[Bug 58617] Re: Saying no to MP3 support on fresh install says that Amarok is now ready to support MP3

Andrew Ash ash211 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 3 16:36:26 UTC 2007

The install mp3 support dialog is activated by running /usr/lib/amarok

Basically all that script does is install libxine-extracodecs from
multiverse.  Make sure you have multiverse enabled from
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu.  Then install
libxine-extracodecs from adept and restart Amarok and mp3 support should
work just fine.

To fix the dialog making decisions contrary to what  you've told it,
someone with more coding experience than me will have to play around
with that file.

Saying no to MP3 support on fresh install says that Amarok is now ready to support MP3

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