APPLIED [L]: [PATCH 0/1][SRU][L/M/U] Fix eDP only displays 3/4 area after switching to mirror mode with external HDMI 4K monitor

Roxana Nicolescu roxana.nicolescu at
Wed Aug 2 06:52:46 UTC 2023

On 19/07/2023 15:11, Chris Chiu wrote:
> BugLink:
> [Impact]
> Panel on laptops connect to some 4K monitors via HDMI only display 3/4 area on eDP after switching to mirror mode.
> [Fix]
> Backport a fix from Intel on
> [Test]
> 1. Power on the laptop
> 2. Connect a 4K monitor (4k Benq EL2870U, 4k HP z27Kg3, 2k ASUS PA27AC) to the laptop with HDMI cable.
> 3. Switch to mirror mode from default Joint Mode
> 4. Verify there's no obvious blank space on the leftmost/rightmost side of the laptop's panel.
> [Where problems could occur]
> Only observed after connecting with some particular 4K monitors. It's a generic fix to accept arbitrary refresh rate for more advanced panels. Should be low risk to old machines.
> Ville Syrjälä (1):
>    drm/i915: Allow arbitrary refresh rates with VRR eDP panels
>   drivers/gpu/drm/i915/display/intel_panel.c | 80 ++++++++++++++++++----
>   1 file changed, 66 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

Applied to lunar:master-next. Thanks!


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