[Bug 63958] Re: File transfer using fish:// or sftp:// with konqueror is very slow when sending file.

Moreno Bartalucci moreno.bartalucci at tecnorama.it
Thu Oct 5 12:40:04 UTC 2006

Beside the notes I've added as a comment directly in the bug window in 
launchpad, I'd like to add something concerning the fish protocol.

I can only test it with konqueror (don't know if it's equivalent to scp or 
what else in the shell).

Get -> 6-7MB/s.
Put -> 1MB/s.

P.S. What is the right way to give you feedback? Adding a comment in the bug 
window or answering the email?


File transfer using fish:// or sftp:// with konqueror is very slow when sending file.

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