[Bug 35995] kio_tar and kio_zip not used automatically

Loïc Corbasson loic.corbasson at gmail.com
Sat Mar 25 21:07:46 UTC 2006

Public bug report changed:

I agree with you; kioslaves for zip and tar are very nice because like fish://, locate or even http they are deeply embedded in KDE, I mean I can click on a zip file and then click on a file inside it and have the associated app opening it, seamlessly. I think it's far easier and less confusing than opening ark, uncompressing to a temp folder [a newbie will create and have to find in the app or in konqueror (takes time), never delete (wastes space)], an approach which IMHO doesn't bring any benefit, excluding the fact it's more gnome- or windows-like, which isn't for me a reference for simplicity.
The abstraction brought by kioslaves like these is, I think, good for the user which IMO doesn't matter about where his files are stored and what an archive is. Just my 2c, though.

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