[Bug 52155] Re: Amarok crashes when playing .mp3, .wma, and .ogg files

Scott Lewin slewin at rogers.com
Sun Oct 8 22:12:11 UTC 2006

>  Is anyone able to confirm it still crashes on 1.4.3 with different music  collection?

I now don't think it haves anything to do with Amarok, and is totaly a
Xine problem as I was also having the same problem in many other
applications using xine.

The most recent update in Dapper I recieved to xine may have fixed the
problem, as I played about 2 hours of music without any problem, but I
still have not had anytime to test beyond that at this time.

I current have Kubuntu 6.06 installed and using backports with Amarok

Amarok crashes when playing .mp3, .wma, and .ogg files

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