ACK: [SRU][J:linux-bluefield][PATCH v1 0/1] UBUNTU: SAUCE: mlxbf-ptm: use single SMC for total power

Andrei Gherzan andrei.gherzan at
Fri Jun 14 09:19:44 UTC 2024

On 24/06/13 03:18pm, Jitendra Lanka wrote:
> BugLink:
> SRU Justification:
> [Impact]
> mlxbf-ptm is a kernel driver that provides debufgs interface for system
> software to monitor Bluefield devices' power and thermal management parameters.
> [Fix]
> * This change adds performance improvements to total power reporting with a
>   single secure monitor call.
> [Test Case]
> * After installing the kernel module, debugfs entry at
>   /sys/kernel/debug/mlxbf-ptm will be created
> * monitors/status folder contains read-only parameters reported from the
>   Bluefield device
> [Regression Potential]
> * Minimal - as these are read-only parameters that report Bluefield device
>   information.
> [Other]
> * This code is likely to change depending on feedback we received from
>   maintainers.
> Jitendra Lanka (1):
>   UBUNTU: SAUCE: mlxbf-ptm: use single SMC for total power
>  drivers/platform/mellanox/mlxbf-ptm.c | 13 ++-----------
>  1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

Acked-by: Andrei Gherzan <andrei.gherzan at>

Andrei Gherzan
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