[Bug 45427] quitting kdm session on xdmcp terminal(ltsp) causes usplash to appear on server session

SEAQ - Andres Mujica andres.mujica at seaq.com.co
Mon Jun 18 14:17:09 UTC 2007

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Binary package hint: usplash

I've got a lab implementation testing kubuntu dapper

cat /etc/lsb-release
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu (The Dapper Drake Release) Development Branch"

and have one (1) thin client working using native/pure ltsp-4.2

KDM is the default login manager.

if a user closes it`s session at the thin client on the server appears
inmeadiatly the usplash image while a user is logged into kde

To get back to the session, you've got to switch to tty1 and then come
back to X.

it's annoying and a critical bug.

I'm gonna try to test this behaviour with gdm as default login manager.
Currently i cannot test with more than two thin clients, i will try

** Affects: kdebase (Ubuntu)
     Importance: Medium
         Status: Needs Info

quitting kdm session on xdmcp terminal(ltsp) causes usplash to appear on server session

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