ACK: [SRU][F/J:linux-bluefield][PATCH v1 0/1] UBUNTU: SAUCE: Fix kernel crash with pka TRNG ioctl all

Cengiz Can cengiz.can at
Mon Jan 9 20:31:44 UTC 2023

On 23-01-04 10:03:05, shihyic wrote:
> From: Shih-Yi Chen <shihyic at>
> BugLink:
> SRU Justification
> [Impact]
> Bluefield encounters kernel crash/oops when HTTPS client uses OpenSSL with PKA engine during TLS handshake. The issue is with TRNG ioctl call. The kernel logs show the following errors.
> Unable to handle kernel access to user memory outside uaccess routines at virtual address 0000ffffce65d328
> [Fix]
> * Change TRNG ioctl kernel handler code to copy data from user to kernel space.
> [Test Case]
> * openssl rand -engine pka 512
> * Tested with HTTPS clients like wget, curl using pka engine for TLS handshakes.
> [Potential Regression]
> * This fix has been tested with varieties of HTTPS clients and no known regression. 

Acked-by: Cengiz Can <cengiz.can at>

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