[Bug 41031] Re: [Bug 41031] Re: Volume in gnome screwed up

Martin mpisz at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 28 06:10:18 UTC 2006

I did as you asked.

Removed gtk2-engines-gtk-qt remove only under
synaptic.  Solved my problem with volume and also my
problem with open office in gnome.  Bug {40703}. 
Oddly enough it said it will remove Kubuntu desktop. 
However kde still works and openoffice under kde still
works fine.  Thanks a lot for your workaround.  Wish
Kubuntu was set-up like this by default, it would save
me a headache as I run mostly gnome but occasionally
kde.  I would not have been able to figure this out on
my own, I am not an IT person but work in Oil

Hurray ti worked.  And KDE still seems to work.

--- Holger Bauer <umarmung at planet.ms> wrote:

> Can you try and remove gtk2-engines-gtk-qt ?
> -- 
> Volume in gnome screwed up
> https://launchpad.net/bugs/41031

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Volume in gnome screwed up

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