Problem with Ubuntu headers and kernel

Omar Orihuela orihuela_omar at
Wed Jan 31 18:18:38 UTC 2024

Dear Ubuntu kernel department,

My name is Omar and I have been a Ubuntu user for several years. I am 
writing to request your help with a problem I have with the headers and 
kernel of my system.

I have installed the 6.6.1-060601-generic version of the kernel, but the 
headers I have are those of the 5.15.0-92-generic version. This prevents 
me from compiling and installing the binder_linux module, which I need 
to use Waydroid, an application that allows me to run Android on my 
Linux system.

I have tried to update the headers with the command sudo apt-get install 
linux-headers-$(uname -r), but I get an error that says that the package 
cannot be located. I have also tried to compile the binder_linux module 
with the make command, but I get another error that says that the 
directory /lib/modules/6.6.1-060601-generic/build is not found.

I attach some images that show the errors that I get and the information 
of my system. I hope you can help me solve this problem, as it prevents 
me from using Waydroid and other applications that require the 
binder_linux module.

I thank you in advance for your attention and cooperation. I look 
forward to your response.



Attached Images

1 Neofetch Command

2 Command dpkg-query -s linux-headers-generic

3 Initialize Waydroid in GAPPS type

4 Make Command

5 command sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

6 Build shortcut in /usr/lib/modules/5.15.0-92-generic folder

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