[SRU][N][PATCH 1/1] UBUNTU: [Packaging] Check do_lib_rust before linking Rust lib files

Noah Wager noah.wager at canonical.com
Thu Jul 18 22:24:01 UTC 2024

BugLink: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/2072592

Packages with falsy do_lib_rust still try to symlink the lib-rust
package even though do_lib_rust prevents it from being generated. This
results in a bad symlink in the headers (rust -> ../linux-lib-rust). It
should check do_lib_rust before trying to link that directory.

Signed-off-by: Noah Wager <noah.wager at canonical.com>
 debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk b/debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk
index 56658a97cb14..cda3522d7b5b 100644
--- a/debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk
+++ b/debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk
@@ -483,11 +483,13 @@ endif
 	# Strip .so files (e.g., rust/libmacros.so) to reduce size even more
 	find $(hdrdir) -name libmacros.so -exec strip -s {} \;
+ifeq ($(do_lib_rust),true)
 	# Generate Rust lib files
 	install -d -m755 $(rustdir)
 	mv $(hdrdir)/rust $(rustdir)
 	# Generate symlink for Rust lib directory in headers
 	$(SHELL) $(DROOT)/scripts/link-lib-rust "$(hdrdir)" "$(indeppkg)" "$*"
 ifneq ($(do_full_build),false)
 	# Clean out this flavours build directory.

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