[Noble/Unstable][PATCH 3/6] UBUNTU: [Packaging] Remove support for sub-flavors

Juerg Haefliger juerg.haefliger at canonical.com
Fri Nov 24 13:28:33 UTC 2023

Sub-flavors were a concept in Maverick and earlier. In fact, it was
removed later in Maverick but that commit was not carried forward to
Natty so it's still here. Finally get rid of it.

(forwardported from commit db54f0fec701e97b829f0abb2750c30464b38dec maverick/linux)
Signed-off-by: Juerg Haefliger <juerg.haefliger at canonical.com>
 debian/rules                    |  2 +-
 debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk | 18 ---------
 debian/scripts/control-create   | 23 +++++------
 debian/scripts/sub-flavour      | 69 ---------------------------------
 4 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 debian/scripts/sub-flavour

diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 70ad432a2e90..57595186fcc6 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ $(DEBIAN)/control.stub: 				\
 		debian/canonical-revoked-certs.pem	\
 		$(DROOT)/control.d/flavour-module.stub	\
 		$(DEBIAN)/changelog			\
-		$(wildcard $(DEBIAN)/control.d/* $(DEBIAN)/sub-flavours/*.vars)
+		$(wildcard $(DEBIAN)/control.d/*)
 	for i in $(control_files); do                                           \
 	  cat $$i;                                                              \
 	  echo "";                                                              \
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk b/debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk
index 1cf2b106bf25..f1950bbdcb92 100644
--- a/debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk
+++ b/debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk
@@ -251,17 +251,6 @@ ifeq ($(do_doc_package),true)
 	chmod 644 $(bindoc)/changelog.Debian.old.gz
-ifneq ($(skipsub),true)
-	for sub in $($(*)_sub); do					\
-		if ! (TO=$$sub FROM=$* ABI_RELEASE=$(abi_release) $(SHELL)		\
-			$(DROOT)/scripts/sub-flavour); then exit 1; fi;		\
-		/sbin/depmod -b debian/$(bin_pkg_name)-$$sub		\
-			-ea -F debian/$(bin_pkg_name)-$$sub/boot/System.map-$(abi_release)-$* \
-			$(abi_release)-$*;					\
-		$(call install_control,$(bin_pkg_name)--$$sub,image,postinst postrm preinst prerm); \
-	done
 ifeq ($(do_dbgsym_package),true)
 	# Debug image is simple
 	install -m644 -D $(builddir)/build-$*/vmlinux \
@@ -633,13 +622,6 @@ ifeq ($(do_lib_rust),true)
 	$(call dh_all,$(pkgrust))
-ifneq ($(skipsub),true)
-	@set -e; for sub in $($(*)_sub); do		\
-		pkg=$(bin_pkg_name)-$$sub;		\
-		$(call dh_all_inline,$$pkg);		\
-	done
 ifeq ($(do_dbgsym_package),true)
 	$(call dh_all,$(dbgpkg)) -- -Zxz
diff --git a/debian/scripts/control-create b/debian/scripts/control-create
index 5d0e3e46556c..32ef0f2df536 100755
--- a/debian/scripts/control-create
+++ b/debian/scripts/control-create
@@ -9,21 +9,16 @@ any_signed=$2
 [ "$provides" != '' ] && provides="$provides, "
-if [ "$is_sub" = "" ]; then
-	flavour=$(basename $vars | sed 's/.*\.//')
-	stub="${DEBIAN}/control.d/flavour-control.stub debian/control.d/flavour-buildinfo.stub"
-	if [ "$any_signed" = 'true' ]; then
-		sign_me_pkg="-unsigned"
-		sign_me_txt=" unsigned"
-		sign_peer_pkg=""
-	else
-		sign_me_pkg=""
-		sign_me_txt=""
-		sign_peer_pkg="-unsigned"
-	fi
+flavour=$(basename $vars | sed 's/.*\.//')
+stub="${DEBIAN}/control.d/flavour-control.stub debian/control.d/flavour-buildinfo.stub"
+if [ "$any_signed" = 'true' ]; then
+	sign_me_pkg="-unsigned"
+	sign_me_txt=" unsigned"
+	sign_peer_pkg=""
-	flavour=$(basename $vars .vars)
-	stub=${DEBIAN}/sub-flavours/control.stub
+	sign_me_pkg=""
+	sign_me_txt=""
+	sign_peer_pkg="-unsigned"
 cat $stub | grep -v '^#' | sed \
diff --git a/debian/scripts/sub-flavour b/debian/scripts/sub-flavour
deleted file mode 100644
index 01004939617c..000000000000
--- a/debian/scripts/sub-flavour
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-. debian/debian.env
-echo "SUB_PROCESS $FROM => $TO"
-export from_pkg="linux-image-$ABI_RELEASE-$FROM"
-export to_pkg="linux-image-$ABI_RELEASE-$TO"
-install -d "debian/$to_pkg/boot"
-install -m644 debian/$from_pkg/boot/config-$ABI_RELEASE-$FROM \
-	debian/$to_pkg/boot/
-install -m600 debian/$from_pkg/boot/{vmlinuz,System.map}-$ABI_RELEASE-$FROM \
-	debian/$to_pkg/boot/
-# Print some warnings if there are files in the sub-flavours list
-# that do not actually exist.
-cat ${DEBIAN}/sub-flavours/$TO.list | while read line
-	cd debian/$from_pkg/lib/modules/$ABI_RELEASE-$FROM/kernel;
-	#
-	# If its a wildcard, then check that there are files that match.
-	#
-	if echo "$line" | grep '\*' > /dev/null
-	then
-		if [ `eval find "$line" -name '*.ko' 2>/dev/null|wc -l` -lt 1 ]
-		then
-			echo SUB_INST Warning - No files in $line
-		fi
-	#
-	# Else it should be a single file reference.
-	#
-	elif [ ! -f "$line" ]
-	then
-		echo SUB_INST Warning - could not find "$line"
-	fi
-cat ${DEBIAN}/sub-flavours/$TO.list | while read line; do
-	(
-	cd debian/$from_pkg/lib/modules/$ABI_RELEASE-$FROM/kernel;
-	if echo "$line" | grep '\*' > /dev/null
-	then
-		eval find "$line" -name '*.ko' 2>/dev/null || true
-	elif [ -f "$line" ]
-	then
-		echo "$line"
-	fi
-	);
-done | while read mod; do
-	echo "SUB_INST checking: $mod"
-	fromdir="/lib/modules/$ABI_RELEASE-$FROM/"
-	egrep "^($fromdir)?kernel/$mod:" \
-		$from_moddir/modules.dep | sed -e "s|^$fromdir||" -e 's/://' -e 's/ /\n/g' | \
-	while read m; do
-		m="${fromdir}$m"
-		test -f debian/$to_pkg/$m && continue
-		echo "SUB_INST installing: $m"
-		install -D -m644 debian/$from_pkg/$m \
-			debian/$to_pkg/$m
-	done

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