Lowlatency Kernel is behind in Ubuntu Studio

Erich Eickmeyer eeickmeyer at ubuntu.com
Mon Mar 13 17:02:12 UTC 2023

Hi everyone,

I'm bringing this up as a matter of concern for the Ubuntu Studio daily 
images. I believe sometime after the release of 22.04, the lowlatency kernel 
was split from the build of the generic kernel. From what I understand it was 
to make the build process easier and shorter, but I could be misremembering. 
While that would make sense were the lowlatency kernel *not* being used on 
desktop systems by default, the reality is that it is being used as such.

My main concerns at the time was that the lowlatency kernel would not have 
testing or quality control parity with the generic kernel. I have been assured 
multiple times that the quality controls have not changed, so this is not a 
quality control concern, so please do not misunderstand my concern here.

What I'm looking at now is a situation where the daily builds of lunar for 
Ubuntu Studio are not at kernel parity with other flavors simply because it 
builds using the lowlatency kernel. For instance, I can look at any other 
flavor and see the 6.1 generic kernel whereas Ubuntu Studio is still sitting at 
5.19 lowlatency. This means my testers aren't even testing on something 
*anywhere close* to what the final kernel will be, which, albiet, is expected 
to be 6.2. However, to be unable to test in parity with the other flavors is 
highly disappointing and is a huge setback.

So, please, rather than treating the lowlatency kernel as a secondary, 
derivative kernel, I would like to kindly request that it be brought back to 
an equal kernel and built with the generic kernel since it's still being 
installed in desktop systems by default so that it can be tested on live 
images. That way, we could test it correctly and Ubuntu Studio isn't left 
behind as it is currently.

Thank you in advance,
Erich Eickmeyer
Project Leader - Ubuntu Studio
Technical Lead - Edubuntu
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