[SRU][F:linux-bluefield][PATCH v1 0/1] UBUNTU: SAUCE: mlxbf-gige: Vitesse PHY stuck in a bad state during reboot test

Asmaa Mnebhi asmaa at nvidia.com
Thu May 23 17:25:02 UTC 2024

BugLink: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/2064163

SRU Justification:


During the QA reboot test, the BF3 Vitesse PHY gets stuck in a bad state, resulting in no ip provisioning. The only way to recover is to powercycle.
We found a software workaround to avoid getting in this state in the first place: disable the OOB port in the shutdown function.
Although the PHY issue only happens in BF3, disabling the OOB port in the
shutdown is a fix that should apply to BF2 as well.


* Prevent the PHY from entering this bad state by disabling
  the OOB port during shutdown.

[Test Case]

* do the reboot test (at least 2000 reboots): run 'reboot' from linux.
* Check that the oob_net0 interface is up and the ip is assigned.
* please note that if the the OOB doesn't get an ip, try reloading the driver (rmmod/modprobe).
  It that solves the issue, that would be a different bug. In the bug at stake, nothing
  recovers the OOB ip except power cycle.

[Regression Potential]

* Make sure the redfish DHCP is still working during the reboot test
* Make sure the OOB gets an ip

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