[Unstable][PATCH 0/1] UBUNTU: [Packaging] Check do_lib_rust before linking Rust lib files

Juerg Haefliger juerg.haefliger at canonical.com
Fri Jun 28 08:29:03 UTC 2024

We also want this in Noble, no?


> [Impact]
> Commit: "UBUNTU: [Packaging] introduce do_lib_rust and enable it only on
> generic amd64" introduces the "do_lib_rust" variable in rules.d/ that
> avoids generating the extra rust package when unset/false. However, this
> is not checked when inserting a symlink to the linux-lib-rust package
> directory in the headers, resulting in a dangling symlink when rust is
> turned off. This can cause issues when e.g. building dkms modules
> against the headers, where the build will fail due to not finding the
> directory.
> [How to reproduce it]
> 1. Build linux-headers-* package for kernel with rust disabled (e.g.
> realtime)
> 2. Install (or extract) the package
> 3. View corresponding /usr/src/linux-headers-*/ directory
> 4. Observe /usr/src/linux-headers-*/rust -> ../linux-lib-rust-* but
> linux-lib-rust is never built and installed
> [Fix]
> Check the existing do_lib_rust variable is true before trying to symlink
> the linux-lib-rust files.
> [Test plan]
> 1. Apply the fix and rebuild the kernel headers packages
> 2. Install or inspect the headers
> 3. Ensure /usr/src/linux-headers-*/rust points to an existing directory
> [Regression potential]
> Very low. This is a simple fix, and it only impacts rust packaging for
> kernels with do_lib_rust unset/false so the visibility is low.
> Noah Wager (1):
>   UBUNTU: [Packaging] Check do_lib_rust before linking Rust lib files
>  debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk | 2 ++
>  1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

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