[SRU][J:linux-bluefield][PATCH v2 1/1] Add test script and yaml for dpll

William Tu witu at nvidia.com
Thu Feb 29 22:42:20 UTC 2024

BugLink: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/2053155

Add a script and yaml to verify dpll is supported from kernel. The
script and yaml file were supported in upstream linux but was deleted
in this repo. So copy them directly from latest upsteam now.

Signed-off-by: Tony Duan <yifeid at nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: William Tu <witu at nvidia.com>
 Documentation/netlink/genetlink.yaml | 330 ++++++++++
 tools/net/ynl/cli.py                 |  77 +++
 tools/net/ynl/lib/__init__.py        |   8 +
 tools/net/ynl/lib/nlspec.py          | 607 +++++++++++++++++++
 tools/net/ynl/lib/ynl.py             | 873 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 1895 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/netlink/genetlink.yaml
 create mode 100644 tools/net/ynl/cli.py
 create mode 100644 tools/net/ynl/lib/__init__.py
 create mode 100644 tools/net/ynl/lib/nlspec.py
 create mode 100644 tools/net/ynl/lib/ynl.py

diff --git a/Documentation/netlink/genetlink.yaml b/Documentation/netlink/genetlink.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3283bf458ff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/netlink/genetlink.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: ((GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note) OR BSD-3-Clause)
+%YAML 1.2
+$id: http://kernel.org/schemas/netlink/genetlink-legacy.yaml#
+$schema: https://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema
+# Common defines
+  uint:
+    type: integer
+    minimum: 0
+  len-or-define:
+    type: [ string, integer ]
+    pattern: ^[0-9A-Za-z_]+( - 1)?$
+    minimum: 0
+  len-or-limit:
+    # literal int or limit based on fixed-width type e.g. u8-min, u16-max, etc.
+    type: [ string, integer ]
+    pattern: ^[su](8|16|32|64)-(min|max)$
+    minimum: 0
+# Schema for specs
+title: Protocol
+description: Specification of a genetlink protocol
+type: object
+required: [ name, doc, attribute-sets, operations ]
+additionalProperties: False
+  name:
+    description: Name of the genetlink family.
+    type: string
+  doc:
+    type: string
+  protocol:
+    description: Schema compatibility level. Default is "genetlink".
+    enum: [ genetlink ]
+  uapi-header:
+    description: Path to the uAPI header, default is linux/${family-name}.h
+    type: string
+  definitions:
+    description: List of type and constant definitions (enums, flags, defines).
+    type: array
+    items:
+      type: object
+      required: [ type, name ]
+      additionalProperties: False
+      properties:
+        name:
+          type: string
+        header:
+          description: For C-compatible languages, header which already defines this value.
+          type: string
+        type:
+          enum: [ const, enum, flags ]
+        doc:
+          type: string
+        # For const
+        value:
+          description: For const - the value.
+          type: [ string, integer ]
+        # For enum and flags
+        value-start:
+          description: For enum or flags the literal initializer for the first value.
+          type: [ string, integer ]
+        entries:
+          description: For enum or flags array of values.
+          type: array
+          items:
+            oneOf:
+              - type: string
+              - type: object
+                required: [ name ]
+                additionalProperties: False
+                properties:
+                  name:
+                    type: string
+                  value:
+                    type: integer
+                  doc:
+                    type: string
+        render-max:
+          description: Render the max members for this enum.
+          type: boolean
+  attribute-sets:
+    description: Definition of attribute spaces for this family.
+    type: array
+    items:
+      description: Definition of a single attribute space.
+      type: object
+      required: [ name, attributes ]
+      additionalProperties: False
+      properties:
+        name:
+          description: |
+            Name used when referring to this space in other definitions, not used outside of the spec.
+          type: string
+        name-prefix:
+          description: |
+            Prefix for the C enum name of the attributes. Default family[name]-set[name]-a-
+          type: string
+        enum-name:
+          description: Name for the enum type of the attribute.
+          type: string
+        doc:
+          description: Documentation of the space.
+          type: string
+        subset-of:
+          description: |
+            Name of another space which this is a logical part of. Sub-spaces can be used to define
+            a limited group of attributes which are used in a nest.
+          type: string
+        attributes:
+          description: List of attributes in the space.
+          type: array
+          items:
+            type: object
+            required: [ name ]
+            additionalProperties: False
+            properties:
+              name:
+                type: string
+              type: &attr-type
+                enum: [ unused, pad, flag, binary,
+                        uint, sint, u8, u16, u32, u64, s32, s64,
+                        string, nest, array-nest, nest-type-value ]
+              doc:
+                description: Documentation of the attribute.
+                type: string
+              value:
+                description: Value for the enum item representing this attribute in the uAPI.
+                $ref: '#/$defs/uint'
+              type-value:
+                description: Name of the value extracted from the type of a nest-type-value attribute.
+                type: array
+                items:
+                  type: string
+              byte-order:
+                enum: [ little-endian, big-endian ]
+              multi-attr:
+                type: boolean
+              nested-attributes:
+                description: Name of the space (sub-space) used inside the attribute.
+                type: string
+              enum:
+                description: Name of the enum type used for the attribute.
+                type: string
+              enum-as-flags:
+                description: |
+                  Treat the enum as flags. In most cases enum is either used as flags or as values.
+                  Sometimes, however, both forms are necessary, in which case header contains the enum
+                  form while specific attributes may request to convert the values into a bitfield.
+                type: boolean
+              checks:
+                description: Kernel input validation.
+                type: object
+                additionalProperties: False
+                properties:
+                  flags-mask:
+                    description: Name of the flags constant on which to base mask (unsigned scalar types only).
+                    type: string
+                  min:
+                    description: Min value for an integer attribute.
+                    $ref: '#/$defs/len-or-limit'
+                  max:
+                    description: Max value for an integer attribute.
+                    $ref: '#/$defs/len-or-limit'
+                  min-len:
+                    description: Min length for a binary attribute.
+                    $ref: '#/$defs/len-or-define'
+                  max-len:
+                    description: Max length for a string or a binary attribute.
+                    $ref: '#/$defs/len-or-define'
+                  exact-len:
+                    description: Exact length for a string or a binary attribute.
+                    $ref: '#/$defs/len-or-define'
+              sub-type: *attr-type
+              display-hint: &display-hint
+                description: |
+                  Optional format indicator that is intended only for choosing
+                  the right formatting mechanism when displaying values of this
+                  type.
+                enum: [ hex, mac, fddi, ipv4, ipv6, uuid ]
+      # Make sure name-prefix does not appear in subsets (subsets inherit naming)
+      dependencies:
+        name-prefix:
+          not:
+            required: [ subset-of ]
+        subset-of:
+          not:
+            required: [ name-prefix ]
+      # type property is only required if not in subset definition
+      if:
+        properties:
+          subset-of:
+            not:
+              type: string
+      then:
+        properties:
+          attributes:
+            items:
+              required: [ type ]
+  operations:
+    description: Operations supported by the protocol.
+    type: object
+    required: [ list ]
+    additionalProperties: False
+    properties:
+      enum-model:
+        description: |
+          The model of assigning values to the operations.
+          "unified" is the recommended model where all message types belong
+          to a single enum.
+          "directional" has the messages sent to the kernel and from the kernel
+          enumerated separately.
+        enum: [ unified ]
+      name-prefix:
+        description: |
+          Prefix for the C enum name of the command. The name is formed by concatenating
+          the prefix with the upper case name of the command, with dashes replaced by underscores.
+        type: string
+      enum-name:
+        description: Name for the enum type with commands.
+        type: string
+      async-prefix:
+        description: Same as name-prefix but used to render notifications and events to separate enum.
+        type: string
+      async-enum:
+        description: Name for the enum type with notifications/events.
+        type: string
+      list:
+        description: List of commands
+        type: array
+        items:
+          type: object
+          additionalProperties: False
+          required: [ name, doc ]
+          properties:
+            name:
+              description: Name of the operation, also defining its C enum value in uAPI.
+              type: string
+            doc:
+              description: Documentation for the command.
+              type: string
+            value:
+              description: Value for the enum in the uAPI.
+              $ref: '#/$defs/uint'
+            attribute-set:
+              description: |
+                Attribute space from which attributes directly in the requests and replies
+                to this command are defined.
+              type: string
+            flags: &cmd_flags
+              description: Command flags.
+              type: array
+              items:
+                enum: [ admin-perm ]
+            dont-validate:
+              description: Kernel attribute validation flags.
+              type: array
+              items:
+                enum: [ strict, dump, dump-strict ]
+            config-cond:
+              description: |
+                Name of the kernel config option gating the presence of
+                the operation, without the 'CONFIG_' prefix.
+              type: string
+            do: &subop-type
+              description: Main command handler.
+              type: object
+              additionalProperties: False
+              properties:
+                request: &subop-attr-list
+                  description: Definition of the request message for a given command.
+                  type: object
+                  additionalProperties: False
+                  properties:
+                    attributes:
+                      description: |
+                        Names of attributes from the attribute-set (not full attribute
+                        definitions, just names).
+                      type: array
+                      items:
+                        type: string
+                reply: *subop-attr-list
+                pre:
+                  description: Hook for a function to run before the main callback (pre_doit or start).
+                  type: string
+                post:
+                  description: Hook for a function to run after the main callback (post_doit or done).
+                  type: string
+            dump: *subop-type
+            notify:
+              description: Name of the command sharing the reply type with this notification.
+              type: string
+            event:
+              type: object
+              additionalProperties: False
+              properties:
+                attributes:
+                  description: Explicit list of the attributes for the notification.
+                  type: array
+                  items:
+                    type: string
+            mcgrp:
+              description: Name of the multicast group generating given notification.
+              type: string
+  mcast-groups:
+    description: List of multicast groups.
+    type: object
+    required: [ list ]
+    additionalProperties: False
+    properties:
+      list:
+        description: List of groups.
+        type: array
+        items:
+          type: object
+          required: [ name ]
+          additionalProperties: False
+          properties:
+            name:
+              description: |
+                The name for the group, used to form the define and the value of the define.
+              type: string
+            flags: *cmd_flags
diff --git a/tools/net/ynl/cli.py b/tools/net/ynl/cli.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0f8239979670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/net/ynl/cli.py
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
+import argparse
+import json
+import pprint
+import time
+from lib import YnlFamily, Netlink
+class YnlEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
+    def default(self, obj):
+        if isinstance(obj, bytes):
+            return bytes.hex(obj)
+        if isinstance(obj, set):
+            return list(obj)
+        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
+def main():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='YNL CLI sample')
+    parser.add_argument('--spec', dest='spec', type=str, required=True)
+    parser.add_argument('--schema', dest='schema', type=str)
+    parser.add_argument('--no-schema', action='store_true')
+    parser.add_argument('--json', dest='json_text', type=str)
+    parser.add_argument('--do', dest='do', type=str)
+    parser.add_argument('--dump', dest='dump', type=str)
+    parser.add_argument('--sleep', dest='sleep', type=int)
+    parser.add_argument('--subscribe', dest='ntf', type=str)
+    parser.add_argument('--replace', dest='flags', action='append_const',
+                        const=Netlink.NLM_F_REPLACE)
+    parser.add_argument('--excl', dest='flags', action='append_const',
+                        const=Netlink.NLM_F_EXCL)
+    parser.add_argument('--create', dest='flags', action='append_const',
+                        const=Netlink.NLM_F_CREATE)
+    parser.add_argument('--append', dest='flags', action='append_const',
+                        const=Netlink.NLM_F_APPEND)
+    parser.add_argument('--process-unknown', action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction)
+    parser.add_argument('--output-json', action='store_true')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    def output(msg):
+        if args.output_json:
+            print(json.dumps(msg, cls=YnlEncoder))
+        else:
+            pprint.PrettyPrinter().pprint(msg)
+    if args.no_schema:
+        args.schema = ''
+    attrs = {}
+    if args.json_text:
+        attrs = json.loads(args.json_text)
+    ynl = YnlFamily(args.spec, args.schema, args.process_unknown)
+    if args.ntf:
+        ynl.ntf_subscribe(args.ntf)
+    if args.sleep:
+        time.sleep(args.sleep)
+    if args.do:
+        reply = ynl.do(args.do, attrs, args.flags)
+        output(reply)
+    if args.dump:
+        reply = ynl.dump(args.dump, attrs)
+        output(reply)
+    if args.ntf:
+        ynl.check_ntf()
+        output(ynl.async_msg_queue)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/tools/net/ynl/lib/__init__.py b/tools/net/ynl/lib/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f7eaa07783e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/net/ynl/lib/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
+from .nlspec import SpecAttr, SpecAttrSet, SpecEnumEntry, SpecEnumSet, \
+    SpecFamily, SpecOperation
+from .ynl import YnlFamily, Netlink
+__all__ = ["SpecAttr", "SpecAttrSet", "SpecEnumEntry", "SpecEnumSet",
+           "SpecFamily", "SpecOperation", "YnlFamily", "Netlink"]
diff --git a/tools/net/ynl/lib/nlspec.py b/tools/net/ynl/lib/nlspec.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fbce52395b3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/net/ynl/lib/nlspec.py
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
+import collections
+import importlib
+import os
+import yaml
+# To be loaded dynamically as needed
+jsonschema = None
+class SpecElement:
+    """Netlink spec element.
+    Abstract element of the Netlink spec. Implements the dictionary interface
+    for access to the raw spec. Supports iterative resolution of dependencies
+    across elements and class inheritance levels. The elements of the spec
+    may refer to each other, and although loops should be very rare, having
+    to maintain correct ordering of instantiation is painful, so the resolve()
+    method should be used to perform parts of init which require access to
+    other parts of the spec.
+    Attributes:
+        yaml        raw spec as loaded from the spec file
+        family      back reference to the full family
+        name        name of the entity as listed in the spec (optional)
+        ident_name  name which can be safely used as identifier in code (optional)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, family, yaml):
+        self.yaml = yaml
+        self.family = family
+        if 'name' in self.yaml:
+            self.name = self.yaml['name']
+            self.ident_name = self.name.replace('-', '_')
+        self._super_resolved = False
+        family.add_unresolved(self)
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        return self.yaml[key]
+    def __contains__(self, key):
+        return key in self.yaml
+    def get(self, key, default=None):
+        return self.yaml.get(key, default)
+    def resolve_up(self, up):
+        if not self._super_resolved:
+            up.resolve()
+            self._super_resolved = True
+    def resolve(self):
+        pass
+class SpecEnumEntry(SpecElement):
+    """ Entry within an enum declared in the Netlink spec.
+    Attributes:
+        doc         documentation string
+        enum_set    back reference to the enum
+        value       numerical value of this enum (use accessors in most situations!)
+    Methods:
+        raw_value   raw value, i.e. the id in the enum, unlike user value which is a mask for flags
+        user_value   user value, same as raw value for enums, for flags it's the mask
+    """
+    def __init__(self, enum_set, yaml, prev, value_start):
+        if isinstance(yaml, str):
+            yaml = {'name': yaml}
+        super().__init__(enum_set.family, yaml)
+        self.doc = yaml.get('doc', '')
+        self.enum_set = enum_set
+        if 'value' in yaml:
+            self.value = yaml['value']
+        elif prev:
+            self.value = prev.value + 1
+        else:
+            self.value = value_start
+    def has_doc(self):
+        return bool(self.doc)
+    def raw_value(self):
+        return self.value
+    def user_value(self, as_flags=None):
+        if self.enum_set['type'] == 'flags' or as_flags:
+            return 1 << self.value
+        else:
+            return self.value
+class SpecEnumSet(SpecElement):
+    """ Enum type
+    Represents an enumeration (list of numerical constants)
+    as declared in the "definitions" section of the spec.
+    Attributes:
+        type            enum or flags
+        entries         entries by name
+        entries_by_val  entries by value
+    Methods:
+        get_mask      for flags compute the mask of all defined values
+    """
+    def __init__(self, family, yaml):
+        super().__init__(family, yaml)
+        self.type = yaml['type']
+        prev_entry = None
+        value_start = self.yaml.get('value-start', 0)
+        self.entries = dict()
+        self.entries_by_val = dict()
+        for entry in self.yaml['entries']:
+            e = self.new_entry(entry, prev_entry, value_start)
+            self.entries[e.name] = e
+            self.entries_by_val[e.raw_value()] = e
+            prev_entry = e
+    def new_entry(self, entry, prev_entry, value_start):
+        return SpecEnumEntry(self, entry, prev_entry, value_start)
+    def has_doc(self):
+        if 'doc' in self.yaml:
+            return True
+        for entry in self.entries.values():
+            if entry.has_doc():
+                return True
+        return False
+    def get_mask(self, as_flags=None):
+        mask = 0
+        for e in self.entries.values():
+            mask += e.user_value(as_flags)
+        return mask
+class SpecAttr(SpecElement):
+    """ Single Netlink attribute type
+    Represents a single attribute type within an attr space.
+    Attributes:
+        type          string, attribute type
+        value         numerical ID when serialized
+        attr_set      Attribute Set containing this attr
+        is_multi      bool, attr may repeat multiple times
+        struct_name   string, name of struct definition
+        sub_type      string, name of sub type
+        len           integer, optional byte length of binary types
+        display_hint  string, hint to help choose format specifier
+                      when displaying the value
+        sub_message   string, name of sub message type
+        selector      string, name of attribute used to select
+                      sub-message type
+        is_auto_scalar bool, attr is a variable-size scalar
+    """
+    def __init__(self, family, attr_set, yaml, value):
+        super().__init__(family, yaml)
+        self.type = yaml['type']
+        self.value = value
+        self.attr_set = attr_set
+        self.is_multi = yaml.get('multi-attr', False)
+        self.struct_name = yaml.get('struct')
+        self.sub_type = yaml.get('sub-type')
+        self.byte_order = yaml.get('byte-order')
+        self.len = yaml.get('len')
+        self.display_hint = yaml.get('display-hint')
+        self.sub_message = yaml.get('sub-message')
+        self.selector = yaml.get('selector')
+        self.is_auto_scalar = self.type == "sint" or self.type == "uint"
+class SpecAttrSet(SpecElement):
+    """ Netlink Attribute Set class.
+    Represents a ID space of attributes within Netlink.
+    Note that unlike other elements, which expose contents of the raw spec
+    via the dictionary interface Attribute Set exposes attributes by name.
+    Attributes:
+        attrs      ordered dict of all attributes (indexed by name)
+        attrs_by_val  ordered dict of all attributes (indexed by value)
+        subset_of  parent set if this is a subset, otherwise None
+    """
+    def __init__(self, family, yaml):
+        super().__init__(family, yaml)
+        self.subset_of = self.yaml.get('subset-of', None)
+        self.attrs = collections.OrderedDict()
+        self.attrs_by_val = collections.OrderedDict()
+        if self.subset_of is None:
+            val = 1
+            for elem in self.yaml['attributes']:
+                if 'value' in elem:
+                    val = elem['value']
+                attr = self.new_attr(elem, val)
+                self.attrs[attr.name] = attr
+                self.attrs_by_val[attr.value] = attr
+                val += 1
+        else:
+            real_set = family.attr_sets[self.subset_of]
+            for elem in self.yaml['attributes']:
+                attr = real_set[elem['name']]
+                self.attrs[attr.name] = attr
+                self.attrs_by_val[attr.value] = attr
+    def new_attr(self, elem, value):
+        return SpecAttr(self.family, self, elem, value)
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        return self.attrs[key]
+    def __contains__(self, key):
+        return key in self.attrs
+    def __iter__(self):
+        yield from self.attrs
+    def items(self):
+        return self.attrs.items()
+class SpecStructMember(SpecElement):
+    """Struct member attribute
+    Represents a single struct member attribute.
+    Attributes:
+        type        string, type of the member attribute
+        byte_order  string or None for native byte order
+        enum        string, name of the enum definition
+        len         integer, optional byte length of binary types
+        display_hint  string, hint to help choose format specifier
+                      when displaying the value
+        struct      string, name of nested struct type
+    """
+    def __init__(self, family, yaml):
+        super().__init__(family, yaml)
+        self.type = yaml['type']
+        self.byte_order = yaml.get('byte-order')
+        self.enum = yaml.get('enum')
+        self.len = yaml.get('len')
+        self.display_hint = yaml.get('display-hint')
+        self.struct = yaml.get('struct')
+class SpecStruct(SpecElement):
+    """Netlink struct type
+    Represents a C struct definition.
+    Attributes:
+        members   ordered list of struct members
+    """
+    def __init__(self, family, yaml):
+        super().__init__(family, yaml)
+        self.members = []
+        for member in yaml.get('members', []):
+            self.members.append(self.new_member(family, member))
+    def new_member(self, family, elem):
+        return SpecStructMember(family, elem)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        yield from self.members
+    def items(self):
+        return self.members.items()
+class SpecSubMessage(SpecElement):
+    """ Netlink sub-message definition
+    Represents a set of sub-message formats for polymorphic nlattrs
+    that contain type-specific sub messages.
+    Attributes:
+        name     string, name of sub-message definition
+        formats  dict of sub-message formats indexed by match value
+    """
+    def __init__(self, family, yaml):
+        super().__init__(family, yaml)
+        self.formats = collections.OrderedDict()
+        for elem in self.yaml['formats']:
+            format = self.new_format(family, elem)
+            self.formats[format.value] = format
+    def new_format(self, family, format):
+        return SpecSubMessageFormat(family, format)
+class SpecSubMessageFormat(SpecElement):
+    """ Netlink sub-message format definition
+    Represents a single format for a sub-message.
+    Attributes:
+        value         attribute value to match against type selector
+        fixed_header  string, name of fixed header, or None
+        attr_set      string, name of attribute set, or None
+    """
+    def __init__(self, family, yaml):
+        super().__init__(family, yaml)
+        self.value = yaml.get('value')
+        self.fixed_header = yaml.get('fixed-header')
+        self.attr_set = yaml.get('attribute-set')
+class SpecOperation(SpecElement):
+    """Netlink Operation
+    Information about a single Netlink operation.
+    Attributes:
+        value           numerical ID when serialized, None if req/rsp values differ
+        req_value       numerical ID when serialized, user -> kernel
+        rsp_value       numerical ID when serialized, user <- kernel
+        is_call         bool, whether the operation is a call
+        is_async        bool, whether the operation is a notification
+        is_resv         bool, whether the operation does not exist (it's just a reserved ID)
+        attr_set        attribute set name
+        fixed_header    string, optional name of fixed header struct
+        yaml            raw spec as loaded from the spec file
+    """
+    def __init__(self, family, yaml, req_value, rsp_value):
+        super().__init__(family, yaml)
+        self.value = req_value if req_value == rsp_value else None
+        self.req_value = req_value
+        self.rsp_value = rsp_value
+        self.is_call = 'do' in yaml or 'dump' in yaml
+        self.is_async = 'notify' in yaml or 'event' in yaml
+        self.is_resv = not self.is_async and not self.is_call
+        self.fixed_header = self.yaml.get('fixed-header', family.fixed_header)
+        # Added by resolve:
+        self.attr_set = None
+        delattr(self, "attr_set")
+    def resolve(self):
+        self.resolve_up(super())
+        if 'attribute-set' in self.yaml:
+            attr_set_name = self.yaml['attribute-set']
+        elif 'notify' in self.yaml:
+            msg = self.family.msgs[self.yaml['notify']]
+            attr_set_name = msg['attribute-set']
+        elif self.is_resv:
+            attr_set_name = ''
+        else:
+            raise Exception(f"Can't resolve attribute set for op '{self.name}'")
+        if attr_set_name:
+            self.attr_set = self.family.attr_sets[attr_set_name]
+class SpecMcastGroup(SpecElement):
+    """Netlink Multicast Group
+    Information about a multicast group.
+    Value is only used for classic netlink families that use the
+    netlink-raw schema. Genetlink families use dynamic ID allocation
+    where the ids of multicast groups get resolved at runtime. Value
+    will be None for genetlink families.
+    Attributes:
+        name      name of the mulitcast group
+        value     integer id of this multicast group for netlink-raw or None
+        yaml      raw spec as loaded from the spec file
+    """
+    def __init__(self, family, yaml):
+        super().__init__(family, yaml)
+        self.value = self.yaml.get('value')
+class SpecFamily(SpecElement):
+    """ Netlink Family Spec class.
+    Netlink family information loaded from a spec (e.g. in YAML).
+    Takes care of unfolding implicit information which can be skipped
+    in the spec itself for brevity.
+    The class can be used like a dictionary to access the raw spec
+    elements but that's usually a bad idea.
+    Attributes:
+        proto     protocol type (e.g. genetlink)
+        msg_id_model   enum-model for operations (unified, directional etc.)
+        license   spec license (loaded from an SPDX tag on the spec)
+        attr_sets  dict of attribute sets
+        msgs       dict of all messages (index by name)
+        sub_msgs   dict of all sub messages (index by name)
+        ops        dict of all valid requests / responses
+        ntfs       dict of all async events
+        consts     dict of all constants/enums
+        fixed_header  string, optional name of family default fixed header struct
+        mcast_groups  dict of all multicast groups (index by name)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, spec_path, schema_path=None, exclude_ops=None):
+        with open(spec_path, "r") as stream:
+            prefix = '# SPDX-License-Identifier: '
+            first = stream.readline().strip()
+            if not first.startswith(prefix):
+                raise Exception('SPDX license tag required in the spec')
+            self.license = first[len(prefix):]
+            stream.seek(0)
+            spec = yaml.safe_load(stream)
+        self._resolution_list = []
+        super().__init__(self, spec)
+        self._exclude_ops = exclude_ops if exclude_ops else []
+        self.proto = self.yaml.get('protocol', 'genetlink')
+        self.msg_id_model = self.yaml['operations'].get('enum-model', 'unified')
+        if schema_path is None:
+            schema_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(spec_path)) + f'/{self.proto}.yaml'
+        if schema_path:
+            global jsonschema
+            with open(schema_path, "r") as stream:
+                schema = yaml.safe_load(stream)
+            if jsonschema is None:
+                jsonschema = importlib.import_module("jsonschema")
+            jsonschema.validate(self.yaml, schema)
+        self.attr_sets = collections.OrderedDict()
+        self.sub_msgs = collections.OrderedDict()
+        self.msgs = collections.OrderedDict()
+        self.req_by_value = collections.OrderedDict()
+        self.rsp_by_value = collections.OrderedDict()
+        self.ops = collections.OrderedDict()
+        self.ntfs = collections.OrderedDict()
+        self.consts = collections.OrderedDict()
+        self.mcast_groups = collections.OrderedDict()
+        last_exception = None
+        while len(self._resolution_list) > 0:
+            resolved = []
+            unresolved = self._resolution_list
+            self._resolution_list = []
+            for elem in unresolved:
+                try:
+                    elem.resolve()
+                except (KeyError, AttributeError) as e:
+                    self._resolution_list.append(elem)
+                    last_exception = e
+                    continue
+                resolved.append(elem)
+            if len(resolved) == 0:
+                raise last_exception
+    def new_enum(self, elem):
+        return SpecEnumSet(self, elem)
+    def new_attr_set(self, elem):
+        return SpecAttrSet(self, elem)
+    def new_struct(self, elem):
+        return SpecStruct(self, elem)
+    def new_sub_message(self, elem):
+        return SpecSubMessage(self, elem);
+    def new_operation(self, elem, req_val, rsp_val):
+        return SpecOperation(self, elem, req_val, rsp_val)
+    def new_mcast_group(self, elem):
+        return SpecMcastGroup(self, elem)
+    def add_unresolved(self, elem):
+        self._resolution_list.append(elem)
+    def _dictify_ops_unified(self):
+        self.fixed_header = self.yaml['operations'].get('fixed-header')
+        val = 1
+        for elem in self.yaml['operations']['list']:
+            if 'value' in elem:
+                val = elem['value']
+            op = self.new_operation(elem, val, val)
+            val += 1
+            self.msgs[op.name] = op
+    def _dictify_ops_directional(self):
+        self.fixed_header = self.yaml['operations'].get('fixed-header')
+        req_val = rsp_val = 1
+        for elem in self.yaml['operations']['list']:
+            if 'notify' in elem or 'event' in elem:
+                if 'value' in elem:
+                    rsp_val = elem['value']
+                req_val_next = req_val
+                rsp_val_next = rsp_val + 1
+                req_val = None
+            elif 'do' in elem or 'dump' in elem:
+                mode = elem['do'] if 'do' in elem else elem['dump']
+                v = mode.get('request', {}).get('value', None)
+                if v:
+                    req_val = v
+                v = mode.get('reply', {}).get('value', None)
+                if v:
+                    rsp_val = v
+                rsp_inc = 1 if 'reply' in mode else 0
+                req_val_next = req_val + 1
+                rsp_val_next = rsp_val + rsp_inc
+            else:
+                raise Exception("Can't parse directional ops")
+            if req_val == req_val_next:
+                req_val = None
+            if rsp_val == rsp_val_next:
+                rsp_val = None
+            skip = False
+            for exclude in self._exclude_ops:
+                skip |= bool(exclude.match(elem['name']))
+            if not skip:
+                op = self.new_operation(elem, req_val, rsp_val)
+            req_val = req_val_next
+            rsp_val = rsp_val_next
+            self.msgs[op.name] = op
+    def find_operation(self, name):
+      """
+      For a given operation name, find and return operation spec.
+      """
+      for op in self.yaml['operations']['list']:
+        if name == op['name']:
+          return op
+      return None
+    def resolve(self):
+        self.resolve_up(super())
+        definitions = self.yaml.get('definitions', [])
+        for elem in definitions:
+            if elem['type'] == 'enum' or elem['type'] == 'flags':
+                self.consts[elem['name']] = self.new_enum(elem)
+            elif elem['type'] == 'struct':
+                self.consts[elem['name']] = self.new_struct(elem)
+            else:
+                self.consts[elem['name']] = elem
+        for elem in self.yaml['attribute-sets']:
+            attr_set = self.new_attr_set(elem)
+            self.attr_sets[elem['name']] = attr_set
+        for elem in self.yaml.get('sub-messages', []):
+            sub_message = self.new_sub_message(elem)
+            self.sub_msgs[sub_message.name] = sub_message
+        if self.msg_id_model == 'unified':
+            self._dictify_ops_unified()
+        elif self.msg_id_model == 'directional':
+            self._dictify_ops_directional()
+        for op in self.msgs.values():
+            if op.req_value is not None:
+                self.req_by_value[op.req_value] = op
+            if op.rsp_value is not None:
+                self.rsp_by_value[op.rsp_value] = op
+            if not op.is_async and 'attribute-set' in op:
+                self.ops[op.name] = op
+            elif op.is_async:
+                self.ntfs[op.name] = op
+        mcgs = self.yaml.get('mcast-groups')
+        if mcgs:
+            for elem in mcgs['list']:
+                mcg = self.new_mcast_group(elem)
+                self.mcast_groups[elem['name']] = mcg
diff --git a/tools/net/ynl/lib/ynl.py b/tools/net/ynl/lib/ynl.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..03c7ca6aaae9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/net/ynl/lib/ynl.py
@@ -0,0 +1,873 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
+from collections import namedtuple
+import functools
+import os
+import random
+import socket
+import struct
+from struct import Struct
+import yaml
+import ipaddress
+import uuid
+from .nlspec import SpecFamily
+# Generic Netlink code which should really be in some library, but I can't quickly find one.
+class Netlink:
+    # Netlink socket
+    SOL_NETLINK = 270
+    # Netlink message
+    NLMSG_ERROR = 2
+    NLMSG_DONE = 3
+    NLM_F_REQUEST = 1
+    NLM_F_ACK = 4
+    NLM_F_ROOT = 0x100
+    NLM_F_MATCH = 0x200
+    NLM_F_REPLACE = 0x100
+    NLM_F_EXCL = 0x200
+    NLM_F_CREATE = 0x400
+    NLM_F_APPEND = 0x800
+    NLM_F_CAPPED = 0x100
+    NLM_F_ACK_TLVS = 0x200
+    NLA_F_NESTED = 0x8000
+    NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER = 0x4000
+    # Genetlink defines
+    GENL_ID_CTRL = 0x10
+    # nlctrl
+    # Extack types
+class NlError(Exception):
+  def __init__(self, nl_msg):
+    self.nl_msg = nl_msg
+  def __str__(self):
+    return f"Netlink error: {os.strerror(-self.nl_msg.error)}\n{self.nl_msg}"
+class NlAttr:
+    ScalarFormat = namedtuple('ScalarFormat', ['native', 'big', 'little'])
+    type_formats = {
+        'u8' : ScalarFormat(Struct('B'), Struct("B"),  Struct("B")),
+        's8' : ScalarFormat(Struct('b'), Struct("b"),  Struct("b")),
+        'u16': ScalarFormat(Struct('H'), Struct(">H"), Struct("<H")),
+        's16': ScalarFormat(Struct('h'), Struct(">h"), Struct("<h")),
+        'u32': ScalarFormat(Struct('I'), Struct(">I"), Struct("<I")),
+        's32': ScalarFormat(Struct('i'), Struct(">i"), Struct("<i")),
+        'u64': ScalarFormat(Struct('Q'), Struct(">Q"), Struct("<Q")),
+        's64': ScalarFormat(Struct('q'), Struct(">q"), Struct("<q"))
+    }
+    def __init__(self, raw, offset):
+        self._len, self._type = struct.unpack("HH", raw[offset : offset + 4])
+        self.type = self._type & ~Netlink.NLA_TYPE_MASK
+        self.is_nest = self._type & Netlink.NLA_F_NESTED
+        self.payload_len = self._len
+        self.full_len = (self.payload_len + 3) & ~3
+        self.raw = raw[offset + 4 : offset + self.payload_len]
+    @classmethod
+    def get_format(cls, attr_type, byte_order=None):
+        format = cls.type_formats[attr_type]
+        if byte_order:
+            return format.big if byte_order == "big-endian" \
+                else format.little
+        return format.native
+    def as_scalar(self, attr_type, byte_order=None):
+        format = self.get_format(attr_type, byte_order)
+        return format.unpack(self.raw)[0]
+    def as_auto_scalar(self, attr_type, byte_order=None):
+        if len(self.raw) != 4 and len(self.raw) != 8:
+            raise Exception(f"Auto-scalar len payload be 4 or 8 bytes, got {len(self.raw)}")
+        real_type = attr_type[0] + str(len(self.raw) * 8)
+        format = self.get_format(real_type, byte_order)
+        return format.unpack(self.raw)[0]
+    def as_strz(self):
+        return self.raw.decode('ascii')[:-1]
+    def as_bin(self):
+        return self.raw
+    def as_c_array(self, type):
+        format = self.get_format(type)
+        return [ x[0] for x in format.iter_unpack(self.raw) ]
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return f"[type:{self.type} len:{self._len}] {self.raw}"
+class NlAttrs:
+    def __init__(self, msg, offset=0):
+        self.attrs = []
+        while offset < len(msg):
+            attr = NlAttr(msg, offset)
+            offset += attr.full_len
+            self.attrs.append(attr)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        yield from self.attrs
+    def __repr__(self):
+        msg = ''
+        for a in self.attrs:
+            if msg:
+                msg += '\n'
+            msg += repr(a)
+        return msg
+class NlMsg:
+    def __init__(self, msg, offset, attr_space=None):
+        self.hdr = msg[offset : offset + 16]
+        self.nl_len, self.nl_type, self.nl_flags, self.nl_seq, self.nl_portid = \
+            struct.unpack("IHHII", self.hdr)
+        self.raw = msg[offset + 16 : offset + self.nl_len]
+        self.error = 0
+        self.done = 0
+        extack_off = None
+        if self.nl_type == Netlink.NLMSG_ERROR:
+            self.error = struct.unpack("i", self.raw[0:4])[0]
+            self.done = 1
+            extack_off = 20
+        elif self.nl_type == Netlink.NLMSG_DONE:
+            self.done = 1
+            extack_off = 4
+        self.extack = None
+        if self.nl_flags & Netlink.NLM_F_ACK_TLVS and extack_off:
+            self.extack = dict()
+            extack_attrs = NlAttrs(self.raw[extack_off:])
+            for extack in extack_attrs:
+                if extack.type == Netlink.NLMSGERR_ATTR_MSG:
+                    self.extack['msg'] = extack.as_strz()
+                elif extack.type == Netlink.NLMSGERR_ATTR_MISS_TYPE:
+                    self.extack['miss-type'] = extack.as_scalar('u32')
+                elif extack.type == Netlink.NLMSGERR_ATTR_MISS_NEST:
+                    self.extack['miss-nest'] = extack.as_scalar('u32')
+                elif extack.type == Netlink.NLMSGERR_ATTR_OFFS:
+                    self.extack['bad-attr-offs'] = extack.as_scalar('u32')
+                else:
+                    if 'unknown' not in self.extack:
+                        self.extack['unknown'] = []
+                    self.extack['unknown'].append(extack)
+            if attr_space:
+                # We don't have the ability to parse nests yet, so only do global
+                if 'miss-type' in self.extack and 'miss-nest' not in self.extack:
+                    miss_type = self.extack['miss-type']
+                    if miss_type in attr_space.attrs_by_val:
+                        spec = attr_space.attrs_by_val[miss_type]
+                        desc = spec['name']
+                        if 'doc' in spec:
+                            desc += f" ({spec['doc']})"
+                        self.extack['miss-type'] = desc
+    def cmd(self):
+        return self.nl_type
+    def __repr__(self):
+        msg = f"nl_len = {self.nl_len} ({len(self.raw)}) nl_flags = 0x{self.nl_flags:x} nl_type = {self.nl_type}\n"
+        if self.error:
+            msg += '\terror: ' + str(self.error)
+        if self.extack:
+            msg += '\textack: ' + repr(self.extack)
+        return msg
+class NlMsgs:
+    def __init__(self, data, attr_space=None):
+        self.msgs = []
+        offset = 0
+        while offset < len(data):
+            msg = NlMsg(data, offset, attr_space=attr_space)
+            offset += msg.nl_len
+            self.msgs.append(msg)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        yield from self.msgs
+genl_family_name_to_id = None
+def _genl_msg(nl_type, nl_flags, genl_cmd, genl_version, seq=None):
+    # we prepend length in _genl_msg_finalize()
+    if seq is None:
+        seq = random.randint(1, 1024)
+    nlmsg = struct.pack("HHII", nl_type, nl_flags, seq, 0)
+    genlmsg = struct.pack("BBH", genl_cmd, genl_version, 0)
+    return nlmsg + genlmsg
+def _genl_msg_finalize(msg):
+    return struct.pack("I", len(msg) + 4) + msg
+def _genl_load_families():
+    with socket.socket(socket.AF_NETLINK, socket.SOCK_RAW, Netlink.NETLINK_GENERIC) as sock:
+        sock.setsockopt(Netlink.SOL_NETLINK, Netlink.NETLINK_CAP_ACK, 1)
+        msg = _genl_msg(Netlink.GENL_ID_CTRL,
+                        Netlink.NLM_F_REQUEST | Netlink.NLM_F_ACK | Netlink.NLM_F_DUMP,
+                        Netlink.CTRL_CMD_GETFAMILY, 1)
+        msg = _genl_msg_finalize(msg)
+        sock.send(msg, 0)
+        global genl_family_name_to_id
+        genl_family_name_to_id = dict()
+        while True:
+            reply = sock.recv(128 * 1024)
+            nms = NlMsgs(reply)
+            for nl_msg in nms:
+                if nl_msg.error:
+                    print("Netlink error:", nl_msg.error)
+                    return
+                if nl_msg.done:
+                    return
+                gm = GenlMsg(nl_msg)
+                fam = dict()
+                for attr in NlAttrs(gm.raw):
+                    if attr.type == Netlink.CTRL_ATTR_FAMILY_ID:
+                        fam['id'] = attr.as_scalar('u16')
+                    elif attr.type == Netlink.CTRL_ATTR_FAMILY_NAME:
+                        fam['name'] = attr.as_strz()
+                    elif attr.type == Netlink.CTRL_ATTR_MAXATTR:
+                        fam['maxattr'] = attr.as_scalar('u32')
+                    elif attr.type == Netlink.CTRL_ATTR_MCAST_GROUPS:
+                        fam['mcast'] = dict()
+                        for entry in NlAttrs(attr.raw):
+                            mcast_name = None
+                            mcast_id = None
+                            for entry_attr in NlAttrs(entry.raw):
+                                if entry_attr.type == Netlink.CTRL_ATTR_MCAST_GRP_NAME:
+                                    mcast_name = entry_attr.as_strz()
+                                elif entry_attr.type == Netlink.CTRL_ATTR_MCAST_GRP_ID:
+                                    mcast_id = entry_attr.as_scalar('u32')
+                            if mcast_name and mcast_id is not None:
+                                fam['mcast'][mcast_name] = mcast_id
+                if 'name' in fam and 'id' in fam:
+                    genl_family_name_to_id[fam['name']] = fam
+class GenlMsg:
+    def __init__(self, nl_msg):
+        self.nl = nl_msg
+        self.genl_cmd, self.genl_version, _ = struct.unpack_from("BBH", nl_msg.raw, 0)
+        self.raw = nl_msg.raw[4:]
+    def cmd(self):
+        return self.genl_cmd
+    def __repr__(self):
+        msg = repr(self.nl)
+        msg += f"\tgenl_cmd = {self.genl_cmd} genl_ver = {self.genl_version}\n"
+        for a in self.raw_attrs:
+            msg += '\t\t' + repr(a) + '\n'
+        return msg
+class NetlinkProtocol:
+    def __init__(self, family_name, proto_num):
+        self.family_name = family_name
+        self.proto_num = proto_num
+    def _message(self, nl_type, nl_flags, seq=None):
+        if seq is None:
+            seq = random.randint(1, 1024)
+        nlmsg = struct.pack("HHII", nl_type, nl_flags, seq, 0)
+        return nlmsg
+    def message(self, flags, command, version, seq=None):
+        return self._message(command, flags, seq)
+    def _decode(self, nl_msg):
+        return nl_msg
+    def decode(self, ynl, nl_msg):
+        msg = self._decode(nl_msg)
+        fixed_header_size = 0
+        if ynl:
+            op = ynl.rsp_by_value[msg.cmd()]
+            fixed_header_size = ynl._struct_size(op.fixed_header)
+        msg.raw_attrs = NlAttrs(msg.raw, fixed_header_size)
+        return msg
+    def get_mcast_id(self, mcast_name, mcast_groups):
+        if mcast_name not in mcast_groups:
+            raise Exception(f'Multicast group "{mcast_name}" not present in the spec')
+        return mcast_groups[mcast_name].value
+class GenlProtocol(NetlinkProtocol):
+    def __init__(self, family_name):
+        super().__init__(family_name, Netlink.NETLINK_GENERIC)
+        global genl_family_name_to_id
+        if genl_family_name_to_id is None:
+            _genl_load_families()
+        self.genl_family = genl_family_name_to_id[family_name]
+        self.family_id = genl_family_name_to_id[family_name]['id']
+    def message(self, flags, command, version, seq=None):
+        nlmsg = self._message(self.family_id, flags, seq)
+        genlmsg = struct.pack("BBH", command, version, 0)
+        return nlmsg + genlmsg
+    def _decode(self, nl_msg):
+        return GenlMsg(nl_msg)
+    def get_mcast_id(self, mcast_name, mcast_groups):
+        if mcast_name not in self.genl_family['mcast']:
+            raise Exception(f'Multicast group "{mcast_name}" not present in the family')
+        return self.genl_family['mcast'][mcast_name]
+class SpaceAttrs:
+    SpecValuesPair = namedtuple('SpecValuesPair', ['spec', 'values'])
+    def __init__(self, attr_space, attrs, outer = None):
+        outer_scopes = outer.scopes if outer else []
+        inner_scope = self.SpecValuesPair(attr_space, attrs)
+        self.scopes = [inner_scope] + outer_scopes
+    def lookup(self, name):
+        for scope in self.scopes:
+            if name in scope.spec:
+                if name in scope.values:
+                    return scope.values[name]
+                spec_name = scope.spec.yaml['name']
+                raise Exception(
+                    f"No value for '{name}' in attribute space '{spec_name}'")
+        raise Exception(f"Attribute '{name}' not defined in any attribute-set")
+# YNL implementation details.
+class YnlFamily(SpecFamily):
+    def __init__(self, def_path, schema=None, process_unknown=False):
+        super().__init__(def_path, schema)
+        self.include_raw = False
+        self.process_unknown = process_unknown
+        try:
+            if self.proto == "netlink-raw":
+                self.nlproto = NetlinkProtocol(self.yaml['name'],
+                                               self.yaml['protonum'])
+            else:
+                self.nlproto = GenlProtocol(self.yaml['name'])
+        except KeyError:
+            raise Exception(f"Family '{self.yaml['name']}' not supported by the kernel")
+        self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_NETLINK, socket.SOCK_RAW, self.nlproto.proto_num)
+        self.sock.setsockopt(Netlink.SOL_NETLINK, Netlink.NETLINK_CAP_ACK, 1)
+        self.sock.setsockopt(Netlink.SOL_NETLINK, Netlink.NETLINK_EXT_ACK, 1)
+        self.sock.setsockopt(Netlink.SOL_NETLINK, Netlink.NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK, 1)
+        self.async_msg_ids = set()
+        self.async_msg_queue = []
+        for msg in self.msgs.values():
+            if msg.is_async:
+                self.async_msg_ids.add(msg.rsp_value)
+        for op_name, op in self.ops.items():
+            bound_f = functools.partial(self._op, op_name)
+            setattr(self, op.ident_name, bound_f)
+    def ntf_subscribe(self, mcast_name):
+        mcast_id = self.nlproto.get_mcast_id(mcast_name, self.mcast_groups)
+        self.sock.bind((0, 0))
+        self.sock.setsockopt(Netlink.SOL_NETLINK, Netlink.NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP,
+                             mcast_id)
+    def _add_attr(self, space, name, value, search_attrs):
+        try:
+            attr = self.attr_sets[space][name]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise Exception(f"Space '{space}' has no attribute '{name}'")
+        nl_type = attr.value
+        if attr.is_multi and isinstance(value, list):
+            attr_payload = b''
+            for subvalue in value:
+                attr_payload += self._add_attr(space, name, subvalue, search_attrs)
+            return attr_payload
+        if attr["type"] == 'nest':
+            nl_type |= Netlink.NLA_F_NESTED
+            attr_payload = b''
+            sub_attrs = SpaceAttrs(self.attr_sets[space], value, search_attrs)
+            for subname, subvalue in value.items():
+                attr_payload += self._add_attr(attr['nested-attributes'],
+                                               subname, subvalue, sub_attrs)
+        elif attr["type"] == 'flag':
+            attr_payload = b''
+        elif attr["type"] == 'string':
+            attr_payload = str(value).encode('ascii') + b'\x00'
+        elif attr["type"] == 'binary':
+            if isinstance(value, bytes):
+                attr_payload = value
+            elif isinstance(value, str):
+                attr_payload = bytes.fromhex(value)
+            elif isinstance(value, dict) and attr.struct_name:
+                attr_payload = self._encode_struct(attr.struct_name, value)
+            else:
+                raise Exception(f'Unknown type for binary attribute, value: {value}')
+        elif attr.is_auto_scalar:
+            scalar = int(value)
+            real_type = attr["type"][0] + ('32' if scalar.bit_length() <= 32 else '64')
+            format = NlAttr.get_format(real_type, attr.byte_order)
+            attr_payload = format.pack(int(value))
+        elif attr['type'] in NlAttr.type_formats:
+            format = NlAttr.get_format(attr['type'], attr.byte_order)
+            attr_payload = format.pack(int(value))
+        elif attr['type'] in "bitfield32":
+            attr_payload = struct.pack("II", int(value["value"]), int(value["selector"]))
+        elif attr['type'] == 'sub-message':
+            msg_format = self._resolve_selector(attr, search_attrs)
+            attr_payload = b''
+            if msg_format.fixed_header:
+                attr_payload += self._encode_struct(msg_format.fixed_header, value)
+            if msg_format.attr_set:
+                if msg_format.attr_set in self.attr_sets:
+                    nl_type |= Netlink.NLA_F_NESTED
+                    sub_attrs = SpaceAttrs(msg_format.attr_set, value, search_attrs)
+                    for subname, subvalue in value.items():
+                        attr_payload += self._add_attr(msg_format.attr_set,
+                                                       subname, subvalue, sub_attrs)
+                else:
+                    raise Exception(f"Unknown attribute-set '{msg_format.attr_set}'")
+        else:
+            raise Exception(f'Unknown type at {space} {name} {value} {attr["type"]}')
+        pad = b'\x00' * ((4 - len(attr_payload) % 4) % 4)
+        return struct.pack('HH', len(attr_payload) + 4, nl_type) + attr_payload + pad
+    def _decode_enum(self, raw, attr_spec):
+        enum = self.consts[attr_spec['enum']]
+        if enum.type == 'flags' or attr_spec.get('enum-as-flags', False):
+            i = 0
+            value = set()
+            while raw:
+                if raw & 1:
+                    value.add(enum.entries_by_val[i].name)
+                raw >>= 1
+                i += 1
+        else:
+            value = enum.entries_by_val[raw].name
+        return value
+    def _decode_binary(self, attr, attr_spec):
+        if attr_spec.struct_name:
+            decoded = self._decode_struct(attr.raw, attr_spec.struct_name)
+        elif attr_spec.sub_type:
+            decoded = attr.as_c_array(attr_spec.sub_type)
+        else:
+            decoded = attr.as_bin()
+            if attr_spec.display_hint:
+                decoded = self._formatted_string(decoded, attr_spec.display_hint)
+        return decoded
+    def _decode_array_nest(self, attr, attr_spec):
+        decoded = []
+        offset = 0
+        while offset < len(attr.raw):
+            item = NlAttr(attr.raw, offset)
+            offset += item.full_len
+            subattrs = self._decode(NlAttrs(item.raw), attr_spec['nested-attributes'])
+            decoded.append({ item.type: subattrs })
+        return decoded
+    def _decode_unknown(self, attr):
+        if attr.is_nest:
+            return self._decode(NlAttrs(attr.raw), None)
+        else:
+            return attr.as_bin()
+    def _rsp_add(self, rsp, name, is_multi, decoded):
+        if is_multi == None:
+            if name in rsp and type(rsp[name]) is not list:
+                rsp[name] = [rsp[name]]
+                is_multi = True
+            else:
+                is_multi = False
+        if not is_multi:
+            rsp[name] = decoded
+        elif name in rsp:
+            rsp[name].append(decoded)
+        else:
+            rsp[name] = [decoded]
+    def _resolve_selector(self, attr_spec, search_attrs):
+        sub_msg = attr_spec.sub_message
+        if sub_msg not in self.sub_msgs:
+            raise Exception(f"No sub-message spec named {sub_msg} for {attr_spec.name}")
+        sub_msg_spec = self.sub_msgs[sub_msg]
+        selector = attr_spec.selector
+        value = search_attrs.lookup(selector)
+        if value not in sub_msg_spec.formats:
+            raise Exception(f"No message format for '{value}' in sub-message spec '{sub_msg}'")
+        spec = sub_msg_spec.formats[value]
+        return spec
+    def _decode_sub_msg(self, attr, attr_spec, search_attrs):
+        msg_format = self._resolve_selector(attr_spec, search_attrs)
+        decoded = {}
+        offset = 0
+        if msg_format.fixed_header:
+            decoded.update(self._decode_struct(attr.raw, msg_format.fixed_header));
+            offset = self._struct_size(msg_format.fixed_header)
+        if msg_format.attr_set:
+            if msg_format.attr_set in self.attr_sets:
+                subdict = self._decode(NlAttrs(attr.raw, offset), msg_format.attr_set)
+                decoded.update(subdict)
+            else:
+                raise Exception(f"Unknown attribute-set '{attr_space}' when decoding '{attr_spec.name}'")
+        return decoded
+    def _decode(self, attrs, space, outer_attrs = None):
+        if space:
+            attr_space = self.attr_sets[space]
+        rsp = dict()
+        search_attrs = SpaceAttrs(attr_space, rsp, outer_attrs)
+        for attr in attrs:
+            try:
+                attr_spec = attr_space.attrs_by_val[attr.type]
+            except (KeyError, UnboundLocalError):
+                if not self.process_unknown:
+                    raise Exception(f"Space '{space}' has no attribute with value '{attr.type}'")
+                attr_name = f"UnknownAttr({attr.type})"
+                self._rsp_add(rsp, attr_name, None, self._decode_unknown(attr))
+                continue
+            if attr_spec["type"] == 'nest':
+                subdict = self._decode(NlAttrs(attr.raw), attr_spec['nested-attributes'], search_attrs)
+                decoded = subdict
+            elif attr_spec["type"] == 'string':
+                decoded = attr.as_strz()
+            elif attr_spec["type"] == 'binary':
+                decoded = self._decode_binary(attr, attr_spec)
+            elif attr_spec["type"] == 'flag':
+                decoded = True
+            elif attr_spec.is_auto_scalar:
+                decoded = attr.as_auto_scalar(attr_spec['type'], attr_spec.byte_order)
+            elif attr_spec["type"] in NlAttr.type_formats:
+                decoded = attr.as_scalar(attr_spec['type'], attr_spec.byte_order)
+                if 'enum' in attr_spec:
+                    decoded = self._decode_enum(decoded, attr_spec)
+            elif attr_spec["type"] == 'array-nest':
+                decoded = self._decode_array_nest(attr, attr_spec)
+            elif attr_spec["type"] == 'bitfield32':
+                value, selector = struct.unpack("II", attr.raw)
+                if 'enum' in attr_spec:
+                    value = self._decode_enum(value, attr_spec)
+                    selector = self._decode_enum(selector, attr_spec)
+                decoded = {"value": value, "selector": selector}
+            elif attr_spec["type"] == 'sub-message':
+                decoded = self._decode_sub_msg(attr, attr_spec, search_attrs)
+            else:
+                if not self.process_unknown:
+                    raise Exception(f'Unknown {attr_spec["type"]} with name {attr_spec["name"]}')
+                decoded = self._decode_unknown(attr)
+            self._rsp_add(rsp, attr_spec["name"], attr_spec.is_multi, decoded)
+        return rsp
+    def _decode_extack_path(self, attrs, attr_set, offset, target):
+        for attr in attrs:
+            try:
+                attr_spec = attr_set.attrs_by_val[attr.type]
+            except KeyError:
+                raise Exception(f"Space '{attr_set.name}' has no attribute with value '{attr.type}'")
+            if offset > target:
+                break
+            if offset == target:
+                return '.' + attr_spec.name
+            if offset + attr.full_len <= target:
+                offset += attr.full_len
+                continue
+            if attr_spec['type'] != 'nest':
+                raise Exception(f"Can't dive into {attr.type} ({attr_spec['name']}) for extack")
+            offset += 4
+            subpath = self._decode_extack_path(NlAttrs(attr.raw),
+                                               self.attr_sets[attr_spec['nested-attributes']],
+                                               offset, target)
+            if subpath is None:
+                return None
+            return '.' + attr_spec.name + subpath
+        return None
+    def _decode_extack(self, request, op, extack):
+        if 'bad-attr-offs' not in extack:
+            return
+        msg = self.nlproto.decode(self, NlMsg(request, 0, op.attr_set))
+        offset = 20 + self._struct_size(op.fixed_header)
+        path = self._decode_extack_path(msg.raw_attrs, op.attr_set, offset,
+                                        extack['bad-attr-offs'])
+        if path:
+            del extack['bad-attr-offs']
+            extack['bad-attr'] = path
+    def _struct_size(self, name):
+        if name:
+            members = self.consts[name].members
+            size = 0
+            for m in members:
+                if m.type in ['pad', 'binary']:
+                    if m.struct:
+                        size += self._struct_size(m.struct)
+                    else:
+                        size += m.len
+                else:
+                    format = NlAttr.get_format(m.type, m.byte_order)
+                    size += format.size
+            return size
+        else:
+            return 0
+    def _decode_struct(self, data, name):
+        members = self.consts[name].members
+        attrs = dict()
+        offset = 0
+        for m in members:
+            value = None
+            if m.type == 'pad':
+                offset += m.len
+            elif m.type == 'binary':
+                if m.struct:
+                    len = self._struct_size(m.struct)
+                    value = self._decode_struct(data[offset : offset + len],
+                                                m.struct)
+                    offset += len
+                else:
+                    value = data[offset : offset + m.len]
+                    offset += m.len
+            else:
+                format = NlAttr.get_format(m.type, m.byte_order)
+                [ value ] = format.unpack_from(data, offset)
+                offset += format.size
+            if value is not None:
+                if m.enum:
+                    value = self._decode_enum(value, m)
+                elif m.display_hint:
+                    value = self._formatted_string(value, m.display_hint)
+                attrs[m.name] = value
+        return attrs
+    def _encode_struct(self, name, vals):
+        members = self.consts[name].members
+        attr_payload = b''
+        for m in members:
+            value = vals.pop(m.name) if m.name in vals else None
+            if m.type == 'pad':
+                attr_payload += bytearray(m.len)
+            elif m.type == 'binary':
+                if m.struct:
+                    if value is None:
+                        value = dict()
+                    attr_payload += self._encode_struct(m.struct, value)
+                else:
+                    if value is None:
+                        attr_payload += bytearray(m.len)
+                    else:
+                        attr_payload += bytes.fromhex(value)
+            else:
+                if value is None:
+                    value = 0
+                format = NlAttr.get_format(m.type, m.byte_order)
+                attr_payload += format.pack(value)
+        return attr_payload
+    def _formatted_string(self, raw, display_hint):
+        if display_hint == 'mac':
+            formatted = ':'.join('%02x' % b for b in raw)
+        elif display_hint == 'hex':
+            formatted = bytes.hex(raw, ' ')
+        elif display_hint in [ 'ipv4', 'ipv6' ]:
+            formatted = format(ipaddress.ip_address(raw))
+        elif display_hint == 'uuid':
+            formatted = str(uuid.UUID(bytes=raw))
+        else:
+            formatted = raw
+        return formatted
+    def handle_ntf(self, decoded):
+        msg = dict()
+        if self.include_raw:
+            msg['raw'] = decoded
+        op = self.rsp_by_value[decoded.cmd()]
+        attrs = self._decode(decoded.raw_attrs, op.attr_set.name)
+        if op.fixed_header:
+            attrs.update(self._decode_struct(decoded.raw, op.fixed_header))
+        msg['name'] = op['name']
+        msg['msg'] = attrs
+        self.async_msg_queue.append(msg)
+    def check_ntf(self):
+        while True:
+            try:
+                reply = self.sock.recv(128 * 1024, socket.MSG_DONTWAIT)
+            except BlockingIOError:
+                return
+            nms = NlMsgs(reply)
+            for nl_msg in nms:
+                if nl_msg.error:
+                    print("Netlink error in ntf!?", os.strerror(-nl_msg.error))
+                    print(nl_msg)
+                    continue
+                if nl_msg.done:
+                    print("Netlink done while checking for ntf!?")
+                    continue
+                decoded = self.nlproto.decode(self, nl_msg)
+                if decoded.cmd() not in self.async_msg_ids:
+                    print("Unexpected msg id done while checking for ntf", decoded)
+                    continue
+                self.handle_ntf(decoded)
+    def operation_do_attributes(self, name):
+      """
+      For a given operation name, find and return a supported
+      set of attributes (as a dict).
+      """
+      op = self.find_operation(name)
+      if not op:
+        return None
+      return op['do']['request']['attributes'].copy()
+    def _op(self, method, vals, flags=None, dump=False):
+        op = self.ops[method]
+        nl_flags = Netlink.NLM_F_REQUEST | Netlink.NLM_F_ACK
+        for flag in flags or []:
+            nl_flags |= flag
+        if dump:
+            nl_flags |= Netlink.NLM_F_DUMP
+        req_seq = random.randint(1024, 65535)
+        msg = self.nlproto.message(nl_flags, op.req_value, 1, req_seq)
+        if op.fixed_header:
+            msg += self._encode_struct(op.fixed_header, vals)
+        search_attrs = SpaceAttrs(op.attr_set, vals)
+        for name, value in vals.items():
+            msg += self._add_attr(op.attr_set.name, name, value, search_attrs)
+        msg = _genl_msg_finalize(msg)
+        self.sock.send(msg, 0)
+        done = False
+        rsp = []
+        while not done:
+            reply = self.sock.recv(128 * 1024)
+            nms = NlMsgs(reply, attr_space=op.attr_set)
+            for nl_msg in nms:
+                if nl_msg.extack:
+                    self._decode_extack(msg, op, nl_msg.extack)
+                if nl_msg.error:
+                    raise NlError(nl_msg)
+                if nl_msg.done:
+                    if nl_msg.extack:
+                        print("Netlink warning:")
+                        print(nl_msg)
+                    done = True
+                    break
+                decoded = self.nlproto.decode(self, nl_msg)
+                # Check if this is a reply to our request
+                if nl_msg.nl_seq != req_seq or decoded.cmd() != op.rsp_value:
+                    if decoded.cmd() in self.async_msg_ids:
+                        self.handle_ntf(decoded)
+                        continue
+                    else:
+                        print('Unexpected message: ' + repr(decoded))
+                        continue
+                rsp_msg = self._decode(decoded.raw_attrs, op.attr_set.name)
+                if op.fixed_header:
+                    rsp_msg.update(self._decode_struct(decoded.raw, op.fixed_header))
+                rsp.append(rsp_msg)
+        if not rsp:
+            return None
+        if not dump and len(rsp) == 1:
+            return rsp[0]
+        return rsp
+    def do(self, method, vals, flags=None):
+        return self._op(method, vals, flags)
+    def dump(self, method, vals):
+        return self._op(method, vals, [], dump=True)
2.37.1 (Apple Git-137.1)

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