[PATCH 0/2][l linux-azure] Azure: Update TDX with HCL support

Tim Gardner tim.gardner at canonical.com
Tue Oct 31 13:19:07 UTC 2023

BugLink: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/2042096

SRU Justification


Microsoft has asked for the addition of 2 patches for TDX and SNP-SEV VM support with HCL.

The refreshed patches will fix 2 bugs for future Hyper-V versions:
1) PCI DDA for Linux TDX VMs with HCL is not working due to a guest bug and a host bug.
The guest bug is fixed in the mainline version of the TDX patches.
2) On a recent Hyper-V dev build that advertises the Hyper-V TLB flushing hypercalls,
the current Ubuntu 6.2 kernel passes a shared input page to the Hyper-V while it should
pass a private input page; as a result, the hypercall always fails and Linux now falls
back to the legacy native method of flusing TLB. This slows down the flush-TLB
operation . The mainline version doesn't have the bug.

[Test Plan]

Microsoft tested.

[Regression Potential]

Azure instances with TDX on HCL hypervisors may not work correctly.

[Other Info]

SF: #00364214

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