[Unstable/Lunar][RFC][PATCH] UBUNTU: [Packaging] kernelconfig: Automatically split the annotations file

Andrea Righi andrea.righi at canonical.com
Sat Feb 4 09:48:35 UTC 2023

On Fri, Feb 03, 2023 at 11:38:59AM +0100, Juerg Haefliger wrote:
> We currently need an annotation rule for every single kernel config
> because the parser does not understand dependencies. A lot of configs are
> therefore due to other config setting or dependencies and are not directly
> controllable but they still end up in the annotations file and pollute it.
> Ideally, all configs that are set deliberately should  have a note, the
> rest are just mechanically introduced necessary options. With this patch,
> the annotations file is split up and all rules *without* notes are moved
> to a separate file 'annotations.dep'. The idea being that by looking at
> the 'main' annotations file, one can tell what this kernel's config is all
> about. This is especially helpful for derivatives that include and
> override the master annotations.
> Obviously the whole concept depends on the maintainer being diligent and
> adding notes to configs that are manually modified...
> Signed-off-by: Juerg Haefliger <juerg.haefliger at canonical.com>

So, I've played with this a little bit and I like the idea of having a
way to immediately identify the subset of configs with a note (configs
that we care about) vs configs without notes (dependencies or configs
that we don't care).

However, I don't know if introducing a new file and hard-code the name
"annotations.dep" is the ideal solution.

Also because in perspective we may have multiple annotations files
(annotations.ubuntu, annotations.cloud, annotations.systemd,
annotations.apparmor, etc.).

So, I was wondering if the annotations script could just save the
configs with a note at the end of the files after the other configs.

In this way we would still keep a single file and at the same time
maintain the separation between configs-with-note vs configs-without-note.
This change would be implemented in the annotations script itself and we
won't have to touch any other script.

What do you think?


> ---
>  debian/scripts/misc/kernelconfig | 33 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 33 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/debian/scripts/misc/kernelconfig b/debian/scripts/misc/kernelconfig
> index a3559f323b57..578972083259 100755
> --- a/debian/scripts/misc/kernelconfig
> +++ b/debian/scripts/misc/kernelconfig
> @@ -173,6 +173,39 @@ else
>  		python3 debian/scripts/misc/annotations -f "${annotations_file}" \
>  				--arch "${arch}" --flavour "${flavour}" --import "${tmp_conf_file}"
>  	done
> +
> +	if grep -q '^include "annotations.dep"' "${annotations_file}" ; then
> +		echo
> +		echo "Splitting annotations ..."
> +		echo
> +
> +		# Collect the configs with notes
> +		declare -A config_w_notes
> +		while IFS=" " read -r config rest ; do
> +			config_w_notes[${config}]=1
> +		done < <(grep '^CONFIG_.* note<' "${annotations_file}")
> +
> +		# Move all configs without notes to the dependers file
> +		true > "${annotations_file}".new
> +		while IFS= read -r line ; do
> +			outfile="${annotations_file}".new
> +			if [ "${line#CONFIG_}" != "${line}" ] ; then
> +				config=${line%% *}
> +				if [ ${config_w_notes[${config}]:-0} -eq 0 ] ; then
> +					outfile="${annotations_file}".dep
> +				fi
> +			fi
> +			echo "${line}" >> "${outfile}"
> +		done < "${annotations_file}"
> +
> +		# Squeeze multiple empty lines and remove any trailing
> +		# empty line from the annotations file
> +		cat -s "${annotations_file}".new | sed '${/^$/d}' > "${annotations_file}"
> +		rm "${annotations_file}".new
> +
> +		# Sort the dependers file
> +		sort -uo "${annotations_file}".dep "${annotations_file}".dep
> +	fi
>  fi
>  exit "${rc}"
> -- 
> 2.34.1
> -- 
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