[SRU] [J/Unstable/OEM-6.1] [PATCH 0/3] Some QHD panels fail to refresh when PSR2 enabled

Stefan Bader stefan.bader at canonical.com
Fri Mar 3 10:13:30 UTC 2023

On 03.03.23 03:51, Kai-Heng Feng wrote:
> BugLink: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/2009014
> [Impact]
> Some QHD (2560x1440) panels which support PSR2 refresh the display
> abnormally. The display frequently stop responding for few seconds on
> all user interactions, ex. mouse movement, TTY and any APP GUI. There's
> no problem on the external monitor. After disabling PSR, the problem
> will be gone.
> [Fix]
> Intel release a fix to calculate the wake up line count and configure
> them into PSR2_CTL accordingly.
> [Test]
> Verified on the problematic panels to check if the display responds
> smoothly to mouse movement.
> [Where problems could occur]
> Only affects the panels on some particular panels which supports PSR2
> Jouni Högander (3):
>    drm/i915/psr: Use full update In case of area calculation fails
>    drm/i915: Ensure damage clip area is within pipe area
>    drm/i915/psr: Use calculated io and fast wake lines
>   .../drm/i915/display/intel_display_types.h    |   2 +
>   drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/intel_psr.c      | 115 ++++++++++++++----
>   2 files changed, 93 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

The cherry picks ok, the backport from subsystem tree not so much. I 
understand this is a critical problem. Do we have your "promise" to 
follow up on this once there is an official version of the change?

- Stefan

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