[Bug 61946] Re: [Edgy Data Loss] umount progress dialog missing

"Kosmonaut" Bernd Müller bernado_tornado at gmx.de
Wed Jan 17 16:03:42 UTC 2007

I totaly agree with kubuntu_user and all you guys out there.

This bug *must* be fixed ASAP. I cannot understand why this bug is
around since monthes and nothing visible happened.

Note: Ali Milis mentioned trash: My egdy doen't delete  Trash in my Usb-
stick. Trash remains in the stick as ".Trash" and can only be deleted
with "sudo -R .Trash". Don't get me wrong, but this drives me mad. I
don't want to use "sudo" just because I want to delete things that I
have allready deleted....

These problems apart: Edgy rocks the house :-D

[Edgy Data Loss] umount progress dialog missing

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