[kernel-snaps-u24.04][pc][RFC PATCH 1/1] snapcraft.yaml: Add nvidia-550 and nouveau component support

Aaron Jauregui aaron.jauregui at canonical.com
Tue Nov 19 23:58:35 UTC 2024

BugLink: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/2088970

We use components here with the aim of providing a way for nvidia
drivers to be selected for the pc-kernel without having to rebuild,
targetting the nvidia-550 driver as a starting point with the aim of
supporting more driver versions in the future. Since nouveau, currently
included in the pc-kernel, conflicts with nvidia, we replace the nouveau
.ko with a component compatible with the nvidia component scheme.

Nvidia components are mostly self-contained, but a few changes to the pc-kernel
snap were required. files/meta/kernel.yaml is required to enable kernel
module support in snapd. The kernel-gpu-2404 content interface is
declared for exposing nvidia userspace libraries, and is not intended to
be accessed directly by users.

Signed-off-by: Aaron Jauregui <aaron.jauregui at canonical.com>
 files/meta/kernel.yaml |   1 +
 snapcraft.yaml         | 121 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 122 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 files/meta/kernel.yaml

diff --git a/files/meta/kernel.yaml b/files/meta/kernel.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa09f00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/meta/kernel.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+dynamic-modules: $SNAP_DATA
diff --git a/snapcraft.yaml b/snapcraft.yaml
index c08095e..5f4de72 100644
--- a/snapcraft.yaml
+++ b/snapcraft.yaml
@@ -14,6 +14,22 @@ platforms:
+  nvidia-550-ko:
+    type: kernel-modules
+    summary: nvidia 550 kernel objects
+    description: nvidia 550 kernel objects
+  nvidia-550-user:
+    type: test
+    summary: nvidia 550 userspace libraries
+    description: nvidia 550 userspace libraries
+  nouveau:
+    type: kernel-modules
+    summary: nouveau kernel module
+    description: nouveau kernel module
     source: https://git.launchpad.net/canonical-kernel-snaps
@@ -42,6 +58,13 @@ parts:
       craftctl default
+      # Move nouveau out of the file tree
+      find "$CRAFT_PART_INSTALL" -name nouveau.ko.zst -exec mv '{}' "$CRAFT_PART_INSTALL" \;
+    # Move nouveau into a dedicated component
+    organize:
+      nouveau.ko.zst: (component/nouveau)/
     override-stage: |
       echo STAGE
@@ -78,3 +101,101 @@ parts:
       mkdir "$CRAFT_PART_INSTALL"/firmware/updates
       craftctl default
+  #TODO temporary workaround for nouveau hooks not being in canonical-kernel-snaps repo
+  nouveau-scripts:
+    source: ./hooks
+    plugin: nil
+    override-build: |
+      craftctl default
+      cp install.pc-kernel install.module remove.module $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/
+      # duplicate install.module as a post refres hook
+      cp install.module $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/post-refresh.module
+      cp install.pc-kernel $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/post-refresh.pc-kernel
+    organize:
+      install.module: (component/nouveau)/snap/hooks/install
+      post-refresh.module: (component/nouveau)/snap/hooks/post-refresh
+      remove.module: (component/nouveau)/snap/hooks/remove
+      install.pc-kernel: snap/hooks/install
+      post-refresh.pc-kernel: snap/hooks/post-refresh
+  files:
+    plugin: dump
+    source: files
+  nvidia-550-ko-comp:
+    source: ./hooks
+    plugin: nil
+    stage-packages:
+      - binutils
+      - make
+    override-build: |
+      craftctl default
+      version="$(craftctl get version)"
+      #clean up unnecessary libs
+      rm -f -- $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/lib/$(uname -m)-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
+      apt-get download linux-objects-nvidia-550-server-${version%.*}-generic \
+          linux-signatures-nvidia-${version%.*}-generic
+      for i in `find . -name '*.deb'` ; do dpkg-deb -x $i nvidia-objects ;  done
+      mkdir -p $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/bits
+      mv nvidia-objects/lib/modules/*/kernel/nvidia-550srv/bits/* $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/bits
+      # Reuse the install hook as the post-refresh hook
+      cp install.nvidia-ko remove.nvidia-ko $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/
+      cp install.nvidia-ko $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/post-refresh.nvidia
+      cp kernel-gpu-2404-provider-mangler $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/kernel-gpu-2404-provider-mangler
+    organize:
+      bits/: (component/nvidia-550-ko)/bits
+      usr/bin: (component/nvidia-550-ko)/bin
+      usr/lib: (component/nvidia-550-ko)/lib
+      install.nvidia-ko: (component/nvidia-550-ko)/snap/hooks/install
+      post-refresh.nvidia-ko: (component/nvidia-550-ko)/snap/hooks/post-refresh
+      remove.nvidia-ko: (component/nvidia-550-ko)/snap/hooks/remove
+  nvidia-550-user-comp:
+    source: ./hooks
+    plugin: nil
+    stage-packages:
+      - libnvidia-egl-wayland1
+      - libnvidia-cfg1-550-server
+      - libnvidia-common-550-server
+      - libnvidia-compute-550-server
+      - libnvidia-decode-550-server
+      - libnvidia-encode-550-server
+      - libnvidia-extra-550-server
+      - libnvidia-gl-550-server
+      - libnvidia-fbc1-550-server
+      - nvidia-utils-550-server
+      - xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-550
+      - libnvidia-extra-550
+    override-build: |
+      craftctl default
+      cp install.nvidia-user $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/
+      cp install.nvidia-user $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/
+      cp remove.nvidia-user $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/
+      cp kernel-gpu-2404-provider-mangler $CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/
+    organize:
+      usr/share: (component/nvidia-550-user)/usr/share
+      usr/lib: (component/nvidia-550-user)/usr/lib
+      usr/bin/nvidia-smi: (component/nvidia-550-user)/usr/bin/nvidia-smi
+      kernel-gpu-2404-provider-mangler: (component/nvidia-550-user)/kernel-gpu-2404-provider-mangler
+      install.nvidia-user: (component/nvidia-550-user)/snap/hooks/install
+      post-refresh.nvidia-user: (component/nvidia-550-user)/snap/hooks/post-refresh
+      remove.nvidia-user: (component/nvidia-550-user)/snap/hooks/remove
+  kernel-gpu-2404:
+    interface: content
+    read:
+      - $SNAP_COMMON/kernel-gpu-2404

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