr --output DVI-0 --pos 1680x0 --mode 1680x1050 --refresh 59.8518\nxrandr --output VGA-0 --pos 0x0 --mode 1680x1050 --refresh 59.8833\nxrandr --noprimary
How are the variables set?
Thanks for a reply
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-25T01:37:42+00:00 Maxim Levitsky wrote:
I have the same issue. How really these variables are set?
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-25T05:22:36+00:00 Grgoffe wrote:
I don't understand why this works for me unless it's the Fedora Core 16
+ KDE at 4.7.4-2.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-25T07:37:28+00:00 kaputtnik wrote:
There are several files involved in the startup to configure the screen.
It seems to me, that there is a different behavior if a restricted
driver is used ore not and if a /etc/X11/xorg.conf is present ore not.
If you are using a restricted driver, its maybe better to configure your
screens with the related configtool (nvidiasettings or fglrx-amdcccle).
I guess(!), the related variables are set with /usr/bin/kstartupconfig4
wich reads the file ~/.kde/share/config/startupconfigkeys
The ~/.kde/share/config/startupconfigkeys is set with /usr/bin/startkde
where you find a block like:
cat >$kdehome/share/config/startupconfigkeys <<EOF
kcminputrc Mouse cursorTheme 'Oxygen_Black'
kcminputrc Mouse cursorSize ''
ksplashrc KSplash Theme Default
ksplashrc KSplash Engine KSplashX
krandrrc Display ApplyOnStartup false
krandrrc Display StartupCommands ''
krandrrc [Screen0]
krandrrc [Screen1]
krandrrc [Screen2]
krandrrc [Screen3]
kcmfonts General forceFontDPI 0
kdeglobals Locale Language '' # trigger requesting languages from KLocale
kdeglobals Locale Country ''
In KDE Version 4.7.97 this block misses the krandrrc entries but maybe
in this KDE-version the variables are set in another way? Copying these
entries in the /usr/bin/startkde at the same block will not work.
As i mentioned above, this startup procedure is what i guess! Without
any documentation how the startup works, its like to look for a needle
in a haystack.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-26T07:49:43+00:00 Jussi Kekkonen wrote:
*** Bug 292438 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-26T07:55:51+00:00 Jussi Kekkonen wrote:
After reading all of the comments, I can only say that I too have the
problem of krandrrc not being applied. In my case, for whatever reasons,
after upgrading to KDE SC 4.8 made krandrrc contain also
ApplyOnStartup=false, which I turned to true with no effect.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-30T10:05:29+00:00 Thomas-luebking wrote:
*** Bug 292846 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-31T19:54:00+00:00 Victor wrote:
Does anyone know a workaround for this? How to manually fix this in my
KDE? Thanks.
P.S. I feel this is a trivial bug to fix... for someone who knows the
KDE booting procedure.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-01-31T20:19:56+00:00 FriedChicken wrote:
My workaround is to run the xrandr-command from
~/.kde/shar/config/krandrrc afer every logon...
Not the best solution but better than recreating the configuration after
each login.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-02-10T09:00:14+00:00 Istvan Kapcsandi wrote:
My workaround was to patch of /usr/bin/startke on kubuntu 11.10 and kde 4.8.
--- startkde 2012-01-25 01:49:00.000000000 +0100
+++ /usr/bin/startkde 2012-02-09 17:34:45.776396391 +0100
@@ -103,6 +103,12 @@
kcminputrc Mouse cursorSize ''
ksplashrc KSplash Theme Default
ksplashrc KSplash Engine KSplashX
+krandrrc Display ApplyOnStartup true
+krandrrc Display StartupCommands ''
+krandrrc [Screen0]
+krandrrc [Screen1]
+krandrrc [Screen2]
+krandrrc [Screen3]
kcmfonts General forceFontDPI 0
kdeglobals Locale Language '' # trigger requesting languages from KLocale
kdeglobals Locale Country ''
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-02-10T18:25:48+00:00 Chris-neal wrote:
All -
I tried Kapcsándi István's solution posted above on Kubuntu 10.04 (LTS)
and KDE 4.4.5 and it did not fix the persistent problem for me.
Other suggestions?
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-02-10T18:29:21+00:00 Chris-neal wrote:
Dominic Lyons -
Can you provide more details on your fix you used in post #92?
Where did you insert the command at each login, or are you doing it
manually at the terminal window each time you log in?
Which specific xrandr-command are you using?
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-02-10T22:21:00+00:00 FriedChicken wrote:
@all, reply to comment #93 from Kapcsándi István
This solution worked for me, too.
These lines are still included in the current version on git:
So it seems to be a packaging problem (or a config tool messes this up).
To explain what is happening (as far as I understood it):
* startkde is a shell script that is run after logging in
* startkde calls kstartupconfig4 which reads a user specific "startupconfigkeys" file which generates "startupconfigfiles" and a shell script "startupconfig"
* This generated script is now sourced/started
* To give some default values startkde "hacks" some options to startupconfigkeys. This is arranged by this crazy looking part:
cat >$kdehome/share/config/startupconfigkeys <<EOF
kcminputrc Mouse cursorTheme 'Oxygen_White'
* kstartupconfig4 looks into the real config files and replaces the default values by the values defined there (if there are any) on generating the mentioned files
* If the krandrrc settings are neither mentioned in the startupconfigkeys files nor in the default options in startkde, kstartupconfig4 will *not* look for options in the krandrc file! This is what caused this problem.
* Later on startkde sources the script krandrstartup. If krandrstartup doesn't find the environment variables which ought to be set by startupconfig then no settings will be applied. This results in staying at default/fallback settings.
Details on kstartupconfig4 can be found in the source comment at
@Chris, reply to comment #94:
What did you exactly try? You have to insert these 6 lines
krandrrc Display ApplyOnStartup true
krandrrc Display StartupCommands ''
krandrrc [Screen0]
krandrrc [Screen1]
krandrrc [Screen2]
krandrrc [Screen3]
to startkde in between the "cat <... <<EOF" and the "EOF".
@Chris, reply to comment #95:
This was just a workaround. I manually executed the xrandr command I
found in ~/.kde/shar/config/krandrrc after each login.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-02-10T22:30:21+00:00 Chris-neal wrote:
Dominic Lyons -
Yes, I added those six lines to the file specified and then I rebooted
the machine.
My dual screen settings/preferences were lost on the reboot. I went and
looked at the file to ensure my 6 lines were still there, and they were.
Do you think that this might not work with Kubuntu 10.04 (LTS) and KDE
Do I also have to run the xrandr command you pointed out in your last
post too to make it persistent?
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-02-10T22:43:56+00:00 FriedChicken wrote:
I'm not sure if your problem is caused by the same fault.
But to give it a try: Before this https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kde-workspace/repository/revisions/042d95483f4dfa6e5b26552b08eb788e50005503 revision from August 2011 the options were slightly different:
kcmrandrrc Display ApplyOnStartup false
kcmrandrrc [Screen0]
kcmrandrrc [Screen1]
kcmrandrrc [Screen2]
kcmrandrrc [Screen3]
According to diff https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kde-workspace/repository/revisions/042d95483f4dfa6e5b26552b08eb788e50005503 there is no "StartupCommands"-line
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-02-10T22:55:15+00:00 Chris-neal wrote:
Dominic Lyons -
I commented out that line and rebooted and my changes are not
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-02-10T23:02:23+00:00 FriedChicken wrote:
Have you seen that it was "kcmrandrrc" on older versions an now "krandrrc"?
So you likely have to take the first one (with "cm" between "k" and "randrrc").
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-02-12T11:40:13+00:00 Maxim Levitsky wrote:
maxim at maxim-laptop:~/kde-workspace-4.8.0b/debian/patches$
maxim at maxim-laptop:~/kde-workspace-4.8.0b/debian/patches$
maxim at maxim-laptop:~/kde-workspace-4.8.0b/debian/patches$ ls
50_icon_in_oxygen_title_bar.diff kdm_xreset_hook_framework.diff kubuntu_plasma_netbook_for_small_screens.diff
enable_debianabimanager.diff kubuntu_always_show_kickoff_subtext.diff kubuntu_remove_empty_librarypath_key.diff
enable_dlrestrcitions.diff kubuntu_disable_remote_widgets_browser.diff kubuntu_remove_startkde_cruft.diff
genkdmconf.diff kubuntu_fix_username_icon_alignment.diff kubuntu_screensaver_restricted_install.diff
genkdm_make.diff kubuntu_gtk2_engines_oxygen_config.diff kubuntu_startkde_set_country.diff
initialize_variables_crashfix.diff kubuntu_homepage.diff kubuntu_upstart_session_events.diff
kdm_does_not_wreak_havoc.diff kubuntu_inotify_add_watch_ibus.diff place_global_config_in_etc.diff
kdm_no_custom.diff kubuntu_kdewallpapers_install.diff plasma_netbook_fix_autostart.diff
kdm_override_docs.diff kubuntu_kdm_plymouth_transition.diff qguiplatformplugin_kde_NULL_check.diff
kdmrc_defaults_kubuntu.diff kubuntu_kdmrc_defaults.diff series
kdm_vt_switching_on_kfreebsd.diff kubuntu_kubuntu_knewstuff.diff
kdm_X_path.diff kubuntu_netbook_favourites.diff
maxim at maxim-laptop:~/kde-workspace-4.8.0b/debian/patches$ cat ./kubuntu_remove_startkde_cruft.diff
Index: kde-workspace-4.7.3/startkde.cmake
--- kde-workspace-4.7.3.orig/startkde.cmake 2011-11-23 17:59:40.000000000 +0000
+++ kde-workspace-4.7.3/startkde.cmake 2011-11-23 18:00:49.000000000 +0000
@@ -81,12 +81,6 @@
kcminputrc Mouse cursorSize ''
ksplashrc KSplash Theme Default
ksplashrc KSplash Engine KSplashX
-krandrrc Display ApplyOnStartup false
-krandrrc Display StartupCommands ''
-krandrrc [Screen0]
-krandrrc [Screen1]
-krandrrc [Screen2]
-krandrrc [Screen3]
kcmfonts General forceFontDPI 0
kdeglobals Locale Language '' # trigger requesting languages from KLocale
maxim at maxim-laptop:~/kde-workspace-4.8.0b/debian/patches$
Awesome, isn't it? Yep, reverted this kubuntu patch, and sure bug gone.
Cruft.... yea, kubuntu is the cruft.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-02-12T19:48:31+00:00 Philip Muškovac wrote:
Ok. I've spent a while looking at this today and I would like it if
someone could tell me what is *supposed* to set the resolution on
startup in 4.8.
kstartupconfig4 using 'krandrrc [Screen0]' ?
No, krandrrc has no [Screen0] section, so this won't work
kstartupconfig4 using 'StartupCommand'?
No, that is zeroed by startkde, and I don't have a StartupCommand in my kranddrc
Also, since startkde sets ApplyOnStartup = false, krandrstartup doesn't do a thing in the first place which is why the mentioned kubuntu patch shouldn't make a difference.
I tried it, it doesn't restore any settings.
Is there anything left I didn't try?
Here's my krandrrc:
Philip Muskovac
Kubuntu Developer
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-02-12T21:01:12+00:00 FriedChicken wrote:
After setting up your display and clicking on the "Save as Default"-button you should have a section like
StartupCommands=xrandr ...
in krandrrc. kstartupconfig4 reads this out. See comment #96
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-02-12T21:24:08+00:00 Philip Muškovac wrote:
Thanks, shows that I don't usually use krandr. This was a legacy patch
that got updated and re-enabled by accident for 4.8. It's now removed
from the 11.10 backports. Sorry for this.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-02-12T22:35:54+00:00 FriedChicken wrote:
So this will close this bug and https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
workspace/+bug/898390 ?
BTW: Yes, it is a bit sad that there is no central (desktop and tool
independent) configuration file for randr.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-02-12T22:42:39+00:00 FriedChicken wrote:
Possible duplicates that maybe also could be closed:
* Bug #292419
* Bug #290240
* Bug #283625
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-03-07T09:11:41+00:00 Philipdel wrote:
Is there a simple way a non technical old man such as myself can import
this information without having to copy it letter by letter?
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-03-08T00:59:32+00:00 FriedChicken wrote:
@Philip de Leon:
If this problem appears on Kubuntu it should be enough to install all updates.
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-04-03T21:27:44+00:00 M-wege wrote:
I am using Oneric with the latest backports and still have the problem.
I have an external monitor which I configure to show above the laptop
screen. Saving and rebooting does not help KDE/Kubuntu to keep the
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-04-14T21:27:45+00:00 Mgraesslin wrote:
*** Bug 247323 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Reply at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase-
On 2012-04-14T21:27:59+00:00 Mgraesslin wrote:
*** Bug 257351 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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On 2012-04-14T21:35:31+00:00 Daniel Franke wrote:
Haven't read all the history, but as one who filed one of the many
duplicates and just in case it matters: the problem has resolved itself
for me a while ago (Kubuntu 11.10, up to date)?!
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krandr-tray doesn't restore monitor arrangement on startup
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