[SRU][M,J,F,B,X,T][PATCH 1/1] UBUNTU: [Packaging] Remove getabis

Roxana Nicolescu roxana.nicolescu at canonical.com
Tue Mar 26 16:16:37 UTC 2024

BugLink: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/2059143

With ABI checks removed from the tree (#LP2055685), there's no need to
download the buildinfo from a previous version.

Signed-off-by: Roxana Nicolescu <roxana.nicolescu at canonical.com>
 debian/scripts/misc/getabis | 222 ------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 222 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 debian/scripts/misc/getabis

diff --git a/debian/scripts/misc/getabis b/debian/scripts/misc/getabis
deleted file mode 100755
index 819824f6162c..000000000000
--- a/debian/scripts/misc/getabis
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
-if [ "$#" = "1" ]; then
-	set - $(echo "$1" | sed -e 's/-/ /')
-if [ "$#" != "2" ]; then
-	echo "Usage: $0 <version>" 1>&2
-	echo "Usage: $0 <release> <revision>" 1>&2
-	exit 1
-if [ "$DEBIAN" = "" ]; then
-	. debian/debian.env
-WGET="wget --tries=1 --timeout=10 --quiet -c"
-# Check if we use a flat (unversioned) ABI directory
-if [ -f "${DEBIAN}/abi/version" ] || \
-   grep -qP '^abidir\s+.*/__abi.current/' debian/rules.d/0-common-vars.mk ; then
-	echo "Using flat ABI directory"
-	flat_abi=1
-	abidir=$(pwd)/${DEBIAN}/abi
-	echo "Using versioned ABI directory"
-	flat_abi=0
-	abidir=$(pwd)/${DEBIAN}/abi/${verfull}
-test -d $tmpdir || mkdir $tmpdir
-package_prefixes() {
-	: # no longer used ...
-getall() {
-	arch=$1
-	shift
-	mkdir -p $abidir/$arch
-	for sub in $@; do
-		if [ -f $abidir/$arch/$sub ]; then
-			echo "Existing $sub($arch)..."
-			continue
-		fi
-		echo "Fetching $sub($arch)..."
-		getall_set "linux-buildinfo" "$arch" "$sub" || \
-		getall_set "linux-image-unsigned linux-modules linux-modules-extra" "$arch" "$sub" || \
-		getall_set "linux-image-unsigned linux-modules" "$arch" "$sub" || \
-		getall_set "linux-image linux-modules linux-modules-extra" "$arch" "$sub" || \
-		getall_set "linux-image linux-modules" "$arch" "$sub" || \
-		getall_set "linux-image linux-image-extra" "$arch" "$sub" || \
-		getall_set "linux-image" "$arch" "$sub" || \
-		{ echo "FAILED"; exit 1; }
-	done
-	prefixes="$1"
-	arch="$2"
-	sub="$3"
-	(
-		echo -n "  set:"
-		filenames=""
-		cd $tmpdir
-		found=1
-		for prefix in $prefixes
-		do
-			echo -n " $prefix="
-			if [ "$found" = 0 ]; then
-				echo -n "-"
-				continue
-			fi
-			filename=${prefix}-${verabi}-${sub}_${verfull}_${arch}.deb
-			for r in "${repo_list[@]}"
-			do
-				if ! [ -f $filename ]; then
-					$WGET $r/$filename
-					rc="$?"
-					# If this was not successful or a valid error
-					# return from the server all bets are off, bail.
-					[ "$rc" != 0 -a "$rc" != 8 ] && return 2
-				fi
-				if [ -f $filename ]; then
-					echo -n "y"
-					filenames="$filenames $filename"
-					break
-				fi
-			done
-			if [ ! -f "$filename" ]; then
-				echo -n "n"
-				found=0
-			fi
-		done
-		echo ""
-		if [ "$found" = 0 ]; then
-			return 1
-		fi
-		echo "  extracting..."
-		for filename in $filenames
-		do
-			dpkg-deb --extract $filename tmp
-		done
-		# FORM 1: linux-image et al extracted here.
-		if [ -d tmp/boot ]; then
-			echo "  images..."
-			find tmp -name "*.ko" | while read f; do
-				modinfo $f | grep ^firmware >> $fwinfo
-			done
-			if [ -f tmp/boot/abi-* ]; then
-				mv tmp/boot/abi-* $abidir/$arch/$sub
-			else
-				echo "    NO ABI FILE"
-			fi
-			if [ -f tmp/boot/retpoline-* ]; then
-				mv tmp/boot/retpoline-* $abidir/$arch/$sub.retpoline
-			else
-				echo "    NO RETPOLINE FILE"
-			fi
-			(cd tmp; find lib/modules/$verabi-$sub/kernel -name '*.ko') | \
-				sed -e 's/.*\/\([^\/]*\)\.ko/\1/' | sort > \
-				$abidir/$arch/$sub.modules
-			(
-				cd tmp;
-				# Prevent exposing some errors when called by python scripts. SIGPIPE seems to get
-				# exposed when using the `find ...` form of the command.
-				ko=$(find lib/modules/$verabi-$sub/kernel \
-					-name '*.ko' | head -1)
-				readelf -p .comment "$ko" | gawk '
-					($1 == "[") {
-						printf("%s", $3);
-						for (n=4; n<=NF; n++) {
-							printf(" %s", $n);
-						}
-						print ""
-					}' | sort -u >$abidir/$arch/$sub.compiler
-				version=`cat $abidir/$arch/$sub.compiler`
-				echo "    $version"
-			)
-		# FORM 2: moduleinfo packages
-		# cranky fix -- modinfo supported
-		else
-			echo "  buildinfo..."
-			base="tmp/usr/lib/linux/${verabi}-${sub}"
-			mv "$base/abi" "$abidir/$arch/$sub"
-			for comp in 'modules' 'retpoline' 'compiler'
-			do
-				mv "$base/$comp" "$abidir/$arch/$sub.$comp"
-			done
-			if [ -e "${base}"/modules.builtin ] ; then
-				mv "${base}"/modules.builtin "${abidir}/${arch}/${sub}".modules.builtin
-			fi
-			cat "$base/fwinfo" >>"$fwinfo"
-			if [ -e "${base}"/fwinfo.builtin ] ; then
-				cat "${base}"/fwinfo.builtin >> "${fwinfo}".builtin
-			fi
-		fi
-		rm -rf tmp $filenames
-		echo "  done"
-	)
-	rc="$?"
-	if [ "$rc" = 2 ]; then
-		echo "ERROR: downloads are reporting network failures" 1>&2
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	return "$rc"
-# Setup abi directory
-rm -rf "${abidir}"
-mkdir -p $abidir
-echo $abi > $abidir/abiname
-if [ ${flat_abi} -eq 1 ] ; then
-	echo "${verfull}" > "${abidir}"/version
-# NOTE: The flavours are hardcoded, because they may have changed from the
-# current build.
-. $DEBIAN/etc/getabis
-# Extract compiler source package version from e.g.:
-#   GCC: (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) 4.8.2
-compilers=`sed 's/^.*(.* \(.*\)).*$/\1/' $abidir/*/*.compiler | sort -u | wc -l`
-if [ "$compilers" != 1 ]; then
-	echo "WARNING: inconsistent compiler versions detected:" 1>&2
-	sort -u $abidir/*/*.compiler | sed 's/^/WARNING:    /' 1>&2
-# Sort fwinfo files
-sort < $fwinfo | uniq > fwinfo.tmp
-mv fwinfo.tmp $fwinfo
-if [ -e  "${fwinfo}".builtin ] ; then
-	sort <  "${fwinfo}".builtin | uniq > fwinfo.tmp
-	mv fwinfo.tmp  "${fwinfo}".builtin
-rmdir $tmpdir
-# If this is running in a git repo, add the new ABI directory, remove the old
-if [ -d ".git" ]; then
-	git add "${abidir}"
-	if [ ${flat_abi} -eq 0 ] ; then
-		find "$DEBIAN"/abi/* -maxdepth 0 -type d | grep -v "$verfull" | while read f; do git rm -rf "$f"; done
-	fi

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