[Bug 20514] New: Kubuntu Breezy Final- Generic IDE Device Driver Error

bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.ubuntu.com
Mon Dec 5 19:07:12 UTC 2005

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Ubuntu | UNKNOWN

           Summary: Kubuntu Breezy Final- Generic IDE Device Driver Error
           Product: Ubuntu
           Version: unspecified
          Platform: powerpc
        OS/Version: Linux
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P2
         Component: UNKNOWN
        AssignedTo: debzilla at ubuntu.com
        ReportedBy: pcdataone at bigpond.com
         QAContact: kubuntu-bugs at lists.ubuntu.com

Hi Everyone, 




references concerned were felt may help in further bug tracing with Dapper.
Please feel free to do the
 [snip]  <.......................................................... >  [snip] 
if you believe that any of the following content is not necessary or not relevant.


                        Re: KUBUNTU BREEZY 5.10 FINAL FOR PPC/PPC64            

Problem(s) / Errors(s) / Bug(s) - First boot to  Kubuntu Breezy 5.10 Final for
PPC /PPC64 Desktop -

ERROR - Generic IDE Device Driver.

The error is seen if the Owner / User chooses to type in ( at the installer boot
prompt) install-powerpc64

This is showing up POST a SUCCESSFUL install with the owner/user booting up to
get to the desktop the first time.

In the on screen boot text other errors are also reported with a nested
subdirectory structure shown in text,  all errors relate to files with a .ko (
dot ko ) extension.
also the user/owners choice of root partition is NOT FOUND (if the
expert-powerpc64 boot time option is NOT taken ) and the powerpc64 option IS chosen!

The text on screen then states you will be dropped to a prompt that never
appears. No further boot up to the desktop is possible.

PLEASE NOTE: Similar/the same errors are reported with the users choice of 
SUPPLIED KERNEL CHOICES, being  2 of the 3 ( two of the three ) supplied kernel
choices. (kernel choice 1 and kernel choice 2 ... if i remember correctly) it is
ONLY the bottom choice (number three from the top) that actually will get you to
a brownish GUI Login Prompt

Also see our Hardware Info at the end of this post.

Also: Please see our other posts re this self same problem with:

1.) Ubuntu Breezy 5.10 Preview for PPC/PPC64

2.) Ubuntu Breezy 5.10 Final for PPC/PPC64

3.) Kubuntu Breezy 5.10 Final for PPC/PPC64

The above Problem(s) / Errors(s) / Bug(s) - First boot to Ubuntu Dapper Drake
Desktop - Mice and Keyboards freeze, seem to be a not caught up with situation
and or situations from the time of the prior Ubuntu Breezy Preview.

Just exactly "how" Ubuntu Breezy 5.10 Final for PPC/PPC64 came to be a Final
with such a major reprocatable (repeatable) situation is "not" for us to really
comment about 
Likewise just exactly "how" Kubuntu Breezy 5.10 Final for PPC/PPC64 came to be a
Final also is "not" with the same problems as Ubuntu Breezy Preview and Ubuntu
Breezy Final for us to profoundly comment about. We will leave all that to those
who may have  latter post mortems.

Prior matters with Ubantu Breezy Final for PPC/PPC64 and Kubuntu Breezy Final
for PPC/PPC64 and now "Dapper Drake", for PPC/PPC64 all seem to go right back to
the Ubuntu Breezy preview problems :

a.) Only one Kernel choice (of the 3 (three) supplied kernel choices) with the
installer boot  option - expert-powerpc64 able to get the computer
owner/operator even to the GUI Login Prompt....

The other 2 (two) kernel choices list errors in text relating to 3, 4 or more
errors relating to .ko ( dot ko ) files, a generic ide device driver problem,
the user chosen root partition not existing. A driver or probe looking for or
loading driver(s) for the OLD PMU Chip. "Dropping you to a prompt" which never
"It's hung up by then .... requiring a hard power off".

These things are noted "POST" a successful install in the case of the other 2
(two) kernels !

The above may well point to either older drivers that do not support the newer
SATA HDD in the latest Apple Mac G5 PC's ...........

OR .......

Wrong Kernel Configs Settings ........

OR ...........

The loading of driver(s) for the older PMU OnBoard Chip. Apple (in their wisdom)
replaced the "older" PMU Chip with the newer SMU OnBoard Chip. The PMU driver or
probe is seen in text loading in, or executing in text when you are on your way
to the desktop. With NO PMU chip but an existing SMU Chip present instead,
"perhaps" this may be causing conflicts ????

OR ........

An Xorg problem with the newer OnBoard ATI 9600 OnBoard Graphic's chip Set (iMac
G5 2GHz Rev2) 17" LCD Flat Screen PC's we have........

OR .......

The loading of older or wrong USB wired Mouse and USB wired Keyboard Drivers,
post a successful install may indicate that Xorg, Gnome, KDE don't like the
supplied drivers ...........

Unfortunately it now looks like poor ole' LOVABLE Dapper Drake is a dead duck,
plucked duck, stuffed duck, or a screwed ( up ) duck, or a real goose !! 

Probably a good start would be to "START AGAIN" RIGHT FROM SCRATCH.

Building Blocks - DON'T use OLD / AND REUSED MATERIALS  you are asking for "OLD"
unreported bugs to be carried over into "NEWER" releases !

Always start with the very latest released kernel, ( even a yet NOT stable
Kernel ) the very latest Xorg, KDE and Gnome, Enlightenment  tarballs and
fashion all else to fit in and plug in to the newest of the new.

Probably another good move would be to preference newer Apple Hardware
FIRST..... older Apple Hardware will boot and install most "LOM" Distro's (
Linux On Mac ).

Slow down releases, and put out more test rc's (beta's) .ISO "between" much,
much, sloooower Final Releases.


1.) Ubuntu Breezy 5.10 Preview iso for PPC/PPC64

2.) Ubuntu Breezy 5.10 Final iso for PPC/PPC64

3.) Kubuntu Breezy 5.10 Final iso for PPC/PPC64


4.) Dapper Drake Dev iso for PPC/PPC64

ALL have exactly the SAME PROBLEMS ........ Mouse and Keyboard Freezes post
"successful" installs !

           Kindest regards to ALL of the big Ubuntu and Kubuntu Family(s)

                                                     Jack, Mary and Family(s)


Hardware Overview:

  Machine Name:	iMac G5
  Machine Model:	PowerMac8,2
  CPU Type:	PowerPC G5  (3.1)
  Number Of CPUs:	1
  CPU Speed:	2 GHz
  L2 Cache (per CPU):	512 KB
  Memory:	1.5 GB
  Bus Speed:	667 MHz
  Boot ROM Version:	5.2.5f1

ATA Bus:


  Model:	MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-845
  Revision:	DBN9
  Serial Number:	
  Detachable Drive:	No
  Protocol:	ATAPI
  Unit Number:	0
Built In Sound Card:

Burr Brown PCM3052:
  Inputs and Outputs:
  Internal Microphone:
  Controls:	Mute, Master
  Playthrough:	No
  PluginID:	Onyx
  Line Level Input:
  Controls:	Mute, Master
  Playthrough:	No
  PluginID:	Onyx
  S/PDIF Digital Output:
  Controls:	Mute
  PluginID:	Onyx
  Internal Speakers:
  Controls:	Mute, Left, Right
  PluginID:	Onyx
  Line Level Output:
  Controls:	Mute, Left, Right
  PluginID:	Onyx
PCM 16:
  Bit Depth:	16
  Bit Width:	16
  Channels:	2
  Mixable:	Yes
  Sample Rates:	32 KHz, 44.1 KHz, 48 KHz, 64 KHz, 88.2 KHz, 96 KHz
PCM 24:
  Bit Depth:	24
  Bit Width:	32
  Channels:	2
  Mixable:	Yes
  Sample Rates:	32 KHz, 44.1 KHz, 48 KHz, 64 KHz, 88.2 KHz, 96 KHz
AC3 16:
  Bit Depth:	16
  Bit Width:	16
  Channels:	2
  Mixable:	No
  Sample Rates:	32 KHz, 44.1 KHz, 48 KHz, 64 KHz, 88.2 KHz, 96 KHz

 Apple Bluetooth Software Version:	1.6.0f2
  Bluetooth File Transfer:
  Requires Authentication:	No
  Folder other devices can browse:	~/Public
  State:	Disabled
  Bluetooth File Exchange:
  Requires Authentication:	No
  Folder for accepted items:	~/Documents
  When other items are accepted:	Ask
  When PIM items are accepted:	Ask
  When receiving items:	Refuse all
  State:	Disabled
  Incoming Serial Ports:
  Serial Port 1:
  Requires Authentication:	No
  State:	No

ATI Radeon 9600:

  Chipset Model:	ATY,RV351
  Type:	Display
  Bus:	AGP
  Slot:	AGP
  VRAM (Total):	128 MB
  Vendor:	ATI (0x1002)
  Device ID:	0x4150
  Revision ID:	0x0000
  ROM Revision:	113-xxxxx-117
  Display Type:	LCD
  Resolution:	1440 x 900
  Depth:	32-bit Color
  Built-In:	Yes
  Core Image:	Supported
  Main Display:	Yes
  Mirror:	Off
  Online:	Yes
  Quartz Extreme:	Supported
  Online:	No
  Status:	No display connected


  Status:	Idle
  Print Server:	Local
  Driver Version:	3.6.1
  Default:	Yes
  URI:	usb://Canon/iP2200?serial=212D72
  PPD:	Canon iP2200
  PPD File Version:	1.0
  PostScript Version:	(3011.104) 0

Serial-ATA Bus:


  Capacity:	232.89 GB
  Model:	ST3250823AS
  Revision:	3.03
  Serial Number:	4ND00M16
  Removable Media:	No
  Detachable Drive:	No
  BSD Name:	disk0
  Protocol:	ata
  Unit Number:	0
  Socket Type:	Serial-ATA
  OS9 Drivers:	No
  S.M.A.R.T. status:	Verified
  Capacity:	100.49 GB
  Available:	53.39 GB
  Writable:	Yes
  File System:	Journaled HFS+
  BSD Name:	disk0s3
  Mount Point:	/

USB Bus:

  Host Controller Location:	Built In USB
  Host Controller Driver:	AppleUSBOHCI
  PCI Device ID:	0x0035
  PCI Revision ID:	0x0043
  PCI Vendor ID:	0x1033
  Bus Number:	0x0b

Bluetooth HCI:

  Version:	19.65
  Bus Power (mA):	500
  Speed:	Up to 12 Mb/sec
  Product ID:	0x8207
  Vendor ID:	0x05ac  (Apple Computer, Inc.)

Hub in Apple Pro Keyboard:

  Version:	4.10
  Bus Power (mA):	500
  Speed:	Up to 12 Mb/sec
  Manufacturer:	Mitsumi Electric
  Product ID:	0x1003
  Vendor ID:	0x05ac  (Apple Computer, Inc.)

Apple Pro Keyboard:

  Version:	4.10
  Bus Power (mA):	250
  Speed:	Up to 12 Mb/sec
  Manufacturer:	Mitsumi Electric
  Product ID:	0x020b
  Vendor ID:	0x05ac  (Apple Computer, Inc.)

AirPort Card Information:

  Wireless Card Type:	AirPort Extreme
  Wireless Card Locale:	Worldwide
  Wireless Card Firmware Version:	400.17 (
  Current Wireless Network:	AirPort is currently turned off

Modem Information:

  Modem Model:	Jump
  Interface Type:	I2S
  Modulation:	V.92
  Hardware Version:	Version 1.0
  Driver:	MotorolaSM56K.kext (v1.3.2)
  Country:	9 (Australia)

FireWire Bus:

  Maximum Speed:	Up to 400 Mb/sec


  Manufacturer:	Generic
  Model:	0x8034
  GUID:	0x1A37000301142
  Maximum Speed:	Up to 400 Mb/sec
  Connection Speed:	Up to 400 Mb/sec
1394 USB COMBO Unit:
  Unit Software Version:	0x10483
  Unit Spec ID:	0x609E
  Firmware Revision:	0x0
  Product Revision Level:	0.01
  Capacity:	298.09 GB
  Removable Media:	Yes
  BSD Name:	disk2
  OS9 Drivers:	No
  S.M.A.R.T. status:	Not Supported


  Manufacturer:	Generic
  Model:	0x8034
  GUID:	0x1A308002306FA
  Maximum Speed:	Up to 400 Mb/sec
  Connection Speed:	Up to 400 Mb/sec
1394 USB COMBO Unit:
  Unit Software Version:	0x10483
  Unit Spec ID:	0x609E
  Firmware Revision:	0x0
  Product Revision Level:	0.01
  Capacity:	186.31 GB
  Removable Media:	Yes
  BSD Name:	disk1
  OS9 Drivers:	No
  S.M.A.R.T. status:	Not Supported
Mac OS X Hard Drive:
  Capacity:	99.75 GB
  Available:	44.08 GB
  Writable:	Yes
  File System:	Journaled HFS+
  BSD Name:	disk1s3
  Mount Point:	/Volumes/Mac OS X Hard Drive
Untitled 2:
  Capacity:	86.31 GB
  Available:	86.27 GB
  Writable:	Yes
  File System:	Journaled HFS+
  BSD Name:	disk1s5
  Mount Point:	/Volumes/Untitled 2
Socket Type:	Internal

end of our hardware info

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