[SRU Mantic 0/1] LP: #1983357 - 32-bit ASLR

Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo cascardo at canonical.com
Thu Jan 25 01:40:10 UTC 2024

32-bit programs on x86 are not mapped randomly anymore since mmapped files are
now PMD-aligned.

[Test case]
aslr32 libs from qa-regression-testing was tested.

[Potential regression]
Programs may fail to load or to allocate memory or access mmapped
databases, and others.

[Extra testing]
This was boot tested on x86, demonstrating that programs necessary to boot
still work. Also, a 32-bit program allocating 2GiB succeeded.

Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo (1):
  UBUNTU: [Config]: set ARCH_MMAP_RND_{COMPAT_, }BITS to the maximum

 debian.master/config/annotations | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


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