APPLIED[U]: [mantic:linux-meta PATCH 0/5] Fixup generic meta

Andrea Righi andrea.righi at
Thu Jun 1 13:50:08 UTC 2023

On Fri, May 26, 2023 at 12:15:09PM +0100, Dimitri John Ledkov wrote:
> All of these things are stand-alone, thus can apply them out of order,
> and skip some of them if they warrant additional discussion.
> Changes:
>   * drop long obsolete powerpc arch
>   * drop oem-20.04 transitionals, obsolete post-jammy
>   * add overdue oem-22.04 transitionals
>   * add armhf to virtual, to simplify cloud-image building
>   * add transitionasl from kvm to virtual to retire kvm kernel in
>    mantic

Applied to mantic/linux-unstable.


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