[Unstable][PATCH] UBUNTU: [Packaging] Drop support of old config handling

Juerg Haefliger juerg.haefliger at canonical.com
Tue May 9 14:29:51 UTC 2023

All kernels and their derivatives have been migrated to the new annotations
scheme by now so clean up the tree and drop the support of the old config

Signed-off-by: Juerg Haefliger <juerg.haefliger at canonical.com>
 debian/rules.d/1-maintainer.mk          |  22 ---
 debian/rules.d/4-checks.mk              |  10 +-
 debian/scripts/checks/config-check      | 163 ------------------
 debian/scripts/misc/migrate-annotations |  35 ----
 debian/scripts/misc/old-kernelconfig    | 218 ------------------------
 5 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 446 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 debian/scripts/checks/config-check
 delete mode 100755 debian/scripts/misc/migrate-annotations
 delete mode 100644 debian/scripts/misc/old-kernelconfig

diff --git a/debian/rules.d/1-maintainer.mk b/debian/rules.d/1-maintainer.mk
index 6eded3eb4626..2b72ffc56e72 100644
--- a/debian/rules.d/1-maintainer.mk
+++ b/debian/rules.d/1-maintainer.mk
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ help:
 	@echo "  defaultconfigs      : Update core arch configs using defaults"
 	@echo "  genconfigs          : Generate core arch configs in CONFIGS/*"
 	@echo "  editconfigs         : Edit core arch configs"
-	@echo "  migrateconfigs      : Automatically import old configs into annotations"
 	@echo "  printchanges        : Print the current changelog entries (from git)"
 	@echo "  insertchanges       : Insert current changelog entries (from git)"
 	@echo "  startnewrelease     : Start a new changelog set"
@@ -25,34 +24,13 @@ help:
 	@echo "$(DEBIAN)"
-.PHONY: migrateconfigs
-ifneq ($(wildcard $(DEBIAN)/config/config.common.ubuntu),)
-	dh_testdir
-	conc_level=$(conc_level) $(SHELL) $(DROOT)/scripts/misc/old-kernelconfig genconfigs
-	rm -rf build
-	mkdir build
-	mv $(DEBIAN)/config/annotations build/.annotations
-	mv $(DEBIAN)/config/README.rst build/.README.rst 2>/dev/null || true
-	rm -rf $(DEBIAN)/config
-	mkdir -p $(DEBIAN)/config
-	debian/scripts/misc/migrate-annotations < build/.annotations > $(DEBIAN)/config/annotations
-	mv build/.README.rst $(DEBIAN)/config/README.rst 2>/dev/null || true
-	rm -rf build
-	kmake='$(kmake)' conc_level=$(conc_level) $(SHELL) $(DROOT)/scripts/misc/kernelconfig updateconfigs
 configs-targets := updateconfigs defaultconfigs genconfigs editconfigs
 .PHONY: $(configs-targets)
-ifneq ($(wildcard $(DEBIAN)/config/config.common.ubuntu),)
-	conc_level=$(conc_level) $(SHELL) $(DROOT)/scripts/misc/old-kernelconfig $@
 	kmake='$(kmake)' skip_checks=$(do_skip_checks) conc_level=$(conc_level) \
 		$(SHELL) $(DROOT)/scripts/misc/kernelconfig $@
 .PHONY: printenv
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/4-checks.mk b/debian/rules.d/4-checks.mk
index 2f7853fd51e5..34b343189de5 100644
--- a/debian/rules.d/4-checks.mk
+++ b/debian/rules.d/4-checks.mk
@@ -31,12 +31,6 @@ checks-%: module-check-% module-signature-check-% abi-check-% retpoline-check-%
 config-prepare-check-%: $(stampdir)/stamp-prepare-tree-%
 	@echo Debug: $@
 ifneq ($(do_skip_checks),true)
-	if [ -e $(commonconfdir)/config.common.ubuntu ]; then \
-		perl -f $(DROOT)/scripts/checks/config-check \
-			$(builddir)/build-$*/.config "$(arch)" "$*" "$(commonconfdir)" \
-			"$(skipconfig)" "$(do_enforce_all)"; \
-	else \
-		python3 $(DROOT)/scripts/misc/annotations -f $(commonconfdir)/annotations \
-			--arch $(arch) --flavour $* --check $(builddir)/build-$*/.config; \
-	fi
+	python3 $(DROOT)/scripts/misc/annotations -f $(commonconfdir)/annotations \
+		--arch $(arch) --flavour $* --check $(builddir)/build-$*/.config
diff --git a/debian/scripts/checks/config-check b/debian/scripts/checks/config-check
deleted file mode 100755
index 845a649db7af..000000000000
--- a/debian/scripts/checks/config-check
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-# check-config -- check the current config for issues
-use strict;
-use File::Basename;
-use File::Spec;
-my $P = 'check-config';
-my $test = -1;
-if ($ARGV[0] eq '--test') {
-	$test = $ARGV[1] + 0;
-} elsif ($#ARGV != 5) {
-	die "Usage: $P <config> <arch> <flavour> <commonconfig> <warn-only> <enforce-all>\n";
-my ($configfile, $arch, $flavour, $commonconfig, $warn_only, $enforce_all) = @ARGV;
-my %values = ();
-# If we are in overridden then still perform the checks and emit the messages
-# but do not return failure.  Those items marked FATAL will alway trigger
-# failure.
-my $fail_exit = 1;
-$fail_exit = 0 if ($warn_only eq 'true' || $warn_only eq '1');
-my $exit_val = 0;
-$enforce_all = 0 if $enforce_all eq "no" or $enforce_all eq "false";
-# Load up the current configuration values -- FATAL if this fails
-print "$P: $configfile: loading config\n";
-open(CONFIG, "<$configfile") || die "$P: $configfile: open failed -- $! -- aborting\n";
-while (<CONFIG>) {
-	# Pull out values.
-	/^#*\s*(CONFIG_\w+)[\s=](.*)$/ or next;
-	if ($2 eq 'is not set') {
-		$values{$1} = 'n';
-	} else {
-		$values{$1} = $2;
-	}
-sub read_annotations {
-    my ($filename) = @_;
-    my %annot;
-    my $form = 1;
-    my ($config, $value, $options);
-    # Keep track of the configs that shouldn't be appended because
-    # they were include_annot from another annotations file.
-    # That's a hash of undefs, aka a set.
-    my %noappend;
-    print "$P: $filename loading annotations\n";
-    open(my $fd, "<$filename") ||
-	die "$P: $filename: open failed -- $! -- aborting\n";
-    while (<$fd>) {
-	if (/^# FORMAT: (\S+)/) {
-	    die "$P: $1: unknown annotations format\n" if ($1 != 2 && $1 != 3 && $1 != 4);
-	    $form = $1;
-	}
-	# Format #3 adds the include directive on top of format #2:
-	if ($form == 3 && /^\s*include(\s|$)/) {
-	    # Include quoted or unquoted files:
-	    if (/^\s*include\s+"(.*)"\s*$/ || /^\s*include\s+(.*)$/) {
-		# The include is relative to the current file
-		my $include_filename = File::Spec->join(dirname($filename), $1);
-		# Append the include files
-		my %include_annot = read_annotations($include_filename);
-		%annot = ( %annot, %include_annot );
-		# And marked them to not be appended:
-		my %included_noappend;
-		# Discard the values and keep only the keys
-		@included_noappend{keys %include_annot} = ();
-		%noappend = ( %noappend, %included_noappend );
-		next;
-	    } else {
-		die "$P: Invalid include: $_";
-	    }
-	}
-	/^#/ && next;
-	chomp;
-	/^$/ && next;
-	/^CONFIG_/ || next;
-	if ($form == 1) {
-	    ($config, $value, $options) = split(' ', $_, 3);
-	} elsif ($form >= 2) {
-	    ($config, $options) = split(' ', $_, 2);
-	}
-	if (exists $noappend{$config}) {
-	    delete $annot{$config};
-	    delete $noappend{$config};
-	}
-	$annot{$config} = $annot{$config} . ' ' . $options;
-    }
-    close($fd);
-    return %annot;
-# ANNOTATIONS: check any annotations marked for enforcement
-my $annotations = "$commonconfig/annotations";
-my %annot = read_annotations($annotations);
-my $pass = 0;
-my $total = 0;
-my ($config, $value, $options, $option, $check, $policy);
-for $config (keys %annot) {
-	$check = $enforce_all;
-	$options = $annot{$config};
-	$policy = undef;
-	while ($options =~ /\s*([^\s<]+)<(.*?)?>/g) {
-		($option, $value) = ($1, $2);
-		if ($option eq 'mark' && $value eq 'ENFORCED') {
-			$check = 1;
-		} elsif ($option eq 'policy') {
-			if ($value =~ /^{/) {
-				$value =~ s/:/=>/g;
-				$policy = eval($value);
-				warn "$config: $@" if ($@);
-			} else {
-				$policy = undef;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if ($check == 1 && !defined($policy)) {
-		print "$P: INVALID POLICY (use policy<{...}>) $config$options\n";
-		$total++;
-		$check = 0;
-	}
-	if ($check) {
-		# CONFIG_VERSION_SIGNATURE is dynamically set during the build
-		next if ($config eq "CONFIG_VERSION_SIGNATURE");
-		my $is = '-';
-		$is = $values{$config} if (defined $values{$config});
-		my $value = '-';
-		for my $which ("$arch-$flavour", "$arch-*", "*-$flavour", "$arch", "*") {
-			if (defined $policy->{$which}) {
-				$value = $policy->{$which};
-				last;
-			}
-		}
-		if ($is eq $value) {
-			$pass++;
-		} else {
-			print "$P: FAIL ($is != $value): $config$options\n";
-			$exit_val = $fail_exit;
-		}
-		$total++;
-	}
-print "$P: $pass/$total checks passed -- exit $exit_val\n";
-exit $exit_val;
diff --git a/debian/scripts/misc/migrate-annotations b/debian/scripts/misc/migrate-annotations
deleted file mode 100755
index dc313c6d6c3d..000000000000
--- a/debian/scripts/misc/migrate-annotations
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-. debian/debian.env
-# We have to be in the top level kernel source directory
-if [ ! -f MAINTAINERS ] || [ ! -f Makefile ]; then
-	echo "This does not appear to be the kernel source directory." 1>&2
-	exit 1
-. ${DEBIAN}/etc/kernelconfig
-ARCH=$(echo $archs | tr " " "\n" | sort -u)
-FLAVOUR=$(for arch in ${ARCH}; do
-	flavours=$(sed -ne 's/^flavours\s*=\s*\(.*\)$/\1/p' ${DEBIAN}/rules.d/${arch}.mk)
-	for flavour in ${flavours}; do
-		echo ${arch}-${flavour}
-	done
-done | tr " " "\n" | sort -u)
-while read line; do
-	(echo $line | grep -q '^#') || break
-cat << EOF
-# Menu: HEADER
-# FORMAT: 4
-# ARCH: $(echo ${ARCH})
-# FLAVOUR: $(echo ${FLAVOUR})
-while read line; do
-	echo ${line}
diff --git a/debian/scripts/misc/old-kernelconfig b/debian/scripts/misc/old-kernelconfig
deleted file mode 100644
index b68676ea85c6..000000000000
--- a/debian/scripts/misc/old-kernelconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-. debian/debian.env
-# Script to merge all configs and run 'make syncconfig' on it to wade out bad juju.
-# Then split the configs into distro-commmon and flavour-specific parts
-# We have to be in the top level kernel source directory
-if [ ! -f MAINTAINERS ] || [ ! -f Makefile ]; then
-	echo "This does not appear to be the kernel source directory." 1>&2
-	exit 1
-mode=${1:?"Usage: $0 (oldconfig|editconfig) [do_enforce_all]"}
-case "$mode" in
-    update*configs)  mode='syncconfig' ;;
-    default*configs) mode='oldconfig'; yes=1 ;;
-    edit*configs)    ;; # All is good
-    gen*configs)     mode='genconfigs' ;; # All is good
-    dump*configs)    mode='config'; yes=1 ;;
-    *) echo "$0 called with invalid mode" 1>&2
-       exit 1 ;;
-if [ -z "$gcc" ]; then
-    echo "ERROR: gcc environment variable must be set"
-    exit 1
-. $DEBIAN/etc/kernelconfig
-tmpdir=`mktemp -d`
-mkdir "$tmpdir/CONFIGS"
-if [ "$mode" = "genconfigs" ]; then
-	keep=1
-	mode="oldconfig"
-	test -d CONFIGS || mkdir CONFIGS
-for arch in $archs; do
-	rm -rf build
-	mkdir build
-	# Map debian archs to kernel archs
-	case "$arch" in
-		ppc64|ppc64el)	kernarch="powerpc"	;;
-		amd64)		kernarch="x86_64"	;;
-		lpia)		kernarch="x86" 		;;
-		sparc)		kernarch="sparc64"	;;
-		armel|armhf)	kernarch="arm"		;;
-		s390x)		kernarch="s390"		;;
-		riscv64)	kernarch="riscv"	;;
-		*)		kernarch="$arch"	;;
-	esac
-	# Determine cross toolchain to use for Kconfig compiler tests
-	cross_compile="$(dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE -a$arch 2>/dev/null)-"
-	# Arch-specific compiler, if any
-	archgcc=$(echo -e "show-%:\n\t at echo \$(\$*)\ninclude $DEBIAN/rules.d/$arch.mk" | make -s -f - show-gcc)
-	# Environment variables for 'make *config'. We omit CROSS_COMPILE
-	# for i386 since it is no longer supported after 19.04, however
-	# we maintain the configs for hwe.
-	modify_config=true
-	env="ARCH=$kernarch DEB_ARCH=$arch"
-	compiler_path=$(which "${cross_compile}${archgcc:-$gcc}" || true)
-	if [ "$compiler_path" != '' ]; then
-		env="$env CROSS_COMPILE=$cross_compile CC=$compiler_path"
-	else
-		echo "WARNING: ${cross_compile}gcc not installed"
-		modify_config=
-		warning_partial="$warning_partial $arch"
-	fi
-	archconfdir=$confdir/$arch
-	flavourconfigs=$(cd $archconfdir && ls config.flavour.*)
-	# Merge configs
-	# We merge config.common.ubuntu + config.common.<arch> +
-	# config.flavour.<flavour>
-	for config in $flavourconfigs; do
-		fullconf="$tmpdir/$arch-$config-full"
-		case $config in
-		*)
-			: >"$fullconf"
-			if [ -f $common_conf ]; then
-				cat $common_conf >> "$fullconf"
-			fi
-			if [ -f $archconfdir/config.common.$arch ]; then
-				cat $archconfdir/config.common.$arch >> "$fullconf"
-			fi
-			cat "$archconfdir/$config" >>"$fullconf"
-			if [ -f $confdir/OVERRIDES ]; then
-				cat $confdir/OVERRIDES >> "$fullconf"
-			fi
-			;;
-		esac
-	done
-	for config in $flavourconfigs; do
-		if [ -f $archconfdir/$config ]; then
-			fullconf="$tmpdir/$arch-$config-full"
-			cat "$fullconf" > build/.config
-			# Call oldconfig or menuconfig
-			if [ "$modify_config" ]; then
-				case "$mode" in
-				    editconfigs)
-					# Interactively edit config parameters
-					while : ; do
-						echo -n "Do you want to edit config: $arch/$config? [Y/n] "
-						read choice
-						case "$choice" in
-						y* | Y* | "" )
-							make O=`pwd`/build $conc_level $env menuconfig
-							break ;;
-						n* | N* )
-							# 'syncconfig' prevents
-							# errors for '-' options set
-							# in common config fragments
-							make O=`pwd`/build $conc_level $env syncconfig
-							break ;;
-						*)
-							echo "Entry not valid"
-						esac
-					done
-					;;
-				    *)
-					echo "* Run $mode (yes=$yes) on $arch/$config ..."
-					if [ "$yes" -eq 1 ]; then
-						yes "" | make O=`pwd`/build $conc_level $env "$mode"
-					else
-						make O=`pwd`/build $conc_level $env "$mode"
-					fi ;;
-				esac
-			fi
-			cat build/.config > $archconfdir/$config
-			[ "$modify_config" ] && cat build/.config >"$tmpdir/CONFIGS/$arch-$config"
-			if [ "$keep" = "1" ]; then
-				cat build/.config > CONFIGS/$arch-$config
-			fi
-		else
-			echo "!! Config not found $archconfdir/$config..."
-		fi
-	done
-	echo "Running splitconfig.pl for $arch"
-	echo
-	# Can we make this more robust by avoiding $tmpdir completely?
-	# This approach was used for now because I didn't want to change
-	# splitconfig.pl
-	(cd $archconfdir; $bindir/splitconfig.pl config.flavour.*; mv config.common \
-	 config.common.$arch; cp config.common.$arch $tmpdir)
-rm -f $common_conf
-# Now run splitconfig.pl on all the config.common.<arch> copied to
-# $tmpdir
-(cd $tmpdir; $bindir/splitconfig.pl *)
-	cd $confdir;
-	rm -f *-full
-	grep -v 'is UNMERGABLE' <$tmpdir/config.common >$common_conf
-	for arch in $archs; do
-		grep -v 'is UNMERGABLE' <$tmpdir/config.common.$arch \
-			>$arch/config.common.$arch
-	done
-echo ""
-echo "Running config-check for all configurations ..."
-echo ""
-for arch in $archs; do
-	archconfdir=$confdir/$arch
-	flavourconfigs=$(cd $archconfdir && ls config.flavour.*)
-	for config in $flavourconfigs; do
-		flavour="${config##*.}"
-		if [ -f $archconfdir/$config ]; then
-			fullconf="$tmpdir/CONFIGS/$arch-$config"
-			[ ! -f "$fullconf" ] && continue
-			"$bindir/../checks/config-check" "$fullconf" "$arch" "$flavour" "$confdir" "0" "$do_enforce_all" || let "fail=$fail+1"
-		fi
-	done
-if [ "$fail" != 0 ]; then
-	rc=1
-	echo ""
-	echo "*** ERROR: $fail config-check failures detected"
-	echo ""
-rm -rf build
-if [ "$warning_partial" ]; then
-	rc=1
-	echo ""
-	echo "WARNING: configuration operation applied only to a subset of architectures (skipped$warning_partial)" 1>&2
-	echo ""
-exit "${rc}"

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