[kernel-snaps-uc22][PATCH 0/1] add build-time check for nvidia firmware

Aaron Jauregui aaron.jauregui at canonical.com
Mon Nov 25 00:38:33 UTC 2024

BugLink: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/2089509

This adds a test preventing pc-kernel builds from succeeding
if nvidia firmware isn't present in the snap at the end of
the build stage. The reason for this behavior is currently
unknown and this patch does not fix the root cause of the
problem, but it prevents pushing out incorrect snaps and should
help us debug the problem if and when it fails.

The snap build fails if "$CRAFT_PART_INSTALL"/lib/firmware/nvidia
is not present at the end of the build stage. Note that the final
snap organizes /lib/firmware into /firmware after this stage.

[Regression Potential]
Regression potential is low, as this should only affect
build-time behavior.

Aaron Jauregui (1):
  snapcraft.yaml: add check for nvidia firmware files

 snapcraft.yaml | 3 +++
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)


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